PrimalFear Posted September 3, 2010 Report Share Posted September 3, 2010 [center][Spoiler=Rules of the RP] -Post length: This is a Advanced RP so I expect 5+ lines from every post. Don't let me see you posting less. I'm not going to go crazy and ban you from the rp you over it but it's important that you keep your length up to standards or others won't be able to work well off your posts, and it would also give the mods a reason to lock this thread. Now, "I don't want to work that hard" or "I can't think of anything more to write" aren't valid reasons. If you have a technical problem where you can't post more than that tell me and you will not be punished. Just do your best with what you can type. -Posting Activity: Normally I say I don't want overactivity but I want good activity. So don't feel you shouldn't post; if you do feel that way, post in the OOC thread about it. Please keep in mind that if I feel one person is being left too far in the wake of the more active RPers I may pull back on the entire thread. We'll play it by ear as we go. The Big Three Illegal Moves 1.) Power-playing. This incorporates posting reactions for or controlling other people's characters or NPCs. 2.) Meta-gaming. This is using outside knowledge, or more specifically knowledge your character couldn't possibly know. Like say I've seen through his posts where Black's character is and I want my character to find him. However, my character has heard nothing of his whereabouts and doesn't have the slightest idea where he might be. Meta-gaming would be if I have my character find him because I know where he is. Things like that. 3.) God-modding. You should know what this is. This includes auto-hitting, auto-killing, dodging everything, etc. Don't do it. All three of the Big 3 will result in requests for edits. Refusal to do so or rudely arguing about it will result in a warning or, if you are a repeat offender, a ban. Other Illegal Moves -Introducing/using characters you didn't talk to me about at all. -Having more than two characters to use unless I specifically request you play a villain for me. -Arguing. At least rudely anyway. If you have a logical argument I'll probably understand it though. Don't come in all angry at me and yelling or insulting me and what goes on. In the end I do have final say. -Any rules not specifically mentioned are still in effect. -If you ever have questions don't hesitate to post in the OOC Thread. Thanks to Andx for these awesome rules. [/Spoiler] [Spoiler=Plot] [Spoiler=The Beginning] It was dark out; the sun had fallen from the sky. In the flickering fire light the trees were casting dancing shadows. Two boys not more than 18 where seen by the fire not more than a foot or two apart. One was grasping a forbidden glove; the other mumbling so low that he couldn't be heard unless you were an arms length away. "Allhah Etarie Sindron Tekai," Takumi chanted. The boys watched as a lightning bolt shot from the glove onto both boys’ arms. Upon the boy's arms appeared a Glowing skull where they were hit. The skull was a symbol known only by the villagers and was referred to as there gods symbol. “Did it work Takumi?" Isamu asked. “I’m not sure Isamu!” Takumi exclaimed. At that moment Takumi had touched his arm where the symbol appeared. There was another flash of blue light and a wolf leapt out of the boys arm and landed a few feet from them. The wolf turned to face the boys, with terror in there eye’s they watched the wolf pace in front of them. “What should we do Isamu?” Takumi asked scared. Takumi Had touched his brother’s arm exactly where the symbol had appeared. A second wolf came out of his brother’s arm. His brother staring at the wolves paralyzed with fear; couldn’t respond to his brothers’ question. The wolves started to move but instantly disappeared. In shock the boy’s sat trying to figure out what had happened. Neither boy could say anything. “What have you done,” the Hideyoshi said walking from behind them, “That glove has forbidden powers you fools.” The Hideyoshi grabbed his forbidden glove back from his sons. “I don’t want you boys playing with that magic again I forbid you from ever using that summoning powers again.” With that there father, the Hideyoshi turned and walked away. Both boys stunned not understanding why their father had forbade them from using there summoning powers, stood watching as their father disappeared into the night. The next day the boy’s father walked into there room, “I have something to tell you two,” He said, “I’m the one who created that summoning.” He then pulled the arm of his robe up until he showed them the same symbol that appeared on there own arms. “You see boys I forbade you from using that summoning because it drains your life force slowly but in the end it will kill you.” There father spoke softly, “I myself had felt this awesome power and its effects, I will soon die from the effects of it. I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to end up like me.” He then turned around and walked out of there rooms. Several months had past and Takumi continued to practice the summoning against his fathers wishes. On the other hand Isamu had listened to his father and refused to use its magic. One day when Takumi was teaching a few others his summoning power on the outskirts of the village he came once again face to face with his father. “What are you doing Takumi, didn’t I tell you not to ever use that power again,” The Hideyoshi shouted, “Because you have disobeyed me I have to take action, I