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The ReBeL

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1. Birdman Variants
2. Monarchs
3. Mist Valley
4. Fish OTK
5. Scraps

or you can choice from my sub list...
1. D.D. Deck(can include stun)
2. Gusta(because i want to be ready)
3. Any other deck type that is not out until at least may so i can get the cards cheap.(thinking of an equip deck or something)

All decks stated I have about 15-20 cards for each.
Reps to all who enter and 2 extra to the winner.
Extra must be posted(side is optional)
Decks can include Duality and Warning.
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x3 Caius
x2 Vanity's Fiend
x2 Raiza
x1 Thestalos
x1 Dark Dust Spirit
x1 LaDD
x1 Gorz
x1 Tragoedia

x3 Swap Frog
x2 Treeborn Frog
x2 Dupe Frog
x1 Ronintoadin
x2 Battle Fader
x1 Ryko
x1 Snowman Eater

x3 E-Con
x2 Soul Exchange
x2 MST
x1 Smashing Ground
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Reborn
x1 Trunade
x1 Foolish
x1 Book
x1 Pot of Avarice
x1 One for One

x1 Treacherous Trap Hole

Will post scraps later and probably gonna try mist valley.
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Birdman Varient, you say?
Monsters (20)
3 Black Salvo
2 Genex Neutron
3 Genex Ally Birdman
3 Dekoichi
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Gorz
3 Cyber Valley
2 Card Trooper
2 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Effect Veiler
1 Glow-Up Bulb

Spells (11)
2 Pot of Avarice
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Book of Moon
1 Allure of Darkness
3 Instant Fusion
2 Machine Duplication

Traps (7)
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment
3 Dimensional Prison
1 Mirror Force
1 Call of the Haunted
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I am also playing Infernity IRL now. Can't wait for Trish :D

Since you said Monarchs though, I guess I will post my other IRL.

Monsters: 26
3x Caius the Shadow Monarch
2x Mobius the Frost Monarch
2x Vanity's Fiend
1x Dark Dust Spirit
1x Light and Darkness Dragon
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

3x Swap Frog
2x Treeborn Frog
1x Ronintoadin
3x Genex Undine
2x Genex Controller
1x Fishborg Blaster

2x Battle Fader
1x Sangan
1x Effect Veiler

Spells: 13
3x Enemy Controller
2x Soul Exchange
1x One for One
1x Foolish Burial
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Giant Trunade
1x Book of Moon

Traps: 1
1x Treacherous Trap Hole

Extra Deck: 15
3x Formula Synchron
1x Armory Arm
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of the Earth
1x Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Black Rose Dragon
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Shooting Star Dragon

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[quote name='Red W Mage' timestamp='1298844378' post='5039367']
Birdman Varient, you say?
Monsters (20)
3 Black Salvo
2 Genex Neutron
3 Genex Ally Birdman
3 Dekoichi
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Gorz
3 Cyber Valley
2 Card Trooper
2 Chaos Sorcerer

Spells (12)
2 Pot of Avarice
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Allure of Darkness
3 Instant Fusion
2 Machine Duplication

Traps (8)
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
3 Dimensional Prison
1 Mirror Force
1 Call of the Haunted

Needs Extra
@ Odin you need extra.
as of now everyone is entered except Super Yugi Go.

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[quote name='Battlestorm' timestamp='1298849792' post='5039636']
Needs Extra
@ Odin you need extra.
as of now everyone is entered except Super Yugi Go.

Extra Deck is something like
2 Genex Ally Axel
1 Genex Ally Vindikite
1 Powertool Dragon
1 Life Stream Dragon
2 Black Rose Dragon
1 Rare Fish
1 Musician King
1 Kaminari Attack
1 Gungir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Locomotion R-Genex
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Trishula/Mist Wurm
1 Red Nova Dragon
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y aren't I entered f***ing b****? I poured my heart and soul into that deck. I f***ing spent weeks working on it. That was my best f***ing deck and I just GAVE it to you. For free. And this is how you repay me for my generosity? Why would you do this. You are a horribly person. I wish I could summon the egyptian god cards on you. I wish I could summon obelisk the tormentor and have him torment you. I wish I could activate super polymerization in real life and fuse jesus and ra and the devil and hitler and the strongest man in the world with god and blue eyes white dragon kuriboh and make him punch you so hard your brain falls out. Then I wish monster reborn was real so I could monster reborn you again and have him punch you again on my next battle phaser. Then I would rape your mother and eat her organs and f*** i HATE YOU so much. i dont even f***ing care anymore I QUIT this website. I am literally crying right now you f***er I'm CRYING and I'm a GROWN f***ing MAN. GOD I WANT TO DIE RIGHT NOW!!
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Bushi Monarchs.

[color="#FF8C00"]Monsters: 20[/color]
Kuraz x3
Twin-Sword Marauder x2
Rose x2
DD Warrior Lady x3
Wildheart x2
Turret x2
Bushi x3
Spell Striker

[color="#00FF00"]Spells: 11[/color]
Warrior Return x2
Book of Moon
MST x2
Solidarity x2

[color="#FF00FF"]Traps: 9[/color]
DPrison x2
Bottomless x2
Warning x2
Total: 40[/b]
Extra: 15[/color]
Colossal x3
Seven Swords
Gaia Knight x2
Wayne x2

[quote name='Super Yugi Go' timestamp='1298854636' post='5039926']
y aren't I entered f***ing b****? I poured my heart and soul into that deck. I f***ing spent weeks working on it. That was my best f***ing deck and I just GAVE it to you. For free. And this is how you repay me for my generosity? Why would you do this. You are a horribly person. I wish I could summon the egyptian god cards on you. I wish I could summon obelisk the tormentor and have him torment you. I wish I could activate super polymerization in real life and fuse jesus and ra and the devil and hitler and the strongest man in the world with god and blue eyes white dragon kuriboh and make him punch you so hard your brain falls out. Then I wish monster reborn was real so I could monster reborn you again and have him punch you again on my next battle phaser. Then I would rape your mother and eat her organs and f*** i HATE YOU so much. i dont even f***ing care anymore I QUIT this website. I am literally crying right now you f***er I'm CRYING and I'm a GROWN f***ing MAN. GOD I WANT TO DIE RIGHT NOW!!

Sigged. Don't forget to summon Junk Warrior to throw junk at him.
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[quote name='Sephiroth_The_Legend' timestamp='1298856426' post='5040034']
you know i don't think you understand what a contest is exactly

a proper content evaluates people's deck building prowess on the same deck.

if everyone builds a different deck then how would you judge which is the best deck?

some decks have bad match ups against others etc..
alright lets put it this way,
ITT: THe ReBeL has a hard time choosing what he wants to go for. we build him lists, he tries them out, and what he likes the most he goes for. So to win this one with some of the lower decks, you have to make a build that either interests him more or has some unique perk, or just something that he would like more.
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[quote name='Sephiroth_The_Legend' timestamp='1298859654' post='5040164']
more or less, what your saying, is he's clueless about how to build decks so he gets us to build them and [b]then when he
wins with them, he's probably taking the credit.....[/b]
:blink: you know, I never really thought about it that way... but I do suppose that is how most locals work.

[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1298860468' post='5040194']
I personally think giving such a broad list of decks to make makes this sort of... bad. If you stuck to 2-3 types of decks then you would get better results, because you could see different builds for the same decks and decide which is better.
Or at least make the requirement that each deck category needs 2 entries minimum...

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3 Batteryman AA
3 Batteryman Charger
3 Batteryman Industrial Strength
3 Batteryman Fuel Cell
3 Batteryman Micro Cell
2 Thunder King Rai-oh
1 Effect Veiler
1 Debris Dragon
1 Honest
1 Morphing Jar
1 Sangan
3 Short Circuit
3 Battery Charger
1 Giant Trunade
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
2 Portable Battery Pack
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Mirror Force
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
1 Trap Stun
1 Call of the Haunted
3 Chaos Sorceror
2 Caius the Shadow Monarch
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Tragoedia
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Foolish Burial
1 Burial from a Different Dimension
1 Return from the Different Dimension
2 Black Rose Dragon
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Blackwing Armed Wing
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Formula Synchron
1 Shooting Star Dragon

HINT: You can use Veiler as a Tuner.
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[quote name='Sephiroth_The_Legend' timestamp='1298861284' post='5040228']
you know, you made a thread exactly like this a couple of weeks ago.

why did you make it again?

Ninja'd and...March format starts on tuesday....after that some events must be help to actually know what the hell does go and those deck...are march format Decks...Got it...

it is not that hard to learn tbh
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