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Doctor Who - Through the Dimensions -Original, and something unlike the masses of Pokemon and Naruto/Bleach/One Piece Sets.

The Tin  Trooper

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One day... I shall come back, yes, I shall come back.

Oh, my giddy aunt.

I'll reverse the polarity of the Neutron Flow

Jelly Baby?

A man is the sum of his memories; a Time Lord even more so.

I am the Doctor. Whether you like it or not.

If we fight like animals, we die like animals!

I love humans. They always see patterns in things that aren't there.

Lots of planets have a north!

I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?

It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool.


Hello. The Tin Trooper here. Since I started as a member on this site, three years ago, my primary concern was to make cards based on the Television Show, Doctor Who. When I first made them, they were awful. Most of them were vanillas with fake types and blurred pictures, some were incredibly overpowered, and they were just downright bad. But, they still garnered some popularity. When I realised how bad they were, I set about to renovate them. Constantly. Just to show how far I've come along, here's a quick comparison.

[spoiler=Beware. Suckiness Ahead]


Unimaginative Name

Fake Type, without Support.

Very brief description of character.


Extended Name, to make it seem more interesting

Effect fits in with the Regeneration concept.

Actual Type, with Time Lord Sub-Type instead.



Quite the improvement, don't you think? Unfortunately, my constant renovated Threads didn't exactly please everyone. So, this is probably the last Doctor Who Card Set I'll make, housing all the cards made.


This Post will be used for the following:

-Showing the newest card, and which Post to find it under.

-A Set List, showing all the cards that have been planned so far. The set isn't even a third completed yet, so don't expect it to stop at 828.

-Notes/news about the set.

-Affiliate Sets; in other words, Sets made by other people that I think deserve a look more than my Set.


So all that remains to say is: Welcome my Doctor Who Set - Through the Dimensions. An 800+ card Set, showcasing the character known simply as the Doctor.

[spoiler=Set List]

TRDS-EN000: The Start of Something Wonderful...