can’t allow you to continue this and reveal the secrets behind this magic. It could cost many villagers lives. I have no other choice but to expel you and these people from this village, you are no longer welcome in this village. You have one day to pack your stuff and leave the village as an outcast.” With that his father walked away. Takumi then went and packed his things, saying goodbye to his father, brother and to the other villagers he met with the others that he was teaching at the front gate. From there Takumi and the others left the village never to return again. Until two years after his expulsion Isamu’s brother hadn’t step foot in the village, now as he stood at the front gate he awaited his brother’s arrival from a foreign land. [/Spoiler] [Spoiler=Two Years Later] The journey was long but Takumi kept up his fast pace, he was thinking long and hard about his past actions roughly two years before today. His punishment for disobeying his father a second time was complete banishment from the village of Sekoye. Just then a voice in the distance rang out in Takumi’s head, it was a voice he longed to hear over these years. Takumi’s pace quickened drastically almost to a run, the voice which he couldn’t understand from that distance was still loud enough to distinguish it being his older brother. Takumi arrived at the gates of Sekoye with a huge smile on his face, for this was the first time in such a long time he saw his brothers face. “Isamu,” Takumi exclaimed!! “It has been to long since we last talked my brother,” Isamu exclaimed. The two brothers started in through the gate as Takumi said, “Lets go.” As they past by the villages buildings the two brothers where remembering their past. As they past a particular one Isamu had a feint smile, “You remember that building, it use to be the blacksmith shop!!” -FlashBack- Takumi, Isamu and their father walked into the building before them, upon entering the two boys ran to a set of swords which where the best but also the most expensive out of the ones in the village. “Can we get these ones?” the two boys shouted in excitement. Their father shook his head and instead grabbed two other beat up swords and told them that they couldn’t afford them. -End Flashback- Takumi turned towards his brother when saying, Yeah we really wanted those two swords didn’t we?” “Yeah now the Blacksmith shop is located in the Hideyoshi’s tower! Isamu exclaimed. The two brothers continued further into the village as some of the older villagers who remembered Takumi came up to him welcoming him back and apologizing for his fathers death. After a long tour of the new village and its changes Isamu brought Takumi into the hideyoshi’s tower. “Who will become the new Hideyoshi?” Takumi asked. “The elders haven’t made up their minds yet so for now they will have full control over the village the same as if they where the Hideyoshi. Anyway tell me a bit about what has happen to you since the banishment.” Isamu was very interested to hear how Takumi had been doing. “Well the villagers and I who where banished had moved west to an old rundown village where we took over and restored it back to its glory days.” Several hours passed and Isamu finally showed Takumi to the room in the Hideyoshi tower where he would be staying. After a small cup of coffee Isamu took off in order to finish preparations for the funeral. Takumi was extremely exhausted and he lay on the bed thinking about the last time he had seen his father. Several minutes later Takumi was fast asleep, it was not until eight o’clock in the morning did Takumi even wake up. After doing his normal routine in the morning an hour had passed and Takumi was about to walk out of the house dressed in complete black and before he stepped outside he was met by his older brother. With tears all ready in his eyes Isamu looked up at Takumi, “Lets get going,” was the only thing he could manage to get out from his lips. They headed to the top of the Hideyoshi tower where they would hold the ceremony for their father and the village of Sekoye’s Hideyoshi. [/Spoiler] [Spoiler=Ten to Fifteen years later] Being still expelled from the village Takumi returns to his foreign village. Two years later Isamu becomes the villages Hideyoshi or King. Five more years pass had passed and; -A bit of Back Story on Hayate Masaru and Kenji Shinobu- It was a beautiful morning, the sun high in the sky with the trees blowing with the eatern breeze. I awoke jumping out of bed as my alarm clock struck me on my head. As I pulled off the covers I slowly sat up as I brushed my left arm acroos my forehead where the clock had just struck me. I stood up out of bed and grabbed my pants which lay on my chair. Once I pulled the pants on I began to lace up both of my boots before lastly placing a shirt over my head. As I stood up off the bed I walked to the door a loud screeching noise came from the door as I pulled it open hard, the screech which could be heard throughout the house. "Going out to meet Kenji again today Hayate," I heard my mom ask from the kitchen. I slowly ran my hand through my spiky black hair as I walked down the hall turning left at the kitchen. As I looked into the kitchen seeing my mom, a beautiful women in her early thirties I answered her question, "Yeah, where heading out to began our training with Sensai Asamu today." I reach on the table grabbing a piece of toast off the center of the table, my mom just turned around glancing at me with a huge smile on her face. "We will be home before lunch," I