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12000 Post Celebration Thread

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And also another celebration for making my first thread in Written Cards....


So I decided to make one card but not bothered to find a pic or anything


Name : Returner

Stars : 1

Attribute : Dark


Effect : This cards summon cannot be negated. This cards effect cannot be negated. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect. This card cannot be used for a Tribute Summon. The owner of this card must pay 800 Life Points during each of their End Phases and send the top 3 cards from their Deck to the Graveyard. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, removed from play, returned to your hand or returned to your deck, Special Summon it to the opponent of the owner who controled this card. If this card is in Defense Position, switch it to Attack Position.

ATK : 0

DEF : 0


The idea is try and have advantages with this card

So if you control quickly use it with enemy controler or that stuff. Or creature swap.

Also use it for Synchro Summons.

Make your opponent lose Life Points and lose cards by having a card which removes from play cards that get sent to the graveyard.

Then when your opponents Life Points are smaller than your monster attack Returner with your monster and game over.


So give comments whatever, and if I get good rates ill find a picture and make it into a card.

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attack/defence position = Attack/ Defence Position


I see a heavy OTK strategy with this card anyway.


Summon it, destroy it, send to opponents, attack it, inflict pure damage, get it back, Tribute it, Summon something.


Well there are better strategies but that's all that came to mind.

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