TRDS-EN001: First Doctor - Grumpy Old Man

TRDS-EN002: Second Doctor - Cosmic Hobo

TRDS-EN003: Third Doctor - Exiled Traveller

TRDS-EN004: Fourth Doctor - Bohemian Wanderer

TRDS-EN005: Fifth Doctor - Fresh -Faced Regeneration

TRDS-EN006: Sixth Doctor - Egotistical and Eccentric

TRDS-EN007: Seventh Doctor - Quirky and Mysterious

TRDS-EN008: Eighth Doctor - Incurable Charismatic

TRDS-EN009: Ninth Doctor - Modern Hero

TRDS-EN010: Tenth Doctor - Earth's Champion

TRDS-EN011: Eleventh Doctor - Unknown Hero

TRDS-EN012: Twelfth Doctor -

TRDS-EN013: Thirteenth Doctor - End of the Line

TRDS-EN014: Susan Foreman - An Unearthly Child

TRDS-EN015: Barbara Wright - History Teacher

TRDS-EN016: Ian Chesterton - Science Master

TRDS-EN017: Vicki - Lonely Soul

TRDS-EN018: Steven Taylor - Crash -Landed Companion

TRDS-EN019: Katarina - Doomed Companion

TRDS-EN020: Sara Kingdom - Hardened Soldier

TRDS-EN021: Dodo Chaplet - Cockney Angel

TRDS-EN022: Ben Jackson - Cheeky Sailor

TRDS-EN023: Polly Wright - Dolly - Rockin' Duchess

TRDS-EN024: Jamie McCrimmon - Adaptable Youth

TRDS-EN025: Victoria Waterfield - Scream Queen

TRDS-EN026: Zoe Heriot - Human Computer

TRDS-EN027: Liz Shaw - Sceptical Scientist

TRDS-EN028: Jo Grant - The Doctor's Assistant

TRDS-EN029: The Brigadier - UNIT Commander

TRDS-EN030: Sergeant Benton - Tag -Along

TRDS-EN031: Mike Yates - Cocky Captain

TRDS-EN032: Sarah -Jane Smith - Liberated Woman

TRDS-EN033: Leela - Savage Companion

TRDS-EN034: K -9 Mark I - A Man's Best Friend

TRDS-EN035: First Romana - Glamorous Know -It -All

TRDS-EN036: Second Romana - A Match For The Doctor

TRDS-EN037: K -9 Mark II - Faithful Companion

TRDS-EN038: Adric - Along for the Voyage

TRDS-EN039: Nyssa - Orphaned Princess

TRDS-EN040: Tegan Jovanka - Reluctant Companion

TRDS-EN041: Vislor Turlough - Doubtful Companion

TRDS-EN042: Kamelion - Shape -Shifting Puppet

TRDS-EN043: Peri Brown - American Doll

TRDS-EN044: Mel Bush - The Doctor's Personal Trainer

TRDS-EN045: Ace - Problem Child

TRDS-EN046: Grace Holloway - The Doctor's Doctor

TRDS-EN047: Rose Tyler - Promising Companion

TRDS-EN048: Mickey Smith - The Idiot

TRDS-EN049: Jackie Tyler - Fretful Mother

TRDS-EN050: Adam Mitchell - Boy Genius

TRDS-EN051: Jack HarknesS- No Coward

TRDS-EN052: K -9 Mark III - Shooty Dog Thing

TRDS-EN053: Donna Noble - The Doctor's Personal Companion

TRDS-EN054: Martha JoneS- No Nonsense Companion

TRDS-EN055: Astrid Peth - Tragic Companion

TRDS-EN056: Jenny - The Doctor's Daughter

TRDS-EN057: K -9 Mark IV - Good Dog

TRDS-EN058: Jackson Lake - The Doctor?

TRDS-EN059: City Dalek - Claustrophobic Mutant

TRDS-EN060: Council Dalek - City Elder

TRDS-EN061: Black Dalek - Camp Commandant

TRDS-EN062: Dalek Commander - Plague Architect

TRDS-EN063: Dalek Diver - Airtight Machine

TRDS-EN064: Dalek Invader - Metal Fascist

TRDS-EN065: Dalek Chrono -Traveler - Time Chaser

TRDS-EN066: Dalek Mutant - Horrible Genetic Failure

TRDS-EN067: Dalek Pyro - Incendiary Machine

TRDS-EN068: Dalek Supreme - Master Planner

TRDS-EN069: Servant Dalek - Friend or Foe?

TRDS-EN070: Alpha - Friendly Dalek

TRDS-EN071: Dalek Meddler - Creation of the Devil

TRDS-EN072: Dalek Invader - Alterno -Time Ruler

TRDS-EN073: Gold Dalek - Shocktroop Leader

TRDS-EN074: Dalek Supreme - Hot -Headed Mutant

TRDS-EN075: Dalek Invader - Ghostly Killer

TRDS-EN076: Dalek Explorer - Immobilised Invader

TRDS-EN077: Dalek Prototype - 'Mark III Travel Machine'

TRDS-EN078: Dalek Invader - Retreated Attacker

TRDS-EN079: Scooped Dalek - Death Zone Player

TRDS-EN080: Dalek - Killing Machine

TRDS-EN081: Dalek Supreme - True Leader

TRDS-EN082: Glass Dalek - Incubator

TRDS-EN083: White Dalek - The Healer's New Breed

TRDS-EN084: Dalek Battle Computer - Renegade Planner

TRDS-EN085: Dalek Navigator - Imperial Pilot

TRDS-EN086: Imperial Dalek - Flying Mutant

TRDS-EN087: Renegade Dalek - Pure Race

TRDS-EN088: Rogue Black Dalek - Renegade Leader

TRDS-EN089: Special Weapons Dalek - Imperial Tank

TRDS-EN090: Metaltron - Corrupted Dalek

TRDS-EN091: Metaltron - The Last Dalek

TRDS-EN092: Dalek Fanatic - Devoted Hybrid

TRDS-EN093: Dalek Fighter - Remorseless Killer

TRDS-EN094: Imprisoned Dalek - Free to Kill

TRDS-EN095: Dalek Sec - Cult Leader

TRDS-EN096: Dalek Caan - Ideal to Imagination

TRDS-EN097: Dalek Thay - Purist

TRDS-EN098: Dalek Jast - Doubtful Dalek

TRDS-EN099: Dalek Caan - Mad Prophet

TRDS-EN100: Dalek Fascist - Mechanical Gestapo

TRDS-EN101: Vault Dalek - Guardian of Davros

TRDS-EN102: Supreme One - Dalek Leader

TRDS-EN103: Dalek Emperor - Centre of the Hive

TRDS-EN104: Dalek Emperor - Imperial Leader

TRDS-EN105: Dalek Emperor - Divine Planner

TRDS-EN106: DavroS- Dreaded Genesis

TRDS-EN107: DavroS- Resurrected Tyrant

TRDS-EN108: DavroS- The 'Great Healer'