said walking toward the opposite side of the room to head out. I grabbed a bag full of tools and training equipment before opening the door and head out of the gate and onto the streets of the village. I began as I walked through the village of Sekoye. , I am a well trained ninja but fail in comparison to my brother. I had just walked past two houses on the right of the road, as I headed toward a narrow path that headed away from the village. I entered the path heading to the outskirts of the village where Kanji lived when I heard a noise from behind me. Turning to see, I noticed my best friend Kenji Shinobu. A bit older then myself, Kenji stood five foot with black hair. Kenji also being a student of Asamu's had learned the art of ninjitsu. "Kenji," I exclaimed as turning to see him "Where are we suppose to meet Sensai for training today?" Kenji looked up at me as he stopped walking a few feet from where I was standing, "Yes I can't wait to test out our abilities." He said before he began walking again as he stepped past me he pushed on my shoulder to encourage me to keep up. I new Kenji was always in a hurry to get to his destinations, Kenji being the very inpatient kind of person just continued through the path. "Fine lets go, I can't wait either," I said following close behind him. We walked a while talking about our skills and training routines, until we reached the end of the path. Their where legends of Samurai that roamed the outskirts of the village, so we took caution before we would risk walking out in the open. Kenji stopped before reaching the edge of the field. Holding up his right fist, "Wait." Kenji began to peer out in the field, he looked intently on the surroundings make sure the area was clear of people in order to give us safe passage. Stopping a few feet away from Kenji, I peered into the opening of the field as I too look around the surroundings. "It looks clear Hayate," Kenji said as he stepped slowly out from the path. Right behind him I looked beyond the field to the forest on the opposite side. "Wait; I hear something," I announced as I grabbed Kenji's arm stopping him before he was spotted. We both ducked down to knee level as Kenji peered around a tree and saw two men covered in heavy armor and both carrying sheath swords. Kenji turned back quick so he wouldn't be spotted for he didn't feel like raising suspicion on their current position. With knowledge of communicating without words Keji looked at me and shook his head, raising his hand he put up two fingers indicating two men. I looked surprised at first, but then peeking my head out to confirm Kenji's words I was shocked at what I saw. The two men where nearly five feet from them and getting closer. I turned in a flash, grabbing Kenji's arm, "Hurry we need to get out of here," we took off sprinting at full speed away from the area. The two armed men turned just as fast as they could upon hearing the commotion from nearly a few feet from them. As the two armed Samurai caught a glimpse of the two of us in the distance the Samurai decided to give chase. "After them," one guy said. The two men started running toward the Sekoye village down the path after the Kenji and I. Turning his head, Kenji noticed that the two men where chasing them, "Hurry Hayate their after us!" We began to run as fast as we could dodging trees left and right the Village a few thousand yards from our current positions. The two Samurai where catching up to the us as we neared the village, "You cannot out run us," the taller one said as they where only five feet behind us. Nearly a hundred feet from the Village we where becoming tired. We didn't have the strength to fight against two armed Sekounen Soilders. I had all he could do to keep up with Kenji as he was five feet out infront of me. "Please wait up Kenji. I'm to tired." As Kenji looked over his shoulder he saw me, the two Samurai had nearly caught up with me and where ready to pounce at any second. "Run faster Hayate," Kenji yelled not knowing what to do in the situation he turned back and just as he began to run again I let out a loud scream. Hearing a scream from his best friend, Kenji stopped turning to see me in the grasp of these two Sekounen soldiers. "Hahaha, you really thought you could out run us....boy." Then the Samurai looked up at Kenji seeing him starring back at them. Becoming frantic Kenji dropped his bag he was carrying full of training tools, "Leave my friend alone!!!!" He then began to run toward the two samurai and myself, "Let him go you freaks!!!" Kenji charged at the two samurai that held me hostage, trying to catch his breath he yelled once more. "Let Hayate go." I could feel the samurai that held me loosen his grip enough allowing me to move my legs, as i lifted my foot about a foot or so up I stomped down with all my might on the samurai's foot. At that moment I looked up to see Kenji landing a spinning right kick to the samurai's face. We watched as the samurai fell to the ground knocking his body on the hard ground. The samurai was now infuriated as he reached for his sword yelling at the top of his lungs. The other samurai rushed to aid the one on the ground. As the two stood up they readied themselves for the death blow that would soon be braught down upon the boys. -End of the Back History- Takumi saves Hayate and Kenji, and then teaches the Two young students the power of the summoning. A few years later while the two kids Hayate and Kenji where off training, Takumi's and his clan gets anihalated by the Sekounen clan. After returning to there home the two students find there clan killed and there teacher mortaly wounded. After his death Isamu, Takumi's brother and the Hideyoshi of the Sekoye Village invites the two students into a ninja exam which they pass and become ninja. [/Spoiler] [Spoiler=Present] ~In the years past many great wars took place, the Sekounen Empire looked to take over the world. For the past two hundred years the Sekounen Empire has taken over most of the world, enslaving everyone under their rules. Now two unkown shinobi will fight for the existance of their freedom. This is the story of their adventures, "Forbidden Glory".