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♫ The Fragrance of Music ♪ FINISHED


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Well I once did a contest, I forgot who hosted it (I think it was JoshIcy), but anyways it was music based (explaining the wierd title). And I liked the idea. So I decided to make my own version.


This contest is brought to you by:



The Rules

All YCM rules aply

No Dark Synchro's, Dark Tuners, fake types and written cards.

All judges are predeterment. So don't ask if you can become one.

Card edits will not improve your ratings.

DO NOT use real Life Pics.

If you have any questions ask me in this thread.



The Prizes + Fee

The entrance fee is 10 points.


The winner will get the pot + 3 Reps.


The Pot: 290 Points


The Requirements

Choose a song and make 3 cards based on the Lyrics.

You must also post a link (or a spoilered video) of the chosen Song including the Lyrics.

As soon as a song's chosen it cannot be chosen by someone else, so the 1st one who chooses it gets it.


It will be rated on originality, OCG, how it fits with the song, ballance and how it looks (img ect).



The Start/End Date

We will start asa we have 8 or more contestants.


The contest will end 3 days after the 8th contestant enters. And results will be up the day after it ends.



The Contestants

- Chillaccino Clear Mind - Masaaki Endoh (x)

- Spoon Rise Against - Hero of War (x)

- Max Darkness Hurricane - 30 Seconds to Mars (x)

- Endless Nightmares Sparks - t.A.T.u (x)

- Dingo_is_cool English Summer Rain - Placebo (x)

- Thermatic Empty Walls - Serj Tankian (x)

- Simdoggy Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day (x)

- <}Alpha Frogodile{> Holiday - Green Day




(x) Marks the card.

Italic marks the song.

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  On 1/12/2011 at 6:34 PM, Genex Firefox said:

I'm in points sent, I choose the song Blow me Away (By: breaking benjamin)


Sorry, I haven't got them yet.


  On 1/12/2011 at 6:36 PM, Chillaccino said:

BTW, I'll be using Masaaki Endoh's Clear Mind


Ok I'll add it to your name.


  On 1/12/2011 at 6:40 PM, Spoon said:

Does the song need Lyrics? Or can it be a pure instrumental as well?

Either way, you can count me in, points on the way ;)


Yes it needs lyrics, cause the cards need to be based on the lyrics.


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[spoiler=Masaaki Endoh - Clear Mind]

[spoiler=Japanese lyrics]

(oooooh x 6)


Karamitsuku jikan furikitte

genkai made buttobashite

girigiri no omoi tsunai dara iku no sa my way


Akaku tagiru jōnetsu daite

monokuro (monochrome) no keshiki o nuke tara

nonsutoppu (non stop) de ikkini oikoshite ike


Dare yori mo hayaku tadori tsuki tai

mamoru beki hito ga irukara


Crazy, Keep on Driving!! Motto hageshiku

hashire furikaeru koto nante deki nai One way Road

Keep on Burning Soul!! Atsuku moyashite

arashi no yō ni subete o ke chira se furusurottoru (full throttle) de

iku ze Clear Mind


Kodoku to fuan o hikizu ta

muryoku na hibi bu kowashite

mō dasshu (dash) de ima o tsukinukero nai techa no way


Me ni mie nai nani ka ni obie

gurippu (grip) kika nai kōnā (corner) ja

mayoi wa kinmotsu da ze kakugo kanryo


Mada dare mo mi ta koto nai ashita e

omae-tsure kaze ni naru no sa


Don't Stop, Keep on Rolling!! Motto tōku e

ki o nukeba inochi wa nai no sa buchikome Red Zone

Keep on Burning Soul!! Iki teru kagiri

hakanakute mo kagayaite i tai furusupīdo (full speed) de

iku ze Clear Mind


Crazy, Keep on Driving!! Motto hageshiku

hashire furikaeru koto nante deki nai One way Road

Don' t Stop, Keep on Rolling!! Motto tōku e

ki o nukeba inochi wa nai no sa buchikome Red Zone

Keep on Burning Soul!! Atsuku moyashite

arashi no yō ni subete o ke chirase

furusurottoru (full throttle) de furusupido (full speed) de

iku ze Clear Mind



[spoiler=English lyrics]

(hey x 2) (oh oh ooh x 6)


Once I tear myself away from the tangled web of time,

make a break to the limits,

and join together my desperate feelings, I will go my way.


With your passion boiling red,

once you pass the monochromatic scenery,

nonstop,overtake it going full speed!