TRDS-EN109: DavroS- Dalek Emperor

TRDS-EN110: DavroS- Proud Father

TRDS-EN111: Early Cyberman - Cyborg Mummy

TRDS-EN112: Krang - Cyber -Leader

TRDS-EN113: Cyber Gunner - Artillery Unit

TRDS-EN114: Cyber Medic - Virus Designer

TRDS-EN115: Cyber Pilot - Slave Controller

TRDS-EN116: Cyber Cannon Team - Heavy Weapons Force

TRDS-EN117: Cyberman - Recently Re -Activated

TRDS-EN118: Cyber Hijacker - Advance Crew

TRDS-EN119: Cyber Director - Pliable Negotiator

TRDS-EN120: Cyber Sleeper - Inhuman Killer

TRDS-EN121: Cyber Invader - Sewer Stalker

TRDS-EN122: Cyber Survivor - Virtually Extinct

TRDS-EN123: Cyber -Leader - Goldaphobic

TRDS-EN124: Cyber Engineer - Thermal Lancer

DRHWO -EN125: Cyber Leader - Flippant Invader

TRDS-EN126: Cyber Lieutenant - Yes Man

TRDS-EN127: Cyber Soldier - Personal Guard

TRDS-EN128: Cyber Leader - Devious Negotiator

TRDS-EN129: Cyber Scout - Patrol Leader

TRDS-EN130: Cyber Leader - Violent Commander

TRDS-EN131: Cyber Rogue - Machine No More

TRDS-EN132: Cyber Scout - Camouflaged to Kill

TRDS-EN133: Cyber Explorer - In Search of the Statue

TRDS-EN134: Cyber Leader - Arrow -Keeper

TRDS-EN135: Parallel Cyberman - Upgrade

TRDS-EN136: Cyberman Advance - Home Invader

TRDS-EN137: Parallel Cyberman - Steel Giant

TRDS-EN138: Parallel Cyberman - Knight in Shining Armour

TRDS-EN139: Cyber Leader - Herald of the King

TRDS-EN140: Cybershade - Animalized

TRDS-EN141: Cyber King - Cyber -Industrial Marvellance

TRDS-EN142: Cyber Controller - Supreme Leader

TRDS-EN143: Cyber Controller - Redesigned Supremacy

TRDS-EN144: Cyber Controller - Parallel Controller

TRDS-EN145: Thirteenth Master - Arch -Villain

TRDS-EN146: Thirteenth Master - Exhausted Regeneration

TRDS-EN147: Fourteenth Master - The Doctor's Nemesis

TRDS-EN148: Fourteenth Master - Bad Cat Man

TRDS-EN149: Fifteenth Master - Not Dead Yet

TRDS-EN150: Sixteenth Master - Devil Incarnate

TRDS-EN151: Seventeenth Master - Reborn

TRDS-EN152: Eighteenth Master - Harold Saxon

TRDS-EN153: Linx - Star Knight

TRDS-EN154: Gron - Sontaran Commander

TRDS-EN155: Nivek - Grand Marshall

TRDS-EN156: Sontaran Scout - Elite Tracker

TRDS-EN157: Styre - Sadistic Field Major

TRDS-EN158: Sontaran Engineer - Specialist Trooper

TRDS-EN159: Stor - SSSS Commander

TRDS-EN160: Sontaran Trooper - Main Soldier

TRDS-EN161: Sontaran - Clone Soldier

TRDS-EN162: Stike - Group Marshal

TRDS-EN163: Varl - Sontaran Major

TRDS-EN164: Staal - The Undefeated

TRDS-EN165: Skorr - The Blood Bringer

TRDS-EN166: Sontaran Trooper - Militant Alien

TRDS-EN167: Terileptil - Renaissance Monster

TRDS-EN168: Terileptil Leader - Scarred Fugitive

TRDS-EN169: Terileptil Android - Bejewelled Servant

TRDS-EN170: Sil - Fishy Delegate

TRDS-EN171: Lord Kiv - Body -Swapper

TRDS-EN172: Haemovore - Wolf of Fenric

TRDS-EN173: Judson - Wolf of Fenric

TRDS-EN174: Ace - Wolf of Fenric

TRDS-EN175: Captain Sorin - Wolf of Fenric

TRDS-EN176: Commander Millington - Wolf of Fenric

TRDS-EN177: Kathleen Dudman - Wolf of Fenric