~ In a last fight the two students become part of the Sekyoe's Takehiko Black Ops. In a quest to kill the Sekounen who had murdered there clan the two students as well as the Sekounen unbenounced to them try to retrieve the four Forbidden Weapons, Sonic Wave the wind element sword and Electro the lightning element sword, along with the Wind Glove and the Lightning Glove. -Present time As in you guy's- You guy's will take part as a Ninja of the Sekoye Village and either fight along side Hayate and Kenji for their forbidden Glory or you will follow the orders of the Hideyoshi. Its pretty much a free RP within guidelines. At the start nobody can take part as a Villain or be evil, but in the future that can change as the plot evolves. [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [Spoiler=Applications] [b]Sekoye Ninja[/b] Name: Appearance: Age: Bio: Personality: Ninja Rank:(ARATA low class,HIBIKI middle Class, AKIRA high Level) Weapon: (If you infuse your weapon with an ability they cannot have anything related to Wind or Lightning) Powers: (Nothing over the top and can only have 1-2 abilities depending on how powerful I see your ability to be) Fighting Style: or, [b]Sekoye Villager[/b] Name: Appearence: Age: Bio: Personality: Fighting Style: Weapon: (Cannot Have any power) [/Spoiler] [Spoiler=Forbidden Weapons] Wind - Sonic Wave (Forbidden Sword): A sword capable of manipulationg the wind. Lightning - Electro (Forbidden Sword): A sword capable of manipulating lightning. Wind (Forbidden Glove): A glove Capable of Creating and Manipulating Wind with Spells. Lightning (Forbidden Glove): A glove capable of creating and manipulating Lightning with spells. [/Spoiler] [Spoiler=Accepted Apps] Hayate Masaru - PrimalFear Kenji Shinobu - PrimalFear Michi Kohaku - PrimalFear Hideyoshi - NPC Sekounen Soilders - PrimalFear (Possibly a Co-Host) [/Spoiler][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted September 3, 2010 Report Share Posted September 3, 2010 way to long of an intro to the plot i really can't be bothered reading it all, can u make a summary in the original post? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andx Posted September 3, 2010 Report Share Posted September 3, 2010 [quote name='~Soulciety~' timestamp='1283550074' post='4596259'] way to long of an intro to the plot i really can't be bothered reading it all, can u make a summary in the original post? [/quote] Just read the present info if you can't be bothered to read an attempt at good backstory, it tells you what you need to know mostly and it's short. Or read the whole thing in parts and not all at once. Anyway, reserving a spot here Primal. Let me know if you need help with anything whether it be villains/NPCs/plot. Just ask and I'll see what I can do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted September 3, 2010 Report Share Posted September 3, 2010 seems interesting i'll give it a go Name: Kuro Ichano [spoiler=Appearance:],r:10,s:0&biw=1362&bih=559[/spoiler] Age: 18 Bio: Growing up in Sekoye, he had inspired himself to become a great ninja. That was his dresm him goal gthat was influenced to him by his father. Strangely Kuro had grown up with white hair, it was unknown why, he was picked on a child for it which made him more inspired to become a ninja and prove his worth to the village. Hi sword was givren to him by his father who specialized in dark force, which is esentially enhancements the sword has in it's fighting. Personality: Arogant and confident, he believes in his own ability and will often put people down to make himself seem bigger. Ninja Rank: AKIRA Weapon: looks strikingly similar to zabuza's, when it is swung it tunrs black and gklows black allowing fior black force energy to be released int he motiont hat the sword is swung. Powers: - Dark force sword: Hsis sword basically is able to release a dark power that moves in the motion the sword is swung, when this occurs the sword is black and glows black. - Controls a dark force witrh his left hand, releases an invinsiuble push of energy that is unseen byt he opponent (wll go into better detail later.) Fighting Style: ? Ill have to think about this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted September 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 4, 2010 [quote name='~Soulciety~' timestamp='1283550074' post='4596259'] way to long of an intro to the plot i really can't be bothered reading it all, can u make a summary in the original post? [/quote] First I'd like to say if you cannot bother reading the full plot why bother signing up, that just implies that you might not read all the info that the others post in their responses in the rp. [quote name='Andx' timestamp='1283552653' post='4596404'] Just read the present info if you can't be bothered to read an attempt at good backstory, it tells you what you need to know mostly and it's short. Or