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Dr. Wily V.S. Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S!! Vote now.



10 members have voted

  1. 1. Whose Card is better?

    • Dr Wily
    • Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S

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I've voted for Dr. Wily's card because although there is 1 spelling/grammar mistake, it is slightly more balaced (in my opinion) than water chameleon which a) should be a lv4 and b ) doesn't specify redirecting the attack to one of your monsters, making it OPed combined with its anti spell/trap effect and no drawback.

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First card, I don't know what to say.


I don't really like it tbh, and it has 1 more error, not that it really matters that much but still.

The second card is strong yes, but there are not many Fish-Types and you lose 1 card so it's not really that awfully powerful. More usable.

So card B gets my vote.

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5D's card has flavor but it's too resource needy, like you need to discard cards too many cards, etc. Wily's has the direct attack thing, but it's not necessary, more so the defending with 2100 attack, and it grabs the field spell is what makes it good, and if you have it it attacks for 2300. Gives people a valid reason to play Umi.


Wily's wins hands down.

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Neither card fully convinces me. What does a Chameleon have to do with "redirceting attacks" (which is worded strangely and horribly OPed if this also works with your opponents monster)? There's a lot of discarding going on, so it has at least a common theme. Well, Dr. Wily's card is solid, has a drawback for it's high ATK, though offering 2 tributes to attack your opponent directly is a lot (if you don't use Tokens... are there any you could exploit that with? Ah, who cares...). The defensive effect doesn't really fit a shark.


Overall, I would give this a draw... seriously though, I can't just leave with that. So my vote goes to Dr. Wily for hitting the Shark theme pretty well, and because I like beatsticks with drawbacks...

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