TRDS-EN178: Ingiger - The Ancient One

TRDS-EN179: Fenric, The Quintessential Being - Pure Evil

TRDS-EN180: Slitheen - Businessthing

TRDS-EN181: Blon Slitheen - Margaret Blaine

TRDS-EN182: Jocrassa Slitheen - Joe Green

TRDS-EN183: Sip Slitheen - Strickland

TRDS-EN184: Slitheen Captive - Unbound!

TRDS-EN185: Ood Servant - Basic Slave Race

TRDS-EN186: Ood Servitor - Beast's Legionnaire

TRDS-EN187: Red -Eye Ood - Infected Alien

TRDS-EN188: Ood Sigma - Faithful to the Last

TRDS-EN189: Natural Ood - Helpless and Vulnerable

TRDS-EN190: Ood Brain - Hive Centre

TRDS-EN191: Freed Ood - Slave No More

TRDS-EN192: Vervoid - Endangered Species

TRDS-EN193: Vervoid Hybrid - Plant Man

TRDS-EN194: Axon - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

TRDS-EN195: Axon Woman - Golden Beauty

TRDS-EN196: Axon Doppelganger - Impostor

TRDS-EN197: Axon Monster - Cosmic Bacteria

TRDS-EN198: Macra - Scourge of the Galaxy

TRDS-EN199: Macra - Fume -Feeder

TRDS-EN200: Yeti - Abominable Snowman

TRDS-EN201: Yeti MK II - Web Spinner

TRDS-EN202: Fred - Disused Yeti

TRDS-EN203: Auton - Featureless Killer

TRDS-EN204: Auton Mannequin - Deadly Display

TRDS-EN205: Auton Doll - Heat -Seeker

TRDS-EN206: Auton Chair - Cold and Clammy

TRDS-EN207: Auton - The Master's Entourage

TRDS-EN208: Auton Bride - Divorce Case

TRDS-EN209: Mickey the Auton - Nightmare Date

TRDS-EN210: New Model Auton - Sharp Dresser

TRDS-EN211: Nestene Intelligence - Collective Mind

TRDS-EN212: Nestene Intelligence - Desperate Despot

TRDS-EN213: Sporty Auton - Fit Mannequin

TRDS-EN214: Krillitane - Amalgalien

TRDS-EN215: Brother Lassar - Mr Finch

TRDS-EN216: Miss Berry - Dinner Lady

TRDS-EN217: Wirrn - Swarming Alien

TRDS-EN218: Wirrn Queen - The Progenitor

TRDS-EN219: Noah - Swarm Leader

TRDS-EN220: Guardian of HoruS- Servicer

TRDS-EN221: Mummy - Servicer

TRDS-EN222: Sutekh - The Destroyer

TRDS-EN223: Marcus Scarman - Instrument of Sutekh

TRDS-EN224: Ibrahim Namin - Servant of the True Faith

TRDS-EN225: Servant of Sutekh - No Substitute

TRDS-EN226: D.84 - Undercover Super -Voc

TRDS-EN227: Voc - Speaking Servant

TRDS-EN228: S.V.7 - Robot Coordinator

TRDS-EN229: "Free" Voc - Robot of Death

TRDS-EN230: Taren Capel - Robot Liberator

TRDS-EN231: Gellguard - Omega's Servant

TRDS-EN232: Twelfth Omega - Wronged Time Lord

TRDS-EN233: Ergon - Psychosynthetic Creature

TRDS-EN234: Thirteenth Omega - Anti -Matter Invader

TRDS-EN235: Toymaker - Celestial Gamester

TRDS-EN236: Toy - Toymaker's Plaything

TRDS-EN237: Cyril - Rotten Cheater

TRDS-EN238: Kandy Man - Killer Confectionary

TRDS-EN239: Alpha Centauri - Federation Ambassador

TRDS-EN240: TARDIS- Conscious Machine

TRDS-EN241: Auton Blaster

TRDS-EN242: The Healer Cometh

TRDS-EN243: Dalek Gunstick

TRDS-EN244: The Deep Darkness

TRDS-EN245: The Library

TRDS-EN246: Change Cyber History

TRDS-EN247: Movellan Ship

TRDS-EN248: Cyberman Timeship

TRDS-EN249: This Moment is Unique

TRDS-EN250: Controlled Regeneration

TRDS-EN251: Trojan Bomb

TRDS-EN252: Everybody Lives!