I wanna reach it faster than anyone else

'Cause I have people I want to protect!!!


Crazy, keep on driving!! More intense

Drive on,you can't turn back now, it's a one way road!

Keep on, burning soul!! Make 'em burn hot,

and just like a storm, get rid of all in your way, so at full throttle...

Let's go, Clear Mind!


Shatter those days of feeling helpless

and dragging your loneliness and fears

Smash through the moment in a mad dash, and if you cry, NO WAY!


On a corner where your grip slips,

as you fear of something you can't see,

indecision is forbidden, you're ready and set!


Towards a tomorrow no one's yet to have seen,

I'll take you there and we'll be one with the winds!!!


Don't stop, keep on rolling!! Go even further on!

Ease up and it will cost your life. Punch it into the red zone

Keep on, burning soul!! So long I live,

Even if I die, I wanna shine, so at full speed...

Let's go, Clear Mind!!!




Crazy, keep on driving!! More intense

Drive on,you can't turn back now,it's a one way road

Don't stop, keep on rolling!! Go even further on

Ease up and it will cost your life. Punch it into the red zone

Keep on, burning soul!! Make 'em burn hot,

and just like a storm, get rid of all in your way, so at full throttle, at full speed...

Let's go, Clear Mind!!!






[spoiler=Card 1]

arashi no yō ni subete o ke chira se furusurottoru (full throttle) de

iku ze Clear Mind


and just like a storm, get rid of all in your way, so at full throttle...

Let's go, Clear Mind!



Remove from play, from your side of the field or your Graveyard, Synchro Material Monsters listed on a Synchro Monster which lists Synchro Monsters as its Synchro Material Monsters, and Special Summon that Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.) During this turn, that Synchro Monster cannot be destroyed by card effects.


First line reffers to extreme speed during summoning Accel Synchro monsters, and the second one obviously says that the state in first line is Clear Mind.



[spoiler=Card 2]

Kodoku to fuan o hikizu ta

muryoku na hibi bu kowashite

mō dasshu (dash) de ima o tsukinukero nai techa no way


Shatter those days of feeling helpless

and dragging your loneliness and fears

Smash through the moment in a mad dash, and if you cry, NO WAY!



Activate only when your Life Points are lower than the half of your opponent's Life Points and you control no cards. Select 1 Synchro Monster in your Extra Deck and Special Summon it. Its effect cannot be activated and it cannot declare an attack. When it is destroyed, draw 1 card.


First and second lines reffer to going out from tough situation in a Duel. Third one to givig all you've got to win.



[spoiler=Card 3]

Mada dare mo mi ta koto nai ashita e

omae-tsure kaze ni naru no sa


Towards a tomorrow no one's yet to have seen,

I'll take you there and we'll be one with the winds!!!



Select 1 Synchro Monster in your Extra Deck. Remove from play, from your Graveyard, Synchro Material Monsters listed on that Synchro Monster. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation, Special Summon the selected monster. (This Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon.) When this card is removed from the field, destroy the monster. When the monster is destroyed, destroy this card.


First line reffers to visions of future Yusei got few times. Second to Clear Mind again, as it requires you to become one with wind.


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I'll enter This is my song


[spoiler=Safura - Something Bigger] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP1xV6lDBRw

[spoiler= Lyrics] You can sit there on your own, you can walk through life alone

But there's other ways to spend your days, your days, your days

It's not the things that you don't say, it's what you keep away

Can you hear me, what I'm trying to say


What if I could give you something bigger than this?

What if I could show you something else in life?

What if I could save you in an instant? You're an angel in disguise

It's up to you to rise


What if I could set the rules for a single day?

What if I could take you to a better place?

Would you still hesitate and not make a change?

It's up to you, up to you, up to you now

What if I could be you and help you through?


Sometimes we belong to something bigger than this

What if I could show you something else in life?

What if I could save you in an instant? You're an angel in disguise

It's up to you to rise


Hey, it's up to you, tell us your story

What are you running from? Soon you will know


You will know that you belong to something bigger

You will know that there is something else in life for you

And you'll be saved in an instant


What if I could give you something bigger than this?

What if I could show you something else in life?

What if I could save you in an instant? You're an angel in disguise






My cards will be up maybe today but unlikely

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Your empty walls, your empty walls

Pretentious adventures, dismissive apprehension

Don't waste your time on coffins today

When we decline from the confines of our mind

Don't waste your time on coffins today


Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?

Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?


