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[YGT] Round 3-6: Mario vs. Kenpachi Zaraki

Phantom Roxas

Plumber vs. Shinigami  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win?

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Franchise: Super Mario Bros.

Personality: Jolly type

Species: Human

Powers/special abilities/weapons: Skilled jumping, but can adopt other abilities

Occupation: Plumber

Age: Unknown

Likes: Peach, Luigi, good

Dislikes: Bowser, evil

Nominated by: Phantom Roxas


Kenpachi Zaraki

Franchise: Bleach

Personality type: Carnage loving type

Species: Shinigami

Powers/Special Abilities/Weapons: Unknown Zanpakuto, incredible reiatsu

Occupation: Captain of the 11th Division of the Gotei 13

Age: Several centuries

Likes: Fighting strong opponents, bloodshed

Dislikes: People who don't put up a good fight.

Nominated by: Death Metal


[spoiler=Spoiler]Kenpachi quickly gained the upper hand in his battle with Balthier, for he quickly dispatched the Sky Pirate's guns and smashed his Zanpakuto against Balthier's rib cage. Balthier collapsed on the ground, feeling immense pain. Kenpachi slowly approached Balthier's collapsed body as Balthier uttered a few words. "You're not too bad. I wouldn't like to die right now, though. A leading man has to have a spectacular death, not against some brute like you."

"Don't get cocky," Kenpachi said. "I can tell you can't fight anymore, and you don't deserve to die." With those words, Kenpachi sheathed his Zanpakuto and turned back to Yammy, who was getting back onto his feet. His body had grown to gigantic proportions, gaining a pair of demonic horns as his body gained an ape-like shape.

"That's it!" the Cero Espada screamed. "First that Kurosaki punk, then you two Captains, and now a freakin' plane comes crashing into my head! Just try me! My Resurreccion makes me stronger the angrier I am! So come on, bastards! Make me angrier! Get me at my angriest! Just piss me off until I smash you all like gnats!"

"Good grief," Mayuri Kurotsuchi groaned from miles away. "If that Arrancar gets any bigger, he'll become even harder to dissect."


Both Mario and Kamina were at full power in their own match; Mario was using the power of the Seven Stars while Kamina had entered his Lagann. Mario and Kamina punched each other's fists at full power, causing immense shockwaves to send both characters flying away from each other. The force of the punches colliding had made Mario lose his power of the stars temporarily while Kamina's Gurren Laggan was destroyed upon impact of a mountain. A Luma flew near Mario.

"Mario, you must come quickly! We need to head to Hueco Mundo or a big bad monster will unleash havoc!"

Mario took off his hat and scratched his head.

"Don't you get it?" the Luma cried. "Don't worry, I can send you there right away!" The Luma turned into a morph star, which Mario promptly jumped in as he was propelled off to Hueco Mundo.

Kamina pushed away some of the rubble that had landed on Lagann. "That damn plumber. Who the hell does he think I am? Great, and I just came back to life. Not how I was planning to live my second chance."

Kamina heard a laugh behind him as a blade made of pure energy just barely missed his throat. "The great Kamina, correct?" The voice was none other than Divine.

"Who are you?" Kamina asked.

"A collector. I'm here to gather those who lost in battle and must be taken to my comrade."

"A collector?" Kamina repeated. "Eh, why don't you get some butler to clean up that sword and shove it up your ass?"

"Well, I would have had a butler, but he escaped."

"Sounds to me like you lost outright then. If it's a chase, it's a fight. Guess you got to surrender yourself to your friend. Isn't that right?"

"Not quite. Though the butler indeed escaped, I don't intend on surrendering. Not now, not ever."


Meanwhile, somewhere not nearly as awesome as Kamina vs. Divine at Hueco Mundo....


Byakuya kept Yammy at bay with his Senbonzakura. Yusei, though feeling crushed under the all the reiatsu, had managed to summon Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode. Vaan, Penelo, Fran, and Balthier managed to summon Belias, Ultima, Exodus, and Shemhazai to assault the gigantic Arrancar while casting magic and launching ranged attacks of their own. Yammy simply ignored all the blasts he received as a Cero readied in his mouth. Byakuya took notice of this and quickly prepared his Shūkei: Hakuteiken as wings of pure energy formed around him and all his blades became condensed into one.

