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Hey ^^


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Hey, my name is Jackson, I am 15 years of age and from Kentucky, USA.


Me, I love sports and I love game. I got into Yu-Gi-Oh at a young age as it was a fairly competitive, even if not physically demanding game. My favourite sports have to be Boxing, MMA or Basketball, for sure.


Anyway's cba to type this much, ciao.

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Guest Mako109

Hello. You have half decent grammar, so your okay. Don't break rules, don't be stupid, and don't ride Yoshi Member, or I'll cut your brain out. Kthx.


lol. PM me if you need help^^

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Welcome to Paradise YCM!


-Dont touch my XBOX or I will rip you toes out.


-Dont Drink my Wine or I will puke on you.


-Dont troll or I will get spammers to eat you.


-Dont Spam or the trolls will stamp on you.


-Dont activate my Nuke.


-Dont steal my games or my Lepricorns will steal your gold.


-Dont steal my Gold or My gnomes will turn evil on you.


-Dont steal my Gnomes or your Gold will run away from you.


-Dont touch my lepricorns or My army will pwn you.


-Dont Touch General VK's wife Bridget or I will haunt you.


-Dont steal my spaceship or I will activate my Nuke.


-Dont steal my cargo or I will smash your head and turn it into pepper.


-Dont, I mean DONT, Use attachments.


Have fun!

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Welcome to Paradise YCM!


-Dont touch my XBOX or I will rip you toes out.


Fair dues.


-Dont Drink my Wine or I will puke on you.


2 girls one cup? <3


-Dont troll or I will get spammers to eat you.


From a couple of short posts on this site I have gained the knowledge that the trolls on this site are spammers. Trolls are humour full beings which turn serious posts into no less then a clever little joke. People on this site who claim to be trolls just spam by the appearance of things.


-Dont Spam or the trolls will stamp on you.


So the "trolls" will stamp on themselves?


-Dont activate my Nuke.


Too late...


-Dont steal my games or my Lepricorns will steal your gold.


You lost.


-Dont steal my Gold or My gnomes will turn evil on you.


I like gnomes, I suck them for breakfast.


-Dont steal my Gnomes or your Gold will run away from you.


Carrying dollar bills my good man, no coinage on me.


-Dont touch my lepricorns or My army will pwn you.


I doubt it.


-Dont Touch General VK's wife Bridget or I will haunt you.




-Dont steal my spaceship or I will activate my Nuke.


I already activated it... Remember?


-Dont steal my cargo or I will smash your head and turn it into pepper.


I don't like your grammar. Go somewhere else please. <3


-Dont, I mean DONT, Use attachments.


Have fun!

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I like you already.


Sir You failed.



Shut the f*** up. He's already more intelligent then you.


Lol the noob thinks he can own YCM.

You do know thats how we talk on YCM. *Lrn2YCM*


When did he say he can own YCM?


You're the one being an overreactive(lolfakeword) prick.

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Your grammar disgusts me, seriously, gtfo.

This is like my first post here in intro.


I'm just going to say I like you.


You seem like a cool guy.


Ignore Ghost, I see dumb people and all that stuff.


Here is some real advice:



Make sure to join some Clubs they are good ways to find people you'd like.


Maybe you'd get to my level even....



Actually aim higher, I'm kinda worthless.

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Lol the noob thinks he can own YCM.You do know thats how we talk on YCM. *Lrn2YCM*


Learning to YCM is terrible. He'll end up like you.


>_> Uhuh... But according to other members "learning to YCM" is the worst and most unpopular thing you can possibly do?


Indeed it is.


I like this new member already.





Dis guy iz da pr0


Trust him more then Ghost Rider.


Look dude sorreh for mah outrage, but please dont say I have bad grammer with no evidence.Enjoy your stay.


I see a hypocrite.


Or just flat out stupidity.


Globe Trotter, welcome to YCM, although I could understand if you left now.

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Welcome to Paradise YCM!


-Dont touch my XBOX or I will rip you toes out.


-Dont Drink my Wine or I will puke on you.


-Dont troll or I will get spammers to eat you.


-Dont Spam or the trolls will stamp on you.


-Dont activate my Nuke.


-Dont steal my games or my Lepricorns will steal your gold.


-Dont steal my Gold or My gnomes will turn evil on you.


-Dont steal my Gnomes or your Gold will run away from you.


-Dont touch my lepricorns or My army will pwn you.


-Dont Touch General VK's wife Bridget or I will haunt you.


-Dont steal my spaceship or I will activate my Nuke.


-Dont steal my cargo or I will smash your head and turn it into pepper.


-Dont, I mean DONT, Use attachments.


Have fun!


Dont copy VK. >.> im just gonna start saying ignore VK and Ghost, but meh.

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