read the whole thing in parts and not all at once.Anyway, reserving a spot here Primal. Let me know if you need help with anything whether it be villains/NPCs/plot. Just ask and I'll see what I can do. [/quote] Hey Andx, I was hopeing to see you here, thanks for the explanation given to Soulciety!!! Reservation accepted, and I was hoping you might take me up on the offer to help lmao. I'll send some details to you later via PM. [quote name='~Soulciety~' timestamp='1283554183' post='4596514'] seems interesting i'll give it a goName: Kuro Ichano[spoiler=Appearance:],r:10,s:0&biw=1362&bih=559[/spoiler]Age: 18Bio: Growing up in Sekoye, he had inspired himself to become a great ninja. That was his dresm him goal gthat was influenced to him by his father. Strangely Kuro had grown up with white hair, it was unknown why, he was picked on a child for it which made him more inspired to become a ninja and prove his worth to the village. Hi sword was givren to him by his father who specialized in dark force, which is esentially enhancements the sword has in it's fighting. Personality: Arogant and confident, he believes in his own ability and will often put people down to make himself seem bigger.Ninja Rank: AKIRAWeapon: looks strikingly similar to zabuza's, when it is swung it tunrs black and gklows black allowing fior black force energy to be released int he motiont hat the sword is swung.Powers: - Dark force sword: Hsis sword basically is able to release a dark power that moves in the motion the sword is swung, when this occurs the sword is black and glows black.- Controls a dark force witrh his left hand, releases an invinsiuble push of energy that is unseen byt he opponent (wll go into better detail later.)Fighting Style: ? Ill have to think about this [/quote] First thing I have to say is horrible grammar and spelling, use a Spell Checker Mate. Second you barley put any effort into your app, I'd suggest a major spell check done on it along with alot and I mean alot more details added into it. You do realise that these rp's are advanced right? You have to put a bit more effort into your work. I will ignore your mistake's on this app if you can re-adjust this app so its more detailed and you use a spellchecker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andx Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 Here's my app. Feel free to ask for edits/changes. [b]Name:[/b] Ryouta Matsuoka [spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] [IMG][/IMG] The is mostly for the general idea of his physical appearance. You can ignore the head band. The clothing is pretty much accurate accept he'll usually wear shades of blue, with what you see in orange in the pic being about sky blue and what you see in red being a very dark blue. He's about six feet in height. [/spoiler] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]] Ryouta can't recall if there was a time he was alive for where the Sekounen Empire wasn't somehow involved in his life. Of course it had been reigning long before his birth but that doesn't mean the Empire is always present in every town. Unfortunately Ryouta's home town attracted a lot of attention. They were well known for resisting the Empire and as a result were always full of soldiers and such that would often kill many a citizen without any apparent reason. Growing up in this world wasn't simple. From a young age Ryouta was aware that any day someone he knew could be killed. It almost happened to each of his parents on several occasions before he had turned twelve. One day when he was thirteen several soldiers entered his home claiming his mother was to be sentenced to death. Of course Ryouta's father resisted and as a result was stabbed by one of the soldiers. Ryouta tried to defend his mother as well but was tossed aside. When the guards moved to take his mother, Ryouta grabbed hold of one and before he knew what happened all of the guards had been frozen solid and were quite dead. Ryouta's mother couldn't believe what she had seen but soon shifted her attention to her wounded husband. Ryouta then turned to his injured father who it seemed would certainly die from the injury he had received. Ryouta manifested another amazing power when he somehow stopped the bleeding. It lasted long enough that his father lived until a doctor arrived and officially treated him. About a week afterwards both of Ryouta's parents were imprisoned for life for the death of the soldiers who had entered their homes. Ryouta was now alone and aware of two odd powers he had. He decided in his time that he would train them and see if he couldn't liberate his parents. Eventually he came upon members of the Sekoye Black ops. He mistook them as soldiers and tried to attack them. The members of the group realized he had potential, explained who they were, and took him with them. From then on Ryouta trained as a ninja. This training helped calm his mind and improve his mood overall. He learned how to use a whip masterfully well and from that was able to use his powers to their fullest. Now that he is a high ranking member of the group he intends to help in the effort to overthrow the Sekounen Empire. [/spoiler] [b]Personality:[/b] Despite being a ninja or utilizing ice for a power, Ryouta is rather bright. While not very eccentric or excited he is generally happy. He has a very strong sense of what he finds to be acceptable and unacceptable and will intensely hate and brutally punish those who cross that line. Around friends he's lighthearted yet reserved. While not actively participating in conversations he enjoys being around his friends and is quite protective of them while on missions and in battles. While fighting he doesn't seem to change much unless he is angry with a person in which case he will give constant intense glares followed by painful beatings. Essentially, he's a happy but reserved guy who you shouldn't cross if you know what's good for you. [b]Ninja Rank:[/b] AKIRA [b]Weapon:[/b] A long six foot whip that is made of many metal chain links. Running in and out of the many links are several lengths of wire which help give some general shape but also are the main things that channel and allow Ryouta to use his powers. The links themselves vary between sections that are very sharp to cut cleanly and sections that are very sharp to dig into opponents to perhaps restrict their movement or at least cause a little worse damage to the opponent's body. [b]Powers:[/b] 1.) [u]Frost Wire Territory:[/u] Ryouta's energy is channeled into the lengths of wire running throughout his whip. This power first requires the territory to be set up. This is done by Ryouta attacking with the whip once energy is channeled into it. The energy forms straight lines that are barely visible. When the whip is cracked one of these lines forms and stays in the air and travels forward for about ten feet. Once enough have been formed the Frost Wire Territory is set up. Ryouta and his opponent are trapped inside and cannot get out even though the gaps between the lines seems long enough. Contact with the edge of the territory will make a person's body begin to star freezing over. Once the territory is in place Ryouta can freely manipulate water in it's ice form for various attacks that seem quite like magical spells. 2.) [u]Part Time Healing:[/u] Ryouta has a decently limited healing power. He's able to stop wounds from bleeding for roughly an hour so he, or someone else, doesn't die but he can't actually begin to heal the injury. It's mostly meant to stop someone from bleeding to death and to get them off the battlefield to get treated. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Ryouta is very agile and precise. He'll move around quickly and makes very calculated strikes at his opponent with his whip. In the instance of a close up fight he can go fist to fist but will try to gain some more distance to attack. He will often try to set up his Territory wherein he can then proceed to overwhelm his opponent with restricted space and ice assaults. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord of Chaos Posted September 6, 2010 Report Share Posted September 6, 2010 I would like to reserve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 7, 2010 Report Share Posted September 7, 2010 Name: Geitsu Aeromashi Appearence: [spoiler=pic] [IMG][/IMG] [/spoiler] Age: 43 Bio: Geitsu is an outsider, meaning he wasn't born into the village at all. Where he came from no one really knows, but he seems to have come somewhere in the upper mountainous area. Geitsu came to the village in hopes of a new life, he bought a small house and immediately constructed an underground cavern beneath his home in which he could build and invent things and think of ways to benefit the village. Geitsu is a well knowledgeable engineer and inventor and has offered his talents to the Hideyoshi, he was first commissioned to build a large wall to defend the village against oncoming attacks. This wall is now the very gates of the village that are still used today. Geitsu is ready to fight for his village and will put all his mechanical prowess to that task. Personality: Geitsu Aeromashi is a enthusiastic and energetic person. Though he is so old in age, he still feels as though he is in his mid-twenties and plans to live for a lot longer to boot. Geitsu one and only passion is for mechanics and inventions, he's almost never seen by anyone in the village other than his monthly grocery shopping or if he has to leave to obtain new parts or materials. Although Geitsu isn't a fan of battle he will lay his life on the line for this village he now calls home. Fighting Style: When not using his blade Geitsu uses a fighting style that combines Aikido and Jujitsu, while his blade is in use he prefers to use Kendo and Mugai-ryu. Weapon: Inventors Blade: This is a single edged broad sword with two gears at both sides of the top of the hilt. The end of the sword had an exhaust pipe that can spit out fire at the push of a button within the handle. The blade has various mechanical abilities and different ways of attacking and different kinds of things could happen. Geitsu also has various other inventions on him that he could use for general use or in battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted September 9, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 9, 2010 Andx, nice job on your app man I wasn't dissapointed, accepted. I'll send you some more info tommorow about the IC and some plot points. Lord of Chaos, It has been a long time since the last time we rp'd together I'm honored to be able to roleplay with you once again. FFR, At first I was like 45 years old and a ninja...... what!!! Then I realised you chose to got the route of a villager. And though you wont have a huge part outside of the village, I can tell you now that you inventions and usefulness outside of the Village will be great for later on in the RP. Nice job and I liked how you portrayed him. Accepted!!! To everyone; wether you be accepted, Reserved, or thinking about joining I have a few things that should be cleared up before we start. 