"Hah! Even your bankai won't do anything!" Biting his tongue, the Cero began to glow a dark purple. "This is the Gran Rey Cero! As the Cero Espada, mine will be the strongest of all Arrancar! Now, all of you can die!"

"Everyone, combine your attacks!" Byakuya ordered without looking back. Balthier's team and their Espers prepared their Quickenings, Shooting Star Dragon began Stardust Mirage, and even Mayuri's Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō joined in the fray. A dozen vials were scattered all around for everyone.

"You'll need to drink that," Mayuri said. "I'm not interested in letting you die or having you experimented on, so drink that so you don't die." The giant golden caterpillar breathed out its various toxins as hundreds of blades appeared beneath his chest. Everyone took a sip except for Byakuya, who was still trying to ascend to the ever-growing Yammy. As every attack began to become directed at the Arrancar, the Gran Rey Cero was at last fired.


The resulting explosion was too great for anyone to fathom. Kenpachi found himself outside the dome, the blade of his Zanpaktuo shattered on the sand around him. He couldn't even see the top of Las Noches anymore. He couldn't even see Las Noches at all. He saw nothing but a crescent moon lit under a black sky, dead trees, and sand.

"Just how far did that explosion send me?" Kenpachi asked himself before he remembered one thing. "Yachiru! I hope she got away."

Kenpachi sensed Mario flying directly near him. The lowest bell on his hair rang as Kenpachi's hand grabbed Mario's head and thrust him into the sand.

"What the hell do you want?" Kenpachi asked. "I couldn't even get a glimmer of any kind of energy from you, but that doesn't mean anything right now. I want a fight right now, so get up and fight me."

Mario slowly crawled out of the sound as he put up his fist. He tried to hide his fear, looking at the gigantic brute that stood before him, but to no avail. Kenpachi tossed aside his broken sword and raised a fist at Mario. "Show me what you got, plumber."



Author's Note: 0-Chill wrote the first draft, but I mostly rewrote it all.

Edited by Phantom Roxas
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It's like... holy crap. Why do I have to be a fan of both?


But seeing as Mario isn't my favorite character in his series... and that Kenpachi is my favorite Bleach character.


I gotta give him my vote.


Now if it was Dry Bones vs Kenpachi... it would be totally different.

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Kenpachi can hit the ground from extreme heighta and live. He can bleed until he has a drop of blood left, and live. He is.... the most interesting man in Bleach.


Mario has 1up Mushrooms.


And he has power-ups. And Crystal Stars, Power Stars, Star Spirits, Pure Hearts....



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Feh, Mario will find a way, he always does

Got my vote

This is why mario will win.


He has the power of the springtime of you*shot*




Anyway Mario, the whole battle loving character isn't as original as one thinks.


Kenny's only advantage is his supressed homosexuality fueling his anger and strength, and giving him bells.

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Kenpachi gets my vote for several reasons.


1) Based on Bleach. He can withstand Shikais and Bankais as if they were a children's thing. Even if Mario equips himself with items...I doubt they would barely make a scratch on him due to his immense spiritual strength that acts as 'body armor' for him even if he restricted himself with the eye patch [His eye patch consistently absorbs his spiritual energy. When taken off, he can fight full force without anything holding back {If the attached bells on the tip on his pointy hair counts...opponents can somewhat spot him if they hear the bells, another limitation that he had put himself to make his fights more enjoyable.}]. Kenpachi has been shown to easily ignore most of the injuries he sustains in battle, not suffering any debilitation despite suffering multiple lacerations that would disable normal humans. Besides, I don't see Mario with any limitations and yet Kenpachi will win >:I

2) Kenpachi is a soul reaper captain while Mario is an Italian plumber. I seriously wonder how a mortal even damage a spirit in the first place.....realistic speaking.

3) Kenpachi isn't all brawn. He can think while in battle situations [Example: His fight inside Tosan's Bankai].


By the way.....Death Gods can jump amazingly high and can stand on air itself. Kenpachi, unlike the other Death Gods, does not have Bankai or Skikai.

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