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Tournament of Kings (LOCK)

FTW (For The Wynn)

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Basically, this is a be all, end all contest. I will be very active for this contest, because this is high stakes. I will not announce the ideas behind this yet, but this contest will not only be based off of something well known. I will announce all the details when there are enough contestants. I am aiming for 24 contestants. Yeah, that's right, I want a huge number of contestants. If you think you have what it takes, come on in. However, let me warn you now, this won't be for the faint of heart. If you want bragging rights, just stop in. Also, you must be active here. I will give daily reminders.



This contest is based off of the game show Jeopardy. There are 6 categories to choose from. First come, first serve. Only 4 people to a category.

[spoiler=Read This!]

Rules: All YCM rules apply, no spamming, no flaming, no trolling, no joke cards, etc.


Requirements to join: Read and donate 25 points


Prizes: I decided to name the prizes as they stand right now. This will only go up.

1st place- 75% of the pot and 5 Reps

2nd place- 25% of the pot and 3 Reps

3rd place- 50 points and 2 Reps

4th place- 1 Rep

Everyone else- My admiration and gratitude


Time Limit: None


Pot: 4000 points


To prove that you read this, look for the hyperlink and tell me in a Spoiler what you read.


[spoiler=Judge App]If you want to be a judge: Make a card that supports an underrated archetype (ex. Kuribohs, Mokey Mokey, etc) and send it to me via PM. I will decide there. Must be 4+ Star member to apply. Judges will be repped for their service.



1. FTW

2. shelds9

3. ~{Rochster}~



1. ninjarainbowcloud6!

2. Spoon

3. Matt Bahamut

4. Lexadin

5. Skizo/.:Snowy:.

6. Naturia Melon

7. Hila Equitatus Inflectus

8. serenity

9. ~Shadow of Alpha~

10. HadesRuler

11. TheComposer

12. Coyote Starrk

13. Thermatic

14. Basara

15. Shinato Demise of Oblivion

16. War Chess

17. Sondance

18. Booger

19. Dark Glass


I don't plan to cancel this contest, but in the event that I do, I will refund all contestants that have not been eliminated at that time.


I'm glad to see this is active.


[spoiler=Round 1]

1. Manga



-Coyote Starrk

2. Anime


-Dark Glass

-Hila Equitatus Inflectus

3. 1 Turn



-War Chess

4. Defense


-Shinato Demise of Oblivion


5. Archetype


-~Shadow of Alpha~


6. Vanilla



-Bahamut ZERO

-Naturia Melon

*note: Names in Red are people who have turned their card in.



-Manga: Don't mistake this to be an easy requirement. Remake a Manga-only card to be playable in the meta. (i.e. Masked Hero Daian)

-Anime: Try to be somewhat original here. Make a card based off of a non-Protagonist character in the anime (i.e. Sartorius)

-cannot be: Yugi, Yami, Joey, Kaiba, Jaden, Alexis, Syrus, Chazz, Hassleberry, Yusei, Jack, Akiza, Leo, Luna or Bruno.

-1 Turn: This is a tough one, but it will be awesome to see. Make an Equip Spell (or Trap, but no Equip Symbol) that is only useful for 1 turn. It must be fairly playable. (i.e. Synchro Striker Unit...it's close enough)

-Defense: They say that the best defense is a good offense. Show that to me in card form without swapping the stats of the card. No Shield & Sword effect.

-Archetype: Don't assume that this is easier. Make a card for an old underrated Archetype (i.e. Kuriboh) that supports its -Archetype and makes it nearly meta worthy.

-Vanilla: This is a test of your ingenuity. Make a card that gives good support to Vanillas. (i.e. Sleeping Giant Thud...it isn't good support, but it at least gives you an idea).


Cards are due by Jan 7 by noon EST. If you need the world clock to aid you in time, my time is the same as New York City time. There will be no exceptions to this and I do not plan to move this.


[spoiler=Round 2]

This round is all about Mythology.


Group 1: Make a card based off of Roman Mythology (i.e. Pluto)

-Bahamut ZERO




Group 2: Make a card based off of Japanese Mythology (i.e. Tsukuyomi)

-Hila Equitatus Inflectus


-Shinato Demise of Oblivion


Group 3: Make a card based off of Norse Mythology (i.e. Odin)


-Naturia Melon



Group 4: Make a card based off of Greek Mythology (i.e. Hercules)



-~Shadow of Alpha~


Due: 1/29/11 @ 7pm EST


[spoiler=Final Round]For Snowy, Hila, Lexadin and Spoon, your task is to make 2 support cards for your already made Mythology card. That can be anything, but 1 of those cards must be a Spell/Trap.


You have 4 days. They will be due at 5pm EST on the 9th. See you then.


For everyone, thank you for participating through thick and thicker.


1. .:Snowy:.

2. Lexadin

3. Spoon

4. Hila


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I'll join


[spoiler=Read This!]

you know, getting all 80 Djinn just to get that last summon was a piece of cake....and if Alex is the 'Villian' of Dark Dawn....I'm going to have a word with Nintendo...


And yes, Felix is better than Issac

Good ^^

[spoiler=Response]Agreed on all that, although I liked them equally.


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