TRDS-EN253: Everybody Dies

TRDS-EN254: Rock Paper Scissors

TRDS-EN255: Conscientious Objection

TRDS-EN256: Skaro (2263)

TRDS-EN257: Robomadness

TRDS-EN258: Designate: Controller

TRDS-EN259: Hail the Emperor

TRDS-EN260: The Curse Begins

TRDS-EN261: The Death Zone

TRDS-EN262: Mondas (1986)

TRDS-EN263: Telos (2530)

TRDS-EN264: Create Slave Race

TRDS-EN265: Yartek - Scheming Anarchist

TRDS-EN266: Voord - Rebel to the Conscience

TRDS-EN267: Varga - Frozen Ice Warrior Savage

TRDS-EN268: Zondal - Frozen Warrior

TRDS-EN269: Turoc - Frozen Scientist

TRDS-EN270: Grand Marshal - Armada Leader

TRDS-EN271: Ice Warrior Guard - Martian Soldier

TRDS-EN272: Ice Warrior Scout - Martian Invader

TRDS-EN273: Slaar - Ice Lord

TRDS-EN274: Izlyr - Noble Martian

TRDS-EN275: Azaxyr - Breakaway Agent

TRDS-EN276: Cyrano - Poet and Swordsman

TRDS-EN277: KarkuS- Millennial Superhero

TRDS-EN278: Rapunzel - Lonely Princess

TRDS-EN279: The Controller - Mind Robber

TRDS-EN280: Toy Soldier - Wound Up Tight

TRDS-EN281: White Robot - Immaculate Machine

TRDS-EN282: Silurian - True Ruler

TRDS-EN283: Awakened Silurian - Subterranean

TRDS-EN284: Sea Devil - Underwater Slumberer

TRDS-EN285: Sea Devil Chief - Eocene Leader

TRDS-EN286: Ichtar - Herald of the Triad

TRDS-EN287: Sauvix - Elite Warrior Leader

TRDS-EN288: Sea Devil - Warrior of the Deep

TRDS-EN289: The Myrka - Danger of the Deep

TRDS-EN290: Sensorite - Timid Telepath

TRDS-EN291: First Elder - Scared to be Known

TRDS-EN292: Sensorite Warrior - Not Afraid to Attack

TRDS-EN293: Bloodtide - Vile Crone

TRDS-EN294: Carrionite - Vile Shade

TRDS-EN295: Doomfinger - Vile Witch

TRDS-EN296: Lilith - Vile Temptress

TRDS-EN297: Broton - Commander of Colonisation

TRDS-EN298: Zygon - Nessie -Messer

TRDS-EN299: Ogron Enforcer - Shock Trooper

TRDS-EN300: Slyther - Black Dalek's Pet

TRDS-EN301: Varga Plant - Cancerous Cactus

TRDS-EN302: Celation - Perceptive Delegate

TRDS-EN303: Mavic Chen - Solar System Guardian

TRDS-EN304: TrantiS- Argumentative Delegate

TRDS-EN305: Zephon - Influential Delegate

TRDS-EN306: Mechanoid - City Builder

TRDS-EN307: Draconian - Noble Warrior

TRDS-EN308: Exxilon - Fearful of the City

TRDS-EN309: Exxilon - Faithful to the City

TRDS-EN310: Anti -Body - The City's Natural Defence

TRDS-EN311: Spiridon - Invisible Slave

TRDS-EN312: Alydon - Thal Defender

TRDS-EN313: Dyoni - Thal Historian

TRDS-EN314: GanatuS- Born Survivor

TRDS-EN315: TemmosuS- Thal Chief

TRDS-EN316: Nyder - Davros' Right -Hand

TRDS-EN317: Movellan Soldier - Skaro Invader

TRDS-EN318: Sharrel - Movellan Commander

TRDS-EN319: Commander Lytton - Troop Leader

TRDS-EN320: Dalek Trooper - Elite Soldier

TRDS-EN321: Kiston - Trooper Engineer

TRDS-EN322: Stