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Blood Moon: Paths to Destiny. [Not started / Accepting.]

Aqua Girl

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IC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/225785-blood-moon-path-to-destiny/page__p__4714460#entry4714460

[spoiler= Plot]In the beginning there was nothing, leaving nothing to be desired until cosmic energy exploded across the black void of space to create the vast galaxies of the universe. Though, only one galaxy concerns our story. One galaxy, one system, one planet...Earth. On this beautiful blue ball, we'll center our focus on a large continent named Ovoria .A largely forested area, Ovoria's people are human...yet rather peculiar events were surfacing with no action done to solve them due to poor amounts of inconsistent information. Reports of night attackers that look of wolves, yet they stand on only two legs. Also the human's morning walks have discovered multiple dead bodies of the night watches, which would normally be blamed on the other tribes if it were not for the fact that there was no blood inside the bodies, or around the area in which they died....save for the dried blood caked onto the bodies necks around two small puncture holes. Wild rumors were spread about blood cults around the continent griping the human tribes in a state of perpetual fear....that is until a small clan emerged from the shadows and made their existence known. That clan's name....was Morvant.

They called their species "vampires" and explained the connection between the bloodless bodies and their existence. Though upon asking by the humans if they had any thing to do with the two legged wolves, Morvant merely replied that the creatures called themselves Lycanthropes...or Lycan for short. The humans, of course, were against making relations with the Morvant because of the fact that so many had died because of them and fought the Morvant clan back into hiding. Now armed with the knowledge of what they were being killed by, the humans fell into a period of genocide against the vampires and the Lycans for causing such grief against the humans and their villages. However with the changing of the generations, humans came to eventually accept the vampires and Lycans under alliances to keep the others in check and at peace. Morvant came up under much stronger alliances than the others...being that they were the first to introduce themselves to the humans, and with their backing rose above all others. The mindset that came with this spike in power caused the Morvant to gain a sense of nobility. Which ultimately initiated the greatest project the Morvant could ever hope for.....the construction of Morvant Castle.

A millennium and a half later......

Morvant still stands strong and it's influence is immeasurable.
The farming crops are vast and plentiful.
The government stands firm and just, as all monarchies should.
The kingdom covers almost all of Southern Ovoria and life they know it couldn't get any better.

However, debates start when rumors speculate that the king and queen adopted a human child now named Kaleo and 15 in age and put him in line for the throne after their first son, Amzesh. The nobility has made no comment to whether or not these rumors can be confirmed or denied, and they have no intention of doing either. Some say adopting the human prince, was a way of showing the humans how far Morvant has come in the fact that they truly want peace and harmony between all the races. Some see it as an ill omen for future events that will ruin Morvant and plunge the continent into another blood bath. Either way, times are changing and the events of the next few months will most likely shake the Morvant Clan to its very core; but like all of Fate's mysteries....all it takes....is time.

Time, however has not shown favor to the Morvant alone. Other clans of vampires used the time to break from those old clans that crumbled from the genocides, and stayed in hiding to plant the seeds of growth so that they might rise anew.

And what of the Lycan? The genocides had eliminated many of the clanlines, and forced a large majority into the frozen reaches of the north past the dangers of the northern mountain line. However some adventures, simple travelers and traveling merchants, speak rumors of having seen large cats that walk as humans.

Morvant has many allies, but it has very strong enemies, as Morvant is the only Vampire clan to function with a Royal family and to choose its leaders through bloodline, whereas the older fashioned vampire clans who work off of choosing their leaders by proving who is the strongest. They see the Morvant as the soft spot on the garrison that are the vampires and seek to shake the Morvant clan to its knees and to make its power their own. Some human towns and cities farther out still harbor hatred for the vampire race and seek to destroy the clan and remove Kaleo from the clan, then take him back to their city to his own kind, or maybe those who seem to be his own kind.

With so many people questioning the King's authority and judgment, will Morvant stand strong during it's first true crucible? Or will it crack from the pressure of those who wish harm upon it and crumble into the pages of history?[/spoiler]

[Spoiler= Races]

The ever so populous race on the continent. They have towns, cities, and villages all over Ovoria. The similarity between all of the settlements is that they all have some form of defense against vampire and lycan attacks. Since humans have been here so long, they have developed a way to defend themselves, though they may still be overwhelmed, but they will not be wiped out without a fight. The settlement set ups are as follows, Farming villages are concentrated mainly to the south for the longer growing season. Major cities are more concentrated to the central area of Ovoria due to the favorable climate, nomadic tribes also wander here quite often. The north, the frozen lands, are where the more "barbaric" tribes of humans live, there are human cities but not many due to the Lycan species that lives in the north.

