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Zombie Monster With Crazy Effect ~ Monster Added


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[center][img]http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/1194/242084l.jpg[/img][/center][center][spoiler=Lore]If there is a "Chibi Disastrous" in your Graveyard, you can can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can send this face-up card to the Graveyard, to Special Summon 1 "Chibi Disastrous" from your Deck. If you control 3 face-up "Chibi Disastrous", you can send them to the Graveyard to pay 1000 Life Points Special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower Zombie-Type monster from your hand, Deck or Graveyard ignoring the Summoning conditions.[/spoiler][/center][center][img]http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/2672/242084r.jpg[/img][/center][center][spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Tribute Summoned when there is at least 1 "Chibi Disastrous" in your Graveyard. There can only be 1 face-up "Chibi Monstrous" on the field. If there is a face-up "Chibi Disastrous" you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If there is 3 "Chibi Disastrous" in your Graveyard, this card gains 3000 ATK. You can Tribute this face-up monster to Special Summon 1 "Chibi Disastrous" from your Graveyard.[/spoiler][/center][center]
[/center][center]How Are They?[/center][center]OCG Fixes Appreciated.[/center]
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Its a good Deck thinner and an interesting replacement for Destiny Hero Malicious.
You discard the first one, to Special Summon the second one from your hand, which is sent to the Graveyard for the 3th. Then proceed to Synchro/Tribute.

Or you can Summon it via:
-Call of the Mummy
-Pyramid Turtle
-Mystic Tomato
-Book of Life
-The Dark Creator
-Monster Reborn
-Call of the Haunted.

and it makes Pot of Avarice more fun.

Its going to be hard having them on the field in 1 turn. Then pay Life and send all 3 to the Graveyard just for a Level 6 or lower Zombie. What Zombies with that range of Levels have Summoning Conditions Dx
Anyways, that last effect doesn't affect my opinion of the card. A very useful strategy xD
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"Chibi Disastrous"

Name: Anything with chibi in it's name is automatically cute. 1.7/2
Pic: Pretty cool, It really fits with it's name and the backround really makes this card seem like a real yugioh card. 2/2
Effect: It's pretty much being able 2 Special Summon a level 6 or lower Zombie-Type monster, but I like the way how this card does it you hav to tribute 3 "Chibi Disastrous", Seems kinda underpowered don't cha think take out the paying 1000 life points and add this 2: "you can send them to the Graveyard [b]and[/b] pay 1000 Life Points [b]to[/b] Special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower Zombie-Type monster from your hand, Deck, Graveyard or [b]Extra Deck[/b] ignoring the Summoning conditions". 1.8/2
OCG: Cant really comment since I sux @ it but this card dont c that many mistakes. 1.8/2
Balance: I think this card is kinda underpowered, seeing that pyramaid turtle can Special Summon Zombie-Type monsters from your Deck like Ryu-Kokki, Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon just add the effect I suggested or not to make this card more powerful. 1.6/2

Overall: 8.9/10 Great Job! :)

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