I want you to be left behind those empty walls

Told you to see from behind those empty walls

Those empty walls


When we decline from the confines of our mind

Don't waste your time on coffins today


Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?

Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?


I want you to be left behind those empty walls

Told you to see from behind those empty walls

Want you to be left behind those empty walls

I told you to see from behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls, the walls

From behind those empty walls


(I loved you yesterday)

From behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls, the walls

(Before you killed my family)


Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?

Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?


I want you to be left behind those empty walls

Told you to see from behind those empty walls

(Desolate and full of yearning, dying of anticipation)

(Choking from intoxication)

I want you to be left behind those empty walls

(Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

(Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?)

I told you to see from behind those empty walls


From behind those empty walls

From behind those f***ing walls

From behind those goddamn walls

Those walls, those walls





card in tomorrow when I have the time.


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  On 1/13/2011 at 12:29 AM, Simdoggy said:

does the song have to refer to yugioh.


Do Serj Tankian or 30 Seconds to Mars sound to you like bands or artists that perform for an anime about a children's card game :blink:


I could finally decide:

[spoiler=Rise Against - Hero of War]

[spoiler=Lyrics]He said, Son,

Have you seen the world?

Well, what would you say

If I said that you could?

Just carry this gun and youll even get paid.

I said, That sounds pretty good.


Black leather boots

Spit-shined so bright

They cut off my hair but it looked alright

We marched and we sang

We all became friends

As we learned how to fight


A hero of war

Yeah thats what Ill be

And when I come home

Theyll be damn proud of me

Ill carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because its the flag that I love

And the flag that I trust


I kicked in the door

I yelled my commands

The children, they cried

But I got my man

We took him away

A bag over his face

From his family and his friends


They took off his clothes

They pissed in his hands

I told them to stop

But then I joined in

We beat him with guns

And batons not just once

But again and again


A hero of war

Yeah thats what Ill be

And when I come home

Theyll be damn proud of me

Ill carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because its flag that I love

And the flag that I trust


She walked through bullets and haze

I asked her to stop

I begged her to stay

But she pressed on

So I lifted my gun

And I fired away


The shells jumped through the smoke

And into the sand

That the blood now had soaked

She collapsed with a flag in her hand

A flag white as snow


A hero of war

Is that what the see

Just medals and scars

So damn proud of me

And I brought home that flag

Now it gathers dust

But its a flag that I love

Its the only flag I trust


He said, Son, have you seen the world? Well what would you say, if I said that you could?




[spoiler=Card 1: Encouraged Soldier]234848zb.jpg

When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a Warrior-Type monster, it cannot be destroyed by battle or your opponent's card effects until the End Phase of your next turn. Each time this card battles, it gains 300 ATK at the end of Damage Step. When this card's ATK becomes 2500 or higher, return it to your Deck and Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your hand or Deck.


[spoiler=Card 2: The Battlefield]234848l.jpg

This card can only be activated by removing from play 5 Warrior-Type monsters in either player's Graveyard. All Warrior-Type monsters gain 500 ATK and their DEF becomes 0. When a Warrior-Type monster attacks and inflicts Battle Damage to the opposing player, both players discard 1 card from their hand. If the controller of the attacking monster cannot, destroy that monster.


[spoiler=Card 3: White Flag]234848i.jpg

You can only activate this card if "The Battlefield" is on the field. Monsters except Warrior-Type monsters cannot declare an attack. When a non-Warrior-Type monster is destroyed, the player who controls the card that destroyed that monster takes 1000 damage. When an "Encouraged Soldier" is returned to your Deck by it's own effect, remove this card from play. The Duel ends in a tie.


It's a short story about a young man who wants to travel the world, and in order to do so, he takes a gun, ready to die for his homeland. He learns what "war" really means, that a war cannot be won or lost, that a war means pain, to everybody, not just the soldiers. It's called "collateral damage". There are no "Heroes" in a war, just those who survive, and those who don't. Most of them don't, they die for stupid ideals or just because they happen to stand in the wrong spot at the wrong time. And when said young man came back, he was broken, killed an innocent woman and tortured innocent people. Truly a "Hero of War". So he exchanged the flag of his homeland for the White Flag, which is the only thing he got from this stupidity.

That's what the song is about, and to say the least, it's brutally honest. I don't think I can reflect such an emotional song in mere cards, but I tried to follow the story. And if you don't enjoy the cards, then just enjoy the song and think about it a little ;)

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  On 1/12/2011 at 7:15 PM, Max Darkness said:

I'm in. Points sent.


