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1000th Legion Commemoration Set [30/??]


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[size="2"][center]Reps are given to actual feedback.

Pictures are mostly from deviantART. Oversized template is by Touma.

Half and half with Normal/Effect Warriors, and the Normals get bonus effects through the support, using military advantages. In the regular TCG, these would be broken as hell, but hey, this is YCM. Not overall very special, but hey, I need to do SOMETHING to show my 5-star-hood.
Cards are arranged by posting time and catagory. Tuner monsters have Normals listed before Effects. Lores aren't really nessessary.

[list][*]Earn 10 reps [3/10]
[*]Get an average of at least 8/10 with 10+ ratings [4 | 10/10]
[*]Get 10 10/10s [4/10][/list]

[b]07/02/11[/b] - Set created with 5 cards. Images are from [url=http://ertacaltinoz.deviantart.com/]ertacaltinoz[/url], [url=http://prasa.deviantart.com/]prasa[/url] and [url=http://geistig.deviantart.com/]Geistig[/url] of deviantART.
[b]08/02/11[/b] - Updated with an Effect Monster. Image is from [url=http://ertacaltinoz.deviantart.com/]ertacaltinoz[/url] of deviantART.
[b]10/02/11[/b] - Updated with a Normal Monster and a Trap. Normal Monster image from the usual guy ([url=http://ertacaltinoz.deviantart.com/]ertacaltinoz[/url]), Trap image from [url=http://sir-kdell.deviantart.com/]sir-kdell[/url].
[b]11/02/11[/b] - Sandwich. OT, updated with another Effect Monster, Tuner Monster and the first Synchro. Images from the usual. You should really check out his stuff.
[b]18/02/11[/b] - Haven't updated in a week :/ Added a Continuous Trap that I'm not sure about the OCG for. Image from Google Images. Also, all the catagories I'm going to make are layed out. Possible Accel Synchros, and extremely unlikely Exceed, but I'm staying away from Fusions and Rituals.
[b]21/02/11[/b] - Need to update more often. Added a Quickplay Spell and Equip Spell. Images from the awesome guy I normally use.
[b]04/03/11[/b] - Was banned from my laptop for a week, so I had plenty of time to make new cards. Added a Gemini Monster, 2 Normal Monsters, a Trap and a Continuous Spell. And you know what? I got carried away, so you can have an Effect Tuner Monster, a Normal Sychro Monster, 2 Effect Synchro Monsters, 2 Normal Spells and another Trap. Images all from the usual. [b]Enjoy.[/b]
[b]13/03/11[/b] - Has it only been that long? I made these last time I updated, but forgot to add. So, a Spell, a Counter Trap, a Normal Synchro and an Effect Synchro have been added. Also repaired a couple of broken links. Images from the usual.

[b]Normal Monsters[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Legion - Crusader][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN003.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Warrioress][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN007.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Fire Archer][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN016.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Necromantic Construct][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN017.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Effect Monsters[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Legion - Berserker][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN004.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Paladin][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN006.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Raider][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN009.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Gemini Monsters[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Legino - War Baron][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN015-1.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Normal Tuner Monsters[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Legion - Protector][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN002.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Effect Tuner Monsters[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Legion - Charger][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN010-1.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Mounted Knight][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN020.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Normal Synchro Monsters[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Legion - Unholy Knight][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN021.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Master Marksman][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN029.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Effect Synchro Monsters[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Legion - Heavy Elephant][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN011.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=Destroyer of the 1000th Legion][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN022-1.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Clawed Beast][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN023-1.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th Legion - Aged Sorcerer][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN030.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Normal Spell Cards[/b]
[spoiler=Rain of the Thousand Meteors][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN0024.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=Spy Bird of the Thousand][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN025.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=Ressurection of the Thousand][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN027.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Continuous Spell Cards[/b]
[spoiler=Union of the Thousand][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN0019.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Equip Spell Cards[/b]
[spoiler=1000th War Ram][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN0014-2.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Field Spell Cards[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Fortress][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN001-1.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=1000th City][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN005.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Quickplay Spell Cards[/b]
[spoiler=1000th Necromancy][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN0013.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Normal Trap Cards[/b]
[spoiler=Shield of the Glorious Thousand][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN008.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=Battle of the Thousand Commanding Legions][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN0018.png[/IMG][/spoiler][spoiler=Revenge of the Thousand][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN026.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Continuous Trap Cards[/b]
[spoiler=Charge of the Thousand][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN0012.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

[b]Counter Trap Cards[/b]
[spoiler=Thousand Blessings][IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy320/kilimow/Template%20Cards/1000th%20Legion/EN028.png[/IMG][/spoiler]

Comments, rate and love/hate are appreciated![/center][/size]
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I'm not one to individually rate cards, so i'll just comment on it as a whole and give a +rep, since you deserve it.

I'm really digging the dual options a few of your cards (Paladin, the Field Spells, etc.) give; and I like the mechanic of relying on Normal Monsters for added support that Berserker has even more. Not to mention i've always been a fan of nice flavor text, which your Vanillas supply. All in all, it's looking good so far, keep it up, mate.
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No problem, i'll definetely be keeping on eye on this set. And I feel guilty for asking, but if you could take a look at my "Spunky Soldier" thread, it'd be greatly appreciated. It's been lacking comments/reviews from decent card makers like yourself for about a week or so. :P

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These card can go well as a backbone support system to a Warrior Themed Deck. Are there any monsters that have four or less star levels in this set of yours because most of them have level 6 or higher, it'll be kinda hard to summon these guys unless you put in extra four star monsters in a 1000 Legion Deck so you can utilize as tools for tribute to summon the main players of this archetype. As for the details of the cards, the images are constant, none of them are blurry, the names of the cards are somewhat creative, but the effects are what really impressed me about this concept of this custom set. The OCG I don't really pay attention to, I myself don't have very good grammar when it comes to exemplifying effects for my cards, but the balance and the playability of this set is on the range of plausible, what I mean by that is if this set was real, I think it'll be a legit YGO set. Very nice set indeed. 10/10
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