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Sgods [ooc]


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Welcome to the planet Verithim. This is a pretty normal planet, but still cooler than your earth.

TBH, your Earth is kinda lame.

You are allowed a one hour pity break while you cry to sleep for being so lame.

Okay nevermind, your already boring the stuffing out of me. Break over.

This planet is rich in magic, it's rich in magic like your obese body is rich in calories.

Magic runs everything but it's pretty similar to Earth in the other aspects, same lame romances, same lame parents, blah blah. It's kinda hilarious how lazy this planet is.

But it's your planet, so deal with it.

You and 5 of your galpals/joy boys are starting up some rad new game that was sent to all of you in some rad vision involving some dorky cartoonish squid.

It's called Sgods and it's a pretty dumb name, if it was made by a legitimate gamechurch and not by a cartoon squid god thing it would probably have a less crappy name.

But hell your bored and what's the worse that could happen? [/spoiler]

This is a homestuck rp, if you don't know what homestuck is, this rp is so not for you it is not even funny.

This rp will have at most 6 players, however multiple characters can be made for one person if someone is in the mood.

Please no asspulls, run most things with me first. However you can probbaly get away with allot of things if you tell me ahead of time.


This does not mean however that similar characters may not be introduced later. Anything goes really.

You don't start in the medium because allot of things happen between each entry into a medium.

Grist system still exists, if you are going to alchimize you tell me and I tell you the result and cost, you then get to choose whether to do it or not, after that is all done you post it. You can only choose no when you get the holopad though. But don't worry, grist is cheap.


First you have to pm this to us. We shall share your information as we see necessary.
After accepted, post your intro post here in the traditional homestuck manner.

Name: (First and last name)
Chumhandle: (Goes with writing quirk and color)
Sylladeck: (Repeat decks like Stack are frowned but accepted)
Strife Specibus: (You get one and no more unless we think your reason is good, choose carefully)
Guardian: (include his name, his weird obsession, and what he looks like)

I choose your title, land and such. [/spoiler]
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