Song is: Hurricane by 30 Seconds to Mars







Great, you're added.


  On 1/12/2011 at 8:47 PM, Endless Nightmares said:

Ill join. Sent points, Song is : t.A.T.u Sparks

[spoiler= Song Link]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ruw7EHUO9EE



Added aswell.


  On 1/12/2011 at 11:56 PM, Thermatic said:




Your empty walls, your empty walls

Pretentious adventures, dismissive apprehension

Don't waste your time on coffins today

When we decline from the confines of our mind

Don't waste your time on coffins today


Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?

Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?


I want you to be left behind those empty walls

Told you to see from behind those empty walls

Those empty walls


When we decline from the confines of our mind

Don't waste your time on coffins today


Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?

Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?


I want you to be left behind those empty walls

Told you to see from behind those empty walls

Want you to be left behind those empty walls

I told you to see from behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls, the walls

From behind those empty walls


(I loved you yesterday)

From behind those empty walls

From behind those empty walls, the walls

(Before you killed my family)


Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?

Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?


I want you to be left behind those empty walls

Told you to see from behind those empty walls

(Desolate and full of yearning, dying of anticipation)

(Choking from intoxication)

I want you to be left behind those empty walls

(Don't you see their bodies burning, desolate and full of yearning

(Dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication?)

I told you to see from behind those empty walls


From behind those empty walls

From behind those f***ing walls

From behind those goddamn walls

Those walls, those walls





card in tomorrow when I have the time.


I haven't received your points yet. So not accepted yet.


  On 1/13/2011 at 12:38 PM, Spoon said:

Do Serj Tankian or 30 Seconds to Mars sound to you like bands or artists that perform for an anime about a children's card game :blink:


I could finally decide:

[spoiler=Rise Against - Hero of War]

[spoiler=Lyrics]He said, Son,

Have you seen the world?

Well, what would you say

If I said that you could?

Just carry this gun and youll even get paid.

I said, That sounds pretty good.


Black leather boots

Spit-shined so bright

They cut off my hair but it looked alright

We marched and we sang

We all became friends

As we learned how to fight


A hero of war

Yeah thats what Ill be

And when I come home

Theyll be damn proud of me

Ill carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because its the flag that I love

And the flag that I trust


I kicked in the door

I yelled my commands

The children, they cried

But I got my man

We took him away

A bag over his face

From his family and his friends


They took off his clothes

They pissed in his hands

I told them to stop

But then I joined in

We beat him with guns

And batons not just once

But again and again


A hero of war

Yeah thats what Ill be

And when I come home

Theyll be damn proud of me

Ill carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because its flag that I love

And the flag that I trust


She walked through bullets and haze

I asked her to stop

I begged her to stay

But she pressed on

So I lifted my gun

And I fired away


The shells jumped through the smoke

And into the sand

That the blood now had soaked

She collapsed with a flag in her hand

A flag white as snow


A hero of war

Is that what the see

Just medals and scars

So damn proud of me

And I brought home that flag

Now it gathers dust

But its a flag that I love

Its the only flag I trust


He said, Son, have you seen the world? Well what would you say, if I said that you could?




[spoiler=Card 1: Encouraged Soldier]234848zb.jpg

When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a Warrior-Type monster, it cannot be destroyed by battle or your opponent's card effects until the End Phase of your next turn. Each time this card battles, it gains 300 ATK at the end of Damage Step. When this card's ATK becomes 2500 or higher, return it to your Deck and Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your hand or Deck.


[spoiler=Card 2: The Battlefield]234848l.jpg

This card can only be activated by removing from play 5 Warrior-Type monsters in either player's Graveyard. All Warrior-Type monsters gain 500 ATK and their DEF becomes 0. When a Warrior-Type monster attacks and inflicts Battle Damage to the opposing player, both players discard 1 card from their hand. If the controller of the attacking monster cannot, destroy that monster.


[spoiler=Card 3: White Flag]234848i.jpg

You can only activate this card if "The Battlefield" is on the field. Monsters except Warrior-Type monsters cannot declare an attack. When a non-Warrior-Type monster is destroyed, the player who controls the card that destroyed that monster takes 1000 damage. When an "Encouraged Soldier" is returned to your Deck by it's own effect, remove this card from play. The Duel ends in a tie.