These can quite vary. They can be ruthless killing machines that desire nothing more than to feast on humans and to level cities, or they can be more "evolved" to show moderation in their attacks or feeding more sophisticated if you please. The mentally "evolved" vampires tend to be the leaders of attacks, though the "brutish" vampires tend to be Alphas of the clan. Vampire clans base their leadership on the most powerful rules, often leading to other vampires challenging the current Alpha to a duel to earn their place as the new leader. There however is one exception to the rule, Clan Morvant.
These creatures are not vampires straight out of the movies, and no they are not Twilight Vampires...f*** sparkles. They do not burst into flames in sunlight, rather their pale skin has the reaction like an Albino, they begin to burn, blister, and their skin cracks severly. Their sensitive eyes cannot be exposed to sunlight for more than a few seconds because the contact causes them to go into an epileptic shock. Both events occuring simultaneously is an extremely traumatic experience and if a Vampire is removed from sunlight in the middle of this reaction it is an event that scars them for the rest of their unnatural life.
Their power is completely lunar based. They are exceedingly strong and exceedingly fast, though their strength cannot hold a candle to a Northern Lycans strength, and their speed cannot hold light to a Southern Lycans speed. The fuller the moon, the stronger and faster they become, a full moon they are at their peak. However, on a new moon they are most vulnerable, they are no stronger and no faster than a human.

Northern Lycan
These reside on the northern ends of the Continent of Ovoria, in the snowy and mountainous regions of northern Ovoria. These are your Canine lycan. They are excruciatingly territorial. If anything or anyone outside of their race or pack wanders into their territory they will attack it. Their power and specialty reside mainly in their significant physical strength. They do have speed but they are not nearly as fast as vampires and Southern Lycan. If you don't want your head caved in with a single blow, avoid them at all costs during the full moon (If you're a human). Like southern Lycan, a northern Lycans form is based off its clan and the region it dwells in. Though canine lycan are NOT completely restricted to the north, there are a few who live in the central and southern areas, though those clans are far and few between.

Southern Lycan

These reside anywhere on the southern end of Ovoria. They are your feline lycan. They are not quite as territorial, they allow outside races or outside lycan passage through their territory so long as the person(s) do not hunt on their grounds nor come with hostile intentions towards them. They are extremely fast, faster than vampires, but their physical strength cannot compare to a vampires or Northern Lycan's.
The kind of feline a Southern Lycan turns into is dependant completely on the clan and the region in which they are settled. A mountainous clan would be either Mountain Lions, Cougars, or Bobcats. However a clan is made up of only one form of feline species, the transformants do not mingle amongst one another in a clan. A clan would be either all Mountain Lions or all Bobcats.
Forest based Southern Lycan would be along the lines of a panther or a jaguar.
Plain based Southern Lycan would be like you savanah felines like Lions/Lioness, and other Plain/flat land felines.

Nephilim born of human mothers
(only one of these)

Entities who have been around ever since the days that both humans and Angels existed at the same time. These are half angels and half human beings. They, like humans, have potential to excel in what they do.
Nephilim have existed amongst the races, especially humans, since fallen angels began to mingle amongst the humans. Their mothers die in child birth, always, their mother's human frame cannot handle the stress of going through child birth with a half angel child. The angelic fathers never take care of the child, so the child is often left to the mother's family or orphaned.
Their open existence can only be found in books that tell about them, and how to tell if one is indeed a nephilim through certain traits. Since when a Nephilim does not have its wings out or is not practicing its powers, it looks just like a human.
Nephilim are believed to be human since birth since they have no powers and their angelic blood does not come out at all at birth. Around the pubescent years their body goes through minor changes *eye color, pupil design, hair color*. Between the ages of 17 and 25 is when a Nephilims powers come out fully and they gain their wings. They have an extended life span and their aging process slows down at mid 20s. Some Nephilim never gain their wings or powers, though they do maintain the extended life span.

Nephilim are actually a lost race. The knowledge of their kind has been lost over the generations and any books with information on them are often rare and are in private noble or royal libraries. Any person that is a nephilim, upon gaining their powers, are often startled upon the changes brought upon them in their early adult years.
Because of their appearances with their wings, they are often mistaken for demons or demon possessed humans, and often killed. Any that to not know of what they are, often try to make sure they hide it in fear of being killed for being a demon or associated with demons.

Nephilim born of Angelic Mothers
(I'll only be accepting one of these)

These Nephilim are very similar to their human born brethren. The main difference is that they are born of an Angelic mother and a human father. The Angelic mothers are capable of living through the child birth since they can easily handle the strain of birthing a half angel child. This is where the problem ensues.
Nephilim born of a human mother have a life sacrificed to bring them into this world, almost as if the sacrifice ensures their sanity.
Nephilim born of an angelic mother, do not have that sacrifice. For the first two decades of their lives, they grow fairly normal and just like their brethren, however as they grow older and their powers closer to blooming, they slowly begin to slip into insanity.
This is the drawback of being born of an angelic mother, by the time the child's powers bloom, they will have lost their minds, becoming bloodthirsty and homicidal. They will throw themselves into harms way and any sign of danger that may have a high chance of them dying. They are suicidal to the point they will not harm themselves but will but them in a situation with a high risk of death by another. They often wander as bandits, mercenaries, or just wandering killers that ambush anyone who wanders to close to where ever they are at. They are dangerous and their powers evolve quickly due to the situation of their birth.

[Spoiler= Character Classes]

Important to Mage Classes
Just a standard to say here. All Magicians are "Glass Cannons" they can deal quite the blow but they cannot take a hit very well. Not only that but mages do not use swords or large weapons, with the exception of a battle mage that uses short swords. They may use bows, though it will be something very rare to find. It is more common to find a mage using a pole arm or a staff.

You cant chose this I'll choose who will level up to this character.

A sage is a rather universal term for any person with magical ability that has far exceeded the normal potential, and taken their magical power level to such extremes that the power literally extends their life by at least a millenia. These are the people who write magic books and create new spells for Magic or Alchemical masters to learn so they may hand the knowledge down to their pupils. Sages are a rare group though, and most live in solitude, a traveling sage is far harder to find than a normal Sage.
Sages are someone you do not want to fight with, no matter what your level or your race, you will lose.


Squires are the basic warriors of Ovoria. They are taught how all weapons work From unarmed to ranged to close quarters. Near the end of a squire hood however, they've always found a weapon they like the best and specialize in it. Squires usually are knight's errand boys, task runners and their armorers, and in return the knights train them. When and only when the knight feels that the squire is ready for the world the Squire is knighted and sent out into the world in the hopes that the newly appointed knight may take a squire and repeat the cycle.


After being accepted as such, Knights are mostly used in the Morvant kingdom as a local law enforcement when the local militia or civilians can't solve their own problems. They are also used as escorts for allied tribesmen and women back to their homelands. They also serve as security for supply transports between tribes. Overall, knights are the basic security force for the Morvant Kingdom. Knight usually are content with being a knight....but whether it be a greater desire for power, or just wanting something more out of feeling more accomplished. the practice of magic is available for those who wish to take that path. Although Knights can just further their weapon training.....but we'll get into that later.

These are fundamentally anyone who began to have training with bladed weapons, especially a Squire and Knight, who abandoned their armor for lighter and more movement free clothing. These are the fundamental opposite of a Knight. A Knight relies on raw power and devastating blows to cripple their opponent. Where as a Swordsman relies on speed and precision to riddle their opponents body with cuts and gashes leaving very likely lethal gashes, and precision to cut into muscles and tendons to cripple their opponent. Unlike the swordsman the Knight relies on raw power and other various weapons other than swords to bash and smash their opponents limbs, shattering bones to cripple.


Rogues are identified as thieves, burglars, and bandits. Their skills can range from the quick footed and agile bandits of the roadways, stealing and plundering bypassing caravans. Bandits often roam in groups, splitting their plunder among one another and having a camp not too far from their traps and roadblocks. Bandits often have some of the other various skills of their rogue cousins, the Thieves.
Your thieves are your agile, light footed, and stealthy rogues. They can lock pick, set small traps within locks, handle mild poisons, set complicated traps to cover their tracks or slow down anyone tracking them, pickpocket, and disguising themselves. More experienced and intelligent thieves are capable of putting a disguise together while on the run if need be, by taking various things from anyone they pass by and put those various components together to make a very convincing disguise (Think along the lines of Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes.)


Assassins commonly belong to assassin guilds, though there are some that work by themselves and are contacted by people who wish to hire them through people the assassin knows. Assassins belonging to the guild however gain hits and jobs through the guild itself. The guilds gain "jobs" through their various carriers they have spread throughout all of Ovoria. There are 3 big name assassin guilds, The Red Rivers, The Silver Hawks, and The Silent Sting. The whole number of every assassin guild in Ovoria is unable to be measured, the logos of the three main guild however are the most common to find to those who know what to look for.
Assassins are highly skilled in silent step, trap setting and trap disguising, and are well versed in the knowledge of toxins, poisons, and natural venoms. Before being allowed to become a full assassin, a trainee is put through a course where they must avoid any other assassins dressed as guards, land killing blows on posted fake bodies without ringing a single bell tied to it, and must recite every single fatal area that if struck will result in a death and how quick the death will be.

Barbarians are generally male, if coming from the north, though there are the occasional female barbarians from the northern regions of the continent. They often wear leathers, skins, or in some cases chainmail, though some have other armors. They prefer larger weapons, large axes, hammers, claymores. However these weapons aren’t all they may use, it’s just a matter of what they find off of dead bodies or kills. Northern barbarians right of passage involve going out and hunting a non-docile creature(s) and bringing back the head, body, or pelt of the creature as proof of their kill. If you wish to challenge the current leader of the Barbarian clan to become the new leader, one must first go out and battle with a lycan, kill it, and bring back any part of its body, then upon providing proof of your kill, if the current leader then does not stand down, you must then duel the current leader, and this fight is often to the death as it is with fighting the lycan.

Amazons, are women, women, women, no men. They are essentially barbarians, though Amazons are mostly to the southern end of continent, in forest areas, high grassy areas, or riversides. They specialize in mostly Bows and Arrows, Pole weapons, and some swords though sword trained Amazons are an uncommon sight. The Amazons right of passage is rather simple though physically painful, they must remove their left breast in a sacrifice to the Amazon clan’s Goddess. The sacrifice is also to make the use of their bows and arrows easier, as the breast gets in the way.
Amazons for keeping the female purity of their clans, they go out and find a man on the outside and literally rape and kill him in attempt to get pregnant with a female for the clan. If they give birth to a male, they will either kill it, or give it to an outlaying village.

Their builds can vary, they have no real cultural setting. They are strictly fist fighters. They use their bodies and their environment to its fullest capabilities. They are not proficient with weapons, with the exception of gauntlets, since you know it goes on their hands. They wear either thicker leathers, or light armor.

However, there are two kinds of brawlers.

You have your typical brawler, who in build and sometimes appearance (other than the clothes, though they are similar in they often wear leather, but the make and style is usually different) can be mistaken for a barbarian. However unlike barbarians, they do not carry weaponry on them. These brawlers are very much dependent on raw strength and the “I’m going to beat you into a squishy red paste on the wall, floor, and ceiling” line of thought.

The second kind is often the robe wearing monks. Depending on the religion and practice they can be decorated with sashes, different color robes, markings or certain jewelry (nothing outstanding that would bulk them down or draw attention). Different robes, sashes, markings, or jewelry signifies level of enlightenment. These brawlers fight with their hands for the sake of reaching a higher state of enlightenment. Whether it be furthering their training or using their fighting to keep to the laws and codes of their belief. They are less on the "beat the crap out of you" method, and more reliant on the finesse of fighting. They hit specific area's and try to immobilize you. In other words pressure points are often studied.

Shaman (mainly for tribes outside the Morvant Kingdom; though some can exist within Morvant as well)

Shamans rely fully on the power of nature to heal and protect themselves and others as well as hex and attack those who wish harm against him/her. Ovorian Shamans have an intimate knowledge of the herbs on the continent, making them very valuable in the field and even more so in daily rituals to keep the shamans tribe safe from bad spirits. Shamans are very influential in their own tribes second only to the actual Chieftain of the tribe.

White Mages.
These are your holy mages, clerics,and exorcists. They like the Templar and some of Paladins, work for the churches, though they are not restricted to just one church. A white mage can be under any religion, preforming acts of kindness or help in the name of their deity. However White Mages come in different varieties. Some are strictly healers, devoting their entire life to learning the arts of healing magics. Others are Exorcists, devoting their life to the art of holy magics and magics involving demonic banishing. The rest perform the same acts as a Paladin, except the White mages magics are more powerful in their magics, but their fighting experience and physical endurance are much lower. All White mages are capable of summoning an angel to their aid, so long as the situation fits the Angels purpose. Angels can refuse the summoning if they themselves find the reason to be too trivial.

Black Mages.
These Mages are as their name suggests. They follow the corrupted mind set of the Gray Mages after being absolutely corrupted by the power of the elements. Their Magics focus on anything and everything that falls on the corrupt side of magic. They are commonly known for the practice of demonology, and usually need buckets worth of blood in order to complete some of their more severe rituals. Being that blood is the most concrete form of bonding to the spell, it can severely increase its power. Though if it back fires, sever repercussions will be applied to your body, mind, and soul. Black mages can summon lesser demons. Demons can be summoned at any time for any situation and must do as their summoner commands. Lesser Demons cannot refuse the summoning unless the summoning Back fires.

Gray Mages
Gray Mages are the first step towards understanding elemental magic. A thurge is tested for mage potential by first making them learn the basic of the four elements, and then tested on a larger scale by making the thurge learn and apply advanced elemental magic opposite to their primary element, which is usually determined by the thurge's ability on how fast they pick up the elements. After learning said elemental spell, Gray Mages are free to learn the other elements in whatever order they please.

Battle Mages
Knights who wish to learn magic or Gray mages wishing to having the ability to fall back on iron in case their magic fails them can aspire to become Battle Mages. They know the basics and the more neutral spells. They have fighting knowledge from their Squire training, and have delved into magic as well. Since Battle Mages have not really completed their training to become a Knight they still have a lack of fighting experience, though their magical knowledge helps to compensate slightly.This is often where all Dark Knights and Paladins start off. They are Battle Mages to start and eventually make their choice on which side of the magical spectrum to dedicate themselves to. Some move towards the enlightened aspect of life and become Paladin. Some hunger for a life with more power and become Dark Knights. Some even stay completely neutral and continue their training in the standard spells and remain a Battle Mage.

Paladins are champions of the people, and their God. Becoming a paladin means moving from the "gray area" of magic and follows the life of light, losing all elemental magic in order to learn basic light magic so that they can use quick field healing magic which is useful in battle. Paladins can also shoot up their pain tolerance, so that they can fight longer, but Paladin's need be wary of such an ability, for if you receive a fatal wound, you may not notice it until it is too late.

Dark Knights
Dark Knights are Knights who have fallen to the path of Darkness using Black magic in coordination with their weaponry. Most of the Dark Knight's fighting is fluid but erratic at the same time, yet the addition of magic into their arsenal turns them into something you wouldn't want to face in a duel or in the field of battle. They make use of basic magic, and also magic on the darker realms, illusions, torture style spells, anything to slow or cripple their enemy. Some of the spells they use, being of dark origins, take a toll on the Knight himself, after all when dealing with something dark like this there is always an exchange to be made, to use a spell beyond their capability could very well result in a rebound that would surely be followed by a very slow and painful death. Now to be a Dark Knight means you are mostly neutral to any one's situation yet if someone asked for your help a small twinge of evil would spark. So regardless of whether you agree or not, you always seem to find someway to bring that favor back on them to where they run into more severe trouble than when they began, thus giving the Dark Knights a nasty reputation for giving people more trouble than the Dark knights are worth.

A Paladin that fully embraces the light of God will ascend to the Rank of Templar, A Templar is a Hell Knights polar opposite. Their powers focus mainly on the light side and the more pure magics. They are considered emissaries of God, and as such are linked in some way to the Church. These people must start out as good, for a wicked person cannot become a Templar. However, a good person who achieves the Templar rank can, as time passes, see the wickedness in the world from their teachings and decide to take the "cleansing" into their own hands and try to rid the world of wickedness, according to what their definition of wickedness is, to the point that the other Templar and citizens view them as a Rouge Templar. In becoming Rogue, it becomes more difficult for them to focus and cast Holy magics. They are capable of doing it, but because God sees them as Rogue, he can very well make their spells have a nasty rebound. A Templar is viewed as an emissary and a weapon of God. Any who speak out against God or the Church, is often silenced by a Templar.

Hell Knights
Hell Knights have fully submerged themselves in darkness, serving only people who want others dead.The mental state of a Hell Knight leaves a lot to be desired from the periodic rages and unprovoked killing sprees, to the demonic worship, to the bribery, murder, and adultery. Dark knights only care for the rich so that he can still make his money. Though God forbid you piss off a Hell knight not even an army of knights can hold him/her back. The only thing to counter a Dark Knight is a Templar....and even that is sometimes questionable.

[Spoiler= Profile Skeletons]

Finished profiles are to be sent to Mosaic AND myself for approval

Character Name:

Character Race:

Clan name: (If Lycan or Vampire)

Character Age:

Character Class:

Appearance: {Picture and a 1 paragraph (4 full sentences) describing changes (if any) to said picture. Or no picture and 2 paragraphs . }


Clan history and details: (Again if Lycan or Vampire, and only if you make your own clan.)[/spoiler]
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Character Name: Grar Helles

Character Race: Northern Lycan

Clan name: The White Suns

Character Age: 25

Character Class: Sword Master

Appearance: [spoiler='Picture'][IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/29c5r2f.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler] Imagine him with pupils. His iris is blood red. He carries a short axe on his hip and a longsword on his back. The long sword is in a blood red sheath.

History: From the day he was born, Grar was intent on avenging his long fallen ancestors, and not only against vampires. He actually isn't against the Morvant Kingdom but he does envy their power. Before he learned how to walk he learned how to swing a weapon. As a cub, Grar went around killing humans wandering in Northern Ovoria to train himself in stealth and speed, being the two weaknesses of Northern Lycans. Growing up, he trained with the best of his clan and slowly rose to higher and higher ranks until he eventually was strong enough to defeat all of his clans finest warriors. His speed, although it didn't match that of the Southern Lycans or Vampires, was probably the greatest of all his clan. He destroyed the general of the Alpha Army of The White Suns, his father, and took his position. When Grar was 21, he lead his armies into battle with rival clan, The Blood Suns. After winning, Grar was known by all members of his clan and more, as neighboring clans soon heard and feared of his power.

Clan details: The White Suns have been around since Lycans were first seen in Ovoria. They are massive compared to other Lycan clans, thus they have established themselves as a sort of monarchy to keep order. The title of king has always been given not to the strongest of all White Suns, but to the wisest, most intelligent, and most influential (Of course, they had to be a top ranked Lycan too). The White Sun military consists of three great armies: The Alpha Army, the Savage Army, and the Shield Army. The Savage Army is the most massive of all the armies, and it is always the one sent into war. The Savage Army consists of powerful Lycans who rely on their strength and natural weapons to defeat enemies. If an enemy is strong enough, then the king sends in the Alpha Army. The Alpha Army consist of the finest warriors of The White Suns. All the warriors of The White Suns use weapons to defeat their enemies. In the clans history, the Alpha Army was only used twice. The Shield Army is a defense only army stationed around the borders of their territory. Warriors of the Shield Army are as powerful than that of the Alpha Army and use blades as well. Weaker warriors of the Shield Army are used as law enforcers. Rival clans of The White Suns include The Blood Suns and The Dark Suns.

Clan History: For the first hundred-thousands of years, they were just The Suns. But after an event, called the Sun Schism, divided them, they became three different clans. They became The White, Blood, and Dark Suns. Since the Sun Schism, these three clans have been at war. The War of the Suns continues till present day. In the beginning, The Blood Suns dominated both clans. At the Battle of Chaos Fields, The Blood Suns took over half of the Dark Suns territory. This resulted in a temporary alliance between The Dark Suns and The White Suns. The White Suns took advantage of constant battles between The Dark and Blood Suns to take over Blood territory. The Darks then cancelled their alliance with the Whites when they lead a surprise attack on the Whites taking the territory they just gained. After that, there was a long period of non-violence. Eventually, The Darks renewed the war when they attacked The Bloods at the Battle of Crimson Village (Blood Capital), where they failed to defeat The Blood main forces. In retaliation The Bloods raided Dark territory and almost completely annihilated The Dark Suns. The White Suns meanwhile were gaining power and soon launched their own attack on The Bloods with the Savage Army. Their attack failed and they were attacked by the Bloods. The Shield Army successfully defended Lythor (White Capital) from the Blood Invasion. The Whites then unleashed their secret weapon, their Alpha Army, which defeated the Blood Army at the Battle of Fort Mars. They didn't use their Alpha Army for another thousand years later though. Following the Battle of Fort Mars, The Whites and Bloods would put their armies head to head for the next hundreds of years to come while the Darks took over neighboring clans to reestablish power and gain some territory. After a long period of war, the highly respected general of the Alpha Army (Grar's father, Zgog) asked the White Sun king to ask for peace, to which the king angrily declined. He then set up Zgog's son, Grar, to battle Zgog for his position as general for wanting peace. Grar defeated Zgog, and then went on to lead the Alpha Army to the most powerful and important Blood city (besides Crimson Village), Bone Village. Grar led his army to victory in the Battle on Bone Village. This was a crucial battle because it was a turning point in the war. Power finally shifted from the Bloods to the Whites. Meanwhile the Darks have assembled their own Alpha Army in Yami (Dark Capital).
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You can have more than one character Only if you can handle it... I am accepting only one of each half blood angel.

Just upt your apps here It was a mistake on my part about Mosaic I was thinking of another RP I was making but decided to drop it since I can barely hold this one since I'm busy with life.

I personaly dont want the monarchy thing for the werewolves , but if you can make them seem a lil less masive then Accepted, The humans are the enemies right now Dx
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Character Name: Joshua

Character Race:Angel mother Nephilim

Character Age:20

Character Class: Swordsmaster

Appearance: {Picture and a 1 paragraph (4 full sentences) describing changes (if any) to said picture. Or no picture and 2 paragraphs . } [IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/2zplf6d.jpg[/IMG]
Joshua, commonly reffered to as "Opaque Eye" by the ones who fear him, was abandoned at birth. He grew as a regular child who had a hidden talent with a blade. As he grew, his right eye began to grow white. At the age of 13 his eye became the pinkish white it is today, and society began to fear him. This was about the time he discovered his talent in swordmanship,but in exchange his regard for his own safety began to thin. Joshua knows this, but regardless, he involuntarilly takes risks others would find unimaginable. He is forced to live in the shadows, due to the curse of his eye that discerned him from the rest of society. Yet, that is not true in Joshua's mind, he only hides himself so that he does not take suicidal chances. (not chances to commit suicide, but chances that may as well be) 7 years later, that mental disorder is still present, although he has become skilled enough whereas his lack for safety does not matter to him anymore.
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[quote name='Aqua Girl' timestamp='1288111428' post='4739160']
You can have more than one character Only if you can handle it... I am accepting only one of each half blood angel.

Just upt your apps here It was a mistake on my part about Mosaic I was thinking of another RP I was making but decided to drop it since I can barely hold this one since I'm busy with life.

I personaly dont want the monarchy thing for the werewolves , but if you can make them seem a lil less masive then Accepted, The humans are the enemies right now Dx

Sure I'll edit it by today

Edited to:
They are massive compared to other Lycan tribes, thus they have established themselves as a monarchy of sorts to keep order.
Good? or does it need more editing?
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Yes its good, accepted. and chase The only thiing I have a problem with is hes way to young for the manny have tried to kill him but none have sucseded and they dont go insane till way later in life or till after their powers appear like 20-30's. hes way to yong he has to be atleast 20 for him to be a half angel...
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Hes four " f***ing" teen, hes to young to be a sword master and their powers dont show up till their 20-30's so no need to persecute him or try to kill him, I was just saying make him be older to save your story, if you want some one young then you have to make a new character.
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Character Name: Zaraii Montain

Character Race: Lycan

Clan name: Terra Fellore

Character Age: 25

Character Class: Dunno if Lycans have classes

A large panther-like figure standing on two legs. The color of his fur is black, but when in the light of flames and such, a dark red tint is shown. His legs are large and powerful, yet sly and deadly. His arms are like tree stumps ( not really, they are just relatively big -_- ). His eyes gleam in the blackest of nights. The red color of his eyes cut through darkness as if it were tangible. His tail is, stangely, dotted with red dots, although it is still, for the most part, black. Lastly, his teeth and ears. His ears usually lay back on his head, but when trouble approaches, he raises them to warn the enemy. His fangs are pink with blood stains and stink of flesh. They are also slighty hooked.

History: Zaraii was born in a relatively, strange way. His father wasn't exactly a good kitty. He was the leader of the clan and decided that he would not stick to just his clan to mate with. Although he had already sworn to have a child with a female in his clan, he couldn't help but mate with other, unknown things. He did have a child with the female in his clan and impregnante her, but not before he impregnated something else. When, months later, he brought Zaraii back to the forest in which they called home, the female was outraged. Yet, for some reason, she stayed. She also had the baby. Zaraii's father decided on how to see who would be the next leader of the clan. As soon as the younger child, not Zaraii, turned 14, they would duel. They would duel to the death for the acceptance of the clan and the parents. When the day arrived, the other boy, Scorn, was confident he couldn't lose to a 'abomination' like Zaraii. As the battle commenced, Zaraii lunged with unnatural strength, for a southern lycan. Scorn, on the other hand, was far too slow. With one swipe, Zaraii took his half brothers head clean off. He grinned as Scorn's guts flew around the drawn cirlce in which they fought. The female, ashamed, ran from the village, unheard from again. Years went by and Zaraii's father was continuely impressed by his son. Zaraii even managed to take on two Northen Lycan at once, and win. Of course, he was beaten nearly to death, but his brain power and speed won him the deadly brawl. When he turned 20, it was time for the final task. He was to fight and kill his father to be granted the title of leader. The battle was long, for Zaraii soon realized where his strength had come from. He was, however, able to win. He saw an aging part of his father's body. A spot right above his gut. When Zaraiii landed a blow with his fist on the dead part of his father's body, hsi fist went straight through, ending the match. It has been five years since then, and Zaraii has become aware of the rising human threat. He has decided to get as many kin as possible, for it would be no easy task against such an army.

Clan history and details: The Terra Fellore clan was around since the beginning. It started how all things start, with an Adam and Eve. Although there is no apple, nor snake to tempt Eve, the basics remained the same. As they mated, others mated. The cycle continued. The Terra Fellore have special traditions. If there are two sons of a clan leader, they fight to the death on the youngest sons 14th birthday. For the son to become leader, he must defeat his father in a duel and take the title by force. The forest was once crawling with the clan as they lived their lives as they wanted to and as they should have. That is, until the humans came. The humans killed off their family, leaving them to try and pick up where they left off. Things were never the same. The clan became more violent as more clans arose.

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Character Name: Kerash "The Exile"

Character Race: Northern Lycan

Clan name: N/A

Character Age: 175

Character Class: Shaman


In addition to his rather substantial claws, he always carries a simple wooden staff adorned only with the feathers of various birds and the teeth from various predatory animals, the top of the staff is adorned with a fairly large fang that might just have come from another Lycan. He is almost never seen without a kilt of sorts that he appears to have made himself from the hide of a brown bear and adorned himself with the symbols of nature by scraping away the fur, presumably with his very large claws. His substantial mane and the fur on his tail are wound into several braids at the ends of which are held either bones or feathers. Holding his kilt to his body, he wears a simple chord belt which has many pouches made from woven grass attached to it in which he carries his various herbs.[/spoiler]

There was a time when Kerash lived far to the north with a clan of his own like any of the Canine Lycans should. However, that time is long past and he is still quite bitter about his expulsion from his clan. When he was still young, around the age of thirty years, and still an inexperienced Shaman, the head of his clan became deathly ill and he was the only one with anything close to the knowledge required to save him as his master, the official shaman of the clan, had died only a few days prior. Kerash prepared himself and the herbs that he had been taught were used for the curing of diseases amongst his clan, and he began to work tirelessly to save the clan Alpha's life. After nearly seven days of constant work, he succeeded in driving the illness from his Alpha and was praised for his skill by the others of his clan. However, a few days later the Alpha suddenly died in a freak accident as he fell through the ice on a frozen river. Kerash had been the only one with him and, as such, was blamed for his death. As hard as he tried to convince the others, they would not listen. He was driven far from the southern boundary of his clan's territory by the very Lycans who had praised him only a few days earlier. Thus he began his life as a wanderer, going ever further south until he left the frozen lands altogether. He is the source of not a few tales of a Northern Lycan making it's way south perhaps a bit too close to a human settlement. Since that time he has gradually made his way into the territory typically occupied by the Feline Southern Lycans and this is now where he makes his home. He lives alone in a cavern at the edge of a great forest in which he gathers the herbs and other supplies which he needs to do his work and to survive. Since his expulsion, he has become a rather odd personality, especially for a Northern Lycan, in that he will not hesitate to help anyone who happens to be in need if they are near enough for him to reach.[/spoiler]

Clan history and details: N/A
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