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Naruto - Rising Dawn [Club RP / OoC / Not Started ?Accepting


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[center]Welcome to the Akatsuki of YCM Official RP „Naruto –Rising Dawn Dawn”This is the OoC thread.This RP is only for member’s of the club Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn.

[spoiler=Plot] When Madara Uchiha managed to assemble all of the tailed beasts together, from the one-tailed beast to the nine-tailed beast, to create the ten-tailed beast, everyone simply stopped fighting. It seemed Madara would succeed with his Moon’s Eye Plan, which was to cause peace through an illusion.

No one, not even Madara expected that it would happen. Once the nine-tailed beast, the Kyuubi, came in contact with the combined chakra of all other eight tailed beasts, it caused an unexpected reaction. The chakra of the nine-tailed fox split into nine separate fragments. To this day, these nine fragments remain hidden, scattered throughout the world.

It is said whoever gathers all nine pieces of the Kyuubi’s chakra will be able to harness the power of the legendary nine-tailed fox. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Timeline]time 80 years after the incident.Non of the members of Akatsuki or original characters are alive.You can be a member of Akatsuki,Shinobi or Misc.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=stats]Strenght X/8
Speed X/8
Chakra X/8
Inteligence X/8
Jutsu X/8
Genjutsu X/8
Taijustu X/8
Weapon Skills X/8
Total X/64[/spoiler][/spoiler]

No Godmodding,Spaming or Shortposting.Anyone caugth will be warned or banned.
[spoiler=Accepted Aplications][spoiler=Dark Link 401]Name: Daisuke Sakami
Age: 16
Apearance: [spoiler=spoiler][IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/20as005.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Bio: Daisuke is the male half of the Immortal Duo of the Mist. No one fully knows how his link with Sayuki works, but what is known, is that when they make any sort of physical contact, both of them are imbued with a sort of chakra unique to them. The closer the physical contact, the more chakra they both get. People speculate that the link was created because Daisuke and Sayuki were born on the same day, but it’s a mystery as to how one’s chakra affects the other. Knowing of this power ever since Daisuke and Sayuki were born, but not knowing how it worked, the village elders decided to have Daisuke and Sayuki meet at an early age, to test their power. Since Daisuke and Sayuki were five, it became a daily routine for them to play with each other. One day, what the elders were waiting for happened. A thug cornered Daisuke and Sayuki one day, when they were both six. Sayuki took Daisuke’s hand, scared, and the next thing anyone found was that same thug on the ground, shivering. Since then, the village leaders decided to end the daily meetings between Daisuke and Sayuki, to prevent anything dangerous. Daisuke seems to see Sayuki as a sister, of sorts. Daisuke’s father worked from day to night, while his mother died when he was seven. The loss saddened him greatly, until he met Kaori, who quickly became his friend. In fact, they became best friends. It seems Daisuke sees Kaori as no more than a friend. Daisuke shares a wonder in the Kyubi shards
Strength 6/8
Speed 6/8
Chakra 8/8
Inteligence 5/8
Jutsu 8/8
Genjutsu 6/8
Taijustu 6/8
Weapon Skills 5/8
Total 50/64[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fusion X. Denver]Name: Jaden Tora
Age: 17
[img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/176/c/4/Swordsman_by_Myme1.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
Bio: Jaden has lived as a nomad for his entire life and was taken care of by his uncle, Moroko Tora. Jaden never knew his real parents and Moroko only said that his brother loved him until he died with his wife. Moroko taught Jaden how to use two swords in combat and other necessary skills a shinobi needed to survive. When Jaden was 14, Moroko was killed in an accident caused by a fight between two rogue ninjas, which Jaden promptly beat to death and turned them in. For the past 3 years he has made a name for himself as an infamous bounty hunter and vows to protect the weak. His skills stem from fighting with swords and utilizing his fire and wind chakra with them.
Strength 6/8
Speed 5/8
Chakra 7/8
Intelligence 6/8
Jutsu 7/8
Genjutsu 3/8
Taijustu 8/8
Weapon Skills 8/8
Total 50/64[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dranzer]Name: Zeru
Age: 12
Apearance: [spoiler=spoiler][IMG]http://i491.photobucket.com/albums/rr272/Minda1991/Anime-2.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Bio: Zeru has recently became a jounin at his home village,the hidden star and is now heading traveling true the ninja world.He is very skilled in using both Fire and Lightning.His kekegenkai is the ability to have uminity towards fire and lightning attaccks,making his jutsu easyer to preform.
[spoiler=stats]Strenght 6/8
Speed 8/8
Chakra 8/8
Inteligence 6/8
Jutsu 7/8
Genjutsu 4/8
Taijustu 6/8
Weapon Skills 6/8
Total 51/64[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Have fun and good luck.[/center]
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Name: Daisuke Sakami
Age: 16
Apearance: [IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/20as005.jpg[/IMG]
Bio: Daisuke is the male half of the Immortal Duo of the Mist. No one fully knows how his link with Sayuki works, but what is known, is that when they make any sort of physical contact, both of them are imbued with a sort of chakra unique to them. The closer the physical contact, the more chakra they both get. People speculate that the link was created because Daisuke and Sayuki were born on the same day, but it’s a mystery as to how one’s chakra affects the other. Knowing of this power ever since Daisuke and Sayuki were born, but not knowing how it worked, the village elders decided to have Daisuke and Sayuki meet at an early age, to test their power. Since Daisuke and Sayuki were five, it became a daily routine for them to play with each other. One day, what the elders were waiting for happened. A thug cornered Daisuke and Sayuki one day, when they were both six. Sayuki took Daisuke’s hand, scared, and the next thing anyone found was that same thug on the ground, shivering. Since then, the village leaders decided to end the daily meetings between Daisuke and Sayuki, to prevent anything dangerous. Daisuke seems to see Sayuki as a sister, of sorts. Daisuke’s father worked from day to night, while his mother died when he was seven. The loss saddened him greatly, until he met Kaori, who quickly became his friend. In fact, they became best friends. It seems Daisuke sees Kaori as no more than a friend. Daisuke shares a wonder in the Kyubi shards
Strength 6/8
Speed 6/8
Chakra 8/8
Inteligence 5/8
Jutsu 8/8
Genjutsu 6/8
Taijustu 6/8
Weapon Skills 5/8
Total 50/64
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Name: Jaden Tora
Age: 17
[img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/176/c/4/Swordsman_by_Myme1.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
Bio: Jaden has lived as a nomad for his entire life and was taken care of by his uncle, Moroko Tora. Jaden never knew his real parents and Moroko only said that his brother loved him until he died with his wife. Moroko taught Jaden how to use two swords in combat and other necessary skills a shinobi needed to survive. When Jaden was 14, Moroko was killed in an accident caused by a fight between two rogue ninjas, which Jaden promptly beat to death and turned them in. For the past 3 years he has made a name for himself as an infamous bounty hunter and vows to protect the weak. His skills stem from fighting with swords and utilizing his fire and wind chakra with them.
Strength 6/8
Speed 5/8
Chakra 7/8
Intelligence 6/8
Jutsu 7/8
Genjutsu 3/8
Taijustu 8/8
Weapon Skills 8/8
Total 50/64
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