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Me vs. Zextra!

John A. Zoidberg

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Well, the rules are as follows:

All YCM rules.

First to 5 wins.

Voters must supply a specific reason. And no rating on pictures only. No rating on visual effects (borders, holos, etc).



Absolutely no requirements.

It just has to be a monster with an effect.



Winner gets 1 rep and 100 points from the loser.


I'll post my card soon. Good luck, Zex!


[spoiler=My card]227682o.jpg

[spoiler=Lore]When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, select 2 monster cards on your opponents field (occupied zones cannot be selected). Your opponent cannot Summon monsters in the selected zones. If a monster on your field is destroyed by battle, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon it to 1 of the selected zones on your opponents field with its ATK and DEF halved. If this card destroys a monster in 1 of the selected zones, increase its ATK by 500. After a monster in either of the selected zones is destroyed by battle, you no longer control that zone.




[spoiler=Zex's card]cosmicgemhybriddragonsw.jpg

[spoiler=Lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 card you control. If the removed card is a monster, place 1 Sapphire Counter on this card (max.2). If the removed card is a Spell Card, place 1 Emerald Counter on this card (max.2). If the removed card is a Trap Card, place 1 Ruby Counter on this card (max.2). You can remove 2 Sapphire Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 "Sapphiric Synchronic Drago Token" (Dragon-Type/LIGHT/Tuner/Level 3/ATK 1200/DEF 0) in face-up Attack Position. You can remove 2 Emerald Counters from this card to add 1 Spell or Trap Card from your Graveyard to your Hand. You can remove 2 Ruby Counters from this card when your opponent declares an attack to destroy the attacking monster and send a number of cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard equal to half the Level of the destroyed monster (rounded down). While there are 2 Sapphire Counters, 2 Emerald Counters, and 2 Ruby Counters on this card, you can return this card to your Extra Deck and destroy all cards on the field. When this card is destroyed, take damage equal to the combined number of Counters on this card x500.



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I suppose I'll go with this one...





1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 card you control. If the removed card is a monster, place 1 Sapphire Counter on this card (max.2). If the removed card is a Spell Card, place 1 Emerald Counter on this card (max.2). If the removed card is a Trap Card, place 1 Ruby Counter on this card (max.2). You can remove 2 Sapphire Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 "Sapphiric Synchronic Drago Token" (Dragon-Type/LIGHT/Tuner/Level 3/ATK 1200/DEF 0) in face-up Attack Position. You can remove 2 Emerald Counters from this card to add 1 Spell or Trap Card from your Graveyard to your Hand. You can remove 2 Ruby Counters from this card when your opponent declares an attack to destroy the attacking monster and send a number of cards from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard equal to half the Level of the destroyed monster (rounded down). While there are 2 Sapphire Counters, 2 Emerald Counters, and 2 Ruby Counters on this card, you can return this card to your Extra Deck and destroy all cards on the field. When this card is destroyed, take damage equal to the combined number of Counters on this card x500.

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Bloodthirsty Werewolf:

Interesting effect, but underpowered. A stable higher atk (Summoned Skull) would be a lot better so you could've added more bonuses for fulfilling the condition. Bad OCG at the end (you cannot 'control' a zone).



Cosmic Gem Hybrid Dragon:

The effect is completely underpowered and its only real use is a LV9 Synchro Beatstick. That doesn't deserve a high score. You, too, made a mistake at the end; it could've just said 3000 damage.




Vote goes to δαίμονας.

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Ok, that vote is totally valid.

However, it does NOT simply mean 3000 damage. What if it's destroyed when there are only 2 counters? Then, it's only 1000 damage.

If it's destroyed while only having 1 counter on it, it's 500 damage.

It does not have to have 6 counters on it to be destroyed...

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Ok, that vote is totally valid.

However, it does NOT simply mean 3000 damage. What if it's destroyed when there are only 2 counters? Then, it's only 1000 damage.

If it's destroyed while only having 1 counter on it, it's 500 damage.

It does not have to have 6 counters on it to be destroyed...

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Ok, that vote is totally valid.

However, it does NOT simply mean 3000 damage. What if it's destroyed when there are only 2 counters? Then, it's only 1000 damage.

If it's destroyed while only having 1 counter on it, it's 500 damage.

It does not have to have 6 counters on it to be destroyed...

My bad, I for some reason read the last effect as one that triggers when the second to last effect has resolved, while it wouldn't even activate at that time.

The rating goes up from 5,436/10 to 5,493/10.

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This is tough, I don't wanna vote :(


Let me just say that both cards are great and both get 1 point? Ah, I guess not :/


Vote goes to Mecha Pedobear, because the effect is quite original and requires a lot of strategy. Zextras card is really good as well, and even though I like the way counters are used on that card, if you take each effect for themself, they're nothing too new. It's a pinpoint decision, please forgive me...

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