It's a short story about a young man who wants to travel the world, and in order to do so, he takes a gun, ready to die for his homeland. He learns what "war" really means, that a war cannot be won or lost, that a war means pain, to everybody, not just the soldiers. It's called "collateral damage". There are no "Heroes" in a war, just those who survive, and those who don't. Most of them don't, they die for stupid ideals or just because they happen to stand in the wrong spot at the wrong time. And when said young man came back, he was broken, killed an innocent woman and tortured innocent people. Truly a "Hero of War". So he exchanged the flag of his homeland for the White Flag, which is the only thing he got from this stupidity.

That's what the song is about, and to say the least, it's brutally honest. I don't think I can reflect such an emotional song in mere cards, but I tried to follow the story. And if you don't enjoy the cards, then just enjoy the song and think about it a little ;)


Ok added.


  On 1/13/2011 at 2:38 PM, Simdoggy said:

I am either going to do boulevard of broken dreams by greenday, knights of cydonia by muse or magic fountain by art vs science


When you do decide. Don't forget to pay the fee.

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Here are my cards :

[spoiler= Card 1]317458.jpg


Lore:Each time your Opponent activates a card effect, place 1 Infinity counter on this card. Once per turn if a card on the field would be destroyed, you can remove 1 Infinity counter from this card to select and return that card to it's respective owner's hand. Each time this effect is activated, draw 1 card. When this card is destroyed, destroy all cards on the field. This card refers to the lyric : delicate endless flow. I made my card so that it gave the field a continous feel ( bringing cards to the hand) and that if the flow is destroyed so is everything else. This is also based on The Loop, which I cannot explain at this current time.

[spoiler= Card 2]317458.jpg


Lore:Each time this card deals battle damage to your Opponent, you can reduce this monster's ATK by 300 to destroy 1 Spell/Trap card on your Opponent's side of the field. If this card is selected as an attack target, you can send 1 Thunder-Type monster from your hand to your Graveyard to end the Battle Phase and Special Summon 1 level 2 or lower Thunder-Type monster. I based this card on the chorus : Sparks are flying in my head. This was quite hard to do as it was hard to represent the mind. I eventually realised the spell/trap zone acts as the mind while the monsters are the body. This card focuses on countering both by destroying the mind, spell and trap destruction, and controlling the body, using your Opponents monsters to gain field control.

[spoiler= Card 3]317458v.jpg


Lore:Activate only when your Opponent declares an attack when both players have the same number of monsters on their respective sides of the field. Remove from play the attacking monster and 1 monster on your side of the field. Draw 1 card, if the drawn card is a Monster card, Special Summon it to your Opponent’s side of the field and deal damage to both players equal to the Special Summoned monster's ATK. This final card is based on the lyric : Fire has stopped and nobodys winnin. I made it to stop the fire ( negate an attack) and to show no ones winnin (removing of both players monsters and Life Points). Its a bit Uped but good with Necroface. This is my entry hope you enjoy :)

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Here's The Song:

[spoiler=My Song]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ME7T9OZi1kg



Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. I'm in the basement, you're in the sky, I'm in the basement baby, drop on by. I'm in the basement, you're in the sky, I'm in the basement baby, drop on by. Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. I'm in the basement, you're in the sky, I'm in the basement baby, drop on by. I'm in the basement, you're in the sky, I'm in the basement baby, drop on by. Hold your breath and count to ten, And fall apart and start again, Hold your breath and count to ten, Start again, start again... Hold your breath and count your step, And fall apart and start again, Start again... (x13) Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. Hold your breath and count to ten, And fall apart and start again, hold your breath and count to ten, Start again, start again... Hold your breath and count to ten, And fall apart and start again, Old your breath and count to ten, And start again, and start again, ( Start again... (x16) ) Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. Always stays the same nothing ever changes, Enlish summer rain seems to last for ages. Always stays the same, nothing ever chagnes, Enlish summer rain seems to last for ages. I'm in the basement your in the sky, I'm in the basement baby drop on by. ( X3 ) (And I can't sleep without your breathing. And I can't breathe each time you're leaving. And I'll pray you won't stay away. That you'll come back to me someday...)




The Cards:[spoiler=Monster #1]" I'm in the basement, Your in the sky. I'm in the basement, drop on by. "





This card is treated as a Spell Card when it is in your Graveyard. If there are 3 or more Spell Cards in your graveyard, you may special summon this card from your deck to the field, in Face-down Defense Position. Each turn, inflict damage to your opponent's lifepoints equal to the number of spell cards in your Graveyard x100. This card cannot be destroyed by battle.