1: Hayate Masaru, Kenji Shinobu, and Michi Kohaku will be the three leaders of the 3 - 3 man squads. Their abilities are mostly secretive, as they are the top assasins in the village. So I wont be revealing to much about their abilities. 2: The four forbidden weapons are extremely powerful, and absolutely and completely intangible to people who are not decendents of a certain Clan. Yes that means that if we get that far Hayate and Kenji will be the absolutely most powerful two characters in the RP. But this doesn't mean when they recieve these weapons they are undefeatable and or will even have that much of a big role. This entire RP is based off a Fan-fic I created and will have similar plot twists and outcomes. I cannot reveal much as it would ruin both the RP and the Fan-fic I plan to continue. 3: As mentioned on the first post, no member who joins will plan to turn evil, if they do within the RP as things progress then fine but the main object is the forbidden weapons and fighting the Sekounen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord of Chaos Posted September 9, 2010 Report Share Posted September 9, 2010 [quote name='PrimalFear' timestamp='1283999643' post='4610354'] Lord of Chaos, It has been a long time since the last time we rp'd together I'm honored to be able to roleplay with you once again. [/quote] no the honor is mine my friend [spoiler=my app]Name: Tentei / Tenma [spoiler=Appearance:][IMG][/IMG][/spoiler] Age: 30 Bio: Tentei was exiled from his clan at a young age for lack of any skills. Tentei wondered in the wilderness carving out a meger existance till he was about 12, then something changed with in Tentei, a voice came to him in a dream "I am all that you are not, I will be your sword and you my shield." Tentei could not grasp the meaning of the voice until he was attacked by a massive wolf in the forest, he stood face to face as the wolf readied to pounce on what seemed to be an easy meal, then Tentei saw himself as if he were watching someone else fight the wolf, because truely he was, again Tentei heard the voice, but it was coming from his own lips "I am your power...." an explosion of fire burst from the hands of the boy infront of the wolf "You are my defence!!" another wolf lept at Tentei, he held his arms up in defence and an invisible wall appeared stopping the wolf, the other boy shot fire again to burn the wolf. After both wolves were dead the other boy walked up to Tentei and said "We are one, I attack you defend, together we are powerful, apart we are weak." the boy disappeared and Tentei now understood what happend. His powers had emerged with rather strange effects, he was now able to hear and feel another person inside his mind, and it spoke to him, and it called itself Tenma or demon. Tentei knew now that he was to be a greast ninja one that would turn the tides of battle Personality: Tentei and Tenma are both rather pleasent people despite their tendancy to talk to each other in public*. Tentei is a quiet caring person who would rather put himself into battle than his friends, Tenma is like Tentei in this way, but is more blunt tending to speak his mind and fight with a passion rather than a feeling of protection Ninja Rank: AKIRA Weapon: two katanas(when they split one goes with Tenma the other with Tentei Powers: I don't know if this is okay but I will change if needed Twin Soul Split: this abbility must an incantation to be activated**, once the incantation is spoken the speakers body splits in two creating two identical people, and moving the inhabiting soul into the newly formed body, this can only be used for an hour if the limit is exceeded the user and the inhabiting soul will split permenitly and cause the loss of any memories shared by the two Flaming Soul(Tenma only): the user can produce flames from their hands and throw the flames like solid objects, more powerful attacks require time to charge and an incantation Psycokinetic Shield(Tentei only): the user can create shield or barriers of psycokinetic energy that is nearly undetectible, when created the barrier reflects a small amount of light making it very hard to detect after the first few second of creation, if the barrier is shattered it appears like glass before disappearing, large barriers(anything bigger than 5 ft by 5 ft box) requires an incantation and that the user remain in full concentration and not move, multipul barriers put a massive strain on the user who must sit completely stil in order to preform more than one barrier Fighting Style: the two fight working as a team playing off of eachother, by doing this they have a sturdy way of both attacking and defending. Tenma tends to be more agresive with his attacks were as Tentei would take his time, Tenma doesn't like to defend, but Tentei would rather protect than harm *= in other words they will have virbal arguements when they are still one person **= (incantation) spoken by both to begin incantation "Twin Souls bound by the bonds of flesh separate." spoken by Tentei "To become the shield that cannot be seen." spoken by Tenma "To become the sword of my burning soul."[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted September 9, 2010 Report Share Posted September 9, 2010 yea sorry man, i'm trying not to be as horrific with my typing as normal. I think i was in a big rush and had to go so i wanted to get my app done quickly. Anyway here's the re done version ill edit my first app and get rid of it. Hopefully you don't think it's OP'd, i don't think it is Name: Kurosan Itchito Appearance: Kurosan has quite long spiky hair. It is a dark black colour and has 2 strains of hair going down his face and a big strain going down each side of his chest. it also descends to half way down his back. Kurosan is of a big 6"5 build and is quite muscular, he has black eyes and slightly pale skin, He also wears a black robe with a hoodie with the sleeves cut off, the robe serves like a jacket as it isn't connected at the front. He has a black singlet on and baggy black pants, his black gloves have holes in the palms of his hands and where the fingers are. Age: 22 Bio: Growing up he had always been obsessed with the dark side of a room in a sense. He constantly stayed in dark areas and claimed that he could see when in the dark. Often being ridiculed for being a "loner" always to himself. When he turned 10 he was shown the way of being a ninja after proving to his father who was a respected ninja, that he could see in the dark. His father saw great potential in him and began teaching him all he knew. Just after 3 years kurosan was a well respected ninja in the village often assisting the village in tasks and missions. When aged 18 he was given his own sword from his father, the sword was said to be dipped in Dark Enron, a liquid that possessed the objects it touched with dark power. The sword was called, Neroshiko and has been Kurosan's prized treasure, after various battles witht he sword the power began to consume him slightly. When his afther died mysteriously his dying wish was for Kurosan to control his anger and the darkness of the sword, he laso left him with his own. Kurosan is now 22. Personality: arogant and self confident he often considers himself the "lone wolf" believing he alone can complete tasks and missions and the people will get in his way Ninja Rank: AKIRA high Level Weapon: Neroshiko: A sword given to him from his father, infused with Dark Enron. It is shaped as a large black katana blade with a slight black glow surroundig it. The sword acts as a dark force creator, mesaning when slashed in the air it is ablt to release to dark slices of air that move in the same direction as the sword was swung. Nuukiroshin: His great great great grandfathers sword. It is said to be the first sword to be infused with Dark enron, it has mysterious powers only viable through inheritance of dark enron for over 100 years. The sword is quite long and black with shades of red, it looks like a katana with the occasional spike in it. The abilities of this sword is quite strange, it is able to extend and expand in size also it is able to seperate, however the handle can not be seperated. Powers: 1) can see in the dark 2) can create darkness in the area, turning the area pitch black, however this ends when Kurosan is hit and after a certain period of time. 3) dark force - creates a dark energy that can be created around him or in any direction he moves his left arm, this attack can be used to push the opponent back with an invisible force or a shield like defensive strategy, however, once used once requires a 10 second stall period. Fighting Style: * With swords mainly, but when unarmed more of a street fighter relying on pure strength Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 12, 2010 Report Share Posted September 12, 2010 ok Hayate, those rules seem fair enough, when will we begin? also what are your rulings on second characters? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted September 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 12, 2010 soulciety - Accepted FFR - your allowed to have two characters, unless you speak with me and I agree that you can control an evil character as well. But you cannot introduce other characters you didn't first speak with me about. Like controlling NPC's that come out of nowhere. As for when we start I was waiting to see if Black was going to join since he mentioned it. I will ask again and if he declines we will start today or tomorrow. If he accepts then we will wait for his app to start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted September 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Sorry Guy's I was meaning to start tonight but I got a bit busy doing some other work. I will post the IC and the opening post sometime tomorrow thnx for being patient. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord of Chaos Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 was I accepted? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted September 15, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Yes I just forgot to mention that sorry mate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted September 17, 2010 Report Share Posted September 17, 2010 is this going to start soon? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 18, 2010 Report Share Posted September 18, 2010 Yes, yes, please, please. lol. Just kidding primal, you start when it's good time for you to start. We can be patient. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted September 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2010 I'm truly sorry guys its been a bad couple of days with long hours at work. I haven't had much time to plan out my first post to get it started. If you guys can give me aa day or two I will have it up by the latest monday. Thanks for your patience guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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