[spoiler=Monster #2]" Hold your breath, Count to 10, fall apart, start again. "





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 2 WATER monsters in your Graveyard. This card cannot Attack. On the tenth Draw Phase after this card is summoned, Destroy this card. You can pay 1000 lifepoints to summon this card from your graveyard, with half it's Defence. If this card is destroyed, lose lifepoints equal to half the defence of this card.



[spoiler=Spell #1]" Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain, Seems to last for ages. "





As long as this card remains on the field, all WATER monsters on you side of the field cannot Attack. If there is a WATER monster on your side of the field, this card gains the following effect: - Each time you Draw a card, gain 600 Lifepoints.



They are Complete!

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Guest Simdoggy

Points are sent, song is Boulavard of Broken Dreams by Greenday.

[spoiler=Song and Lyrics]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWNRUVMboq4

I walk a lonely road

The only one that I have ever known

Don't know where it goes

But it's home to me and I walk alone


I walk this empty street

On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Where the city sleeps

and I'm the only one and I walk alone


I walk alone

I walk alone


I walk alone

I walk a...


My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

'Til then I walk alone


Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah


I'm walking down the line

That divides me somewhere in my mind

On the border line

Of the edge and where I walk alone


Read between the lines

What's f***ed up and everything's alright

Check my vital signs

To know I'm still alive and I walk alone


I walk alone

I walk alone


I walk alone

I walk a...


My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

'Til then I walk alone


Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah

Ah-ah, Ah-ah


I walk alone

I walk a...


I walk this empty street

On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Where the city sleeps

And I'm the only one and I walk a...


My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

'Til then I walk alone...


[spoiler=Card 1]I walk a lonely road

The only one that I have ever known

Don't know where it goes

But it's home to me and I walk alone


I walk this empty street

On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Where the city sleeps

and I'm the only one and I walk alone


Lore: When you activate this card both players tribute monsters on the field until only 1 remains on each field. While this card is on the field, both you and your opponent can only have 1 monster on your field


[spoiler=Card 2] My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

'Til then I walk alone


Lore: You can only activate this card when an opponents monster declares an attack. Select 1 monster in your graveyard and equip it to the attacked monster. That monster gains ATK and DEF equal to half the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster. If the equipped monster is destroyed, destroy the monster that monster was equipped to.


[spoiler=Card 3] I'm walking down the line

That divides me somewhere in my mind

On the border line

Of the edge and where I walk alone


Read between the lines

What's f***ed up and everything's alright

Check my vital signs

To know I'm still alive and I walk alone


Lore:This card can only be equipped to a monster while there is only one monster in the monster card zone. Increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 200 for every monster in your Graveyard and decrease the ATK of the equipped monster by 200 for every Removed From Play monster. If there are more monsters Removed From Play than there are in the Graveyard, destroy this card and the equipped monster.


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Im in, Fee paid


SONG: As by Stevie Wonder


As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving

And the rosebuds know to bloom in early may

Just as hate knows love's the cure

You can rest your mind assure

That I'll be loving you always


As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow

But in passing will grow older every day

Just as all that's born is new

You know what I say is true

That I'll be loving you always


(Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky)


(Until the ocean covers every mountain high)


(Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea)


(Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream)


Did you know that true love asks for nothing

No no her acceptance is the way we pay

Did you know that life has given love a guarantee

To last through forever and another day


Just as time knew to move on since the beginning

And the seasons know exactly when to change

Just as kindness knows no shame

Know through all your joy and pain

That I'll be loving you always


As today I know I'm living

But tomorrow could make me the past

But that I mustn't fear

For I'll know deep in my mind

The love of me I've left behind

'Cause I'll be loving you always


(Until the day is night and night becomes the day)


(Until the trees and seas just up and fly away)


(Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four)


(Until the day that is the day that are no more)

Did you know you're loved by somebody

(Until the day the earth starts turnin' right to left)


(Until the earth just for the sun denies itself)

I'll be lovin you forever

(Until dear mother nature says her work is through)


(Until the day that you are me and I am you)


(Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky

Until the ocean severs every mountain high)

Always mm mm


We all know sometimes life hates and troubles

Can make you wish you were born in another time and space

But you can bet your lifetimes that and twice it's double

That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed

So make sure when you say you're in it, but not of it

You're not helpin' to make this earth

A place sometimes called hell

Change your words into truths

And then change that truth into love

And maybe our children's grandchildren

And their great grandchildren will tell

I'll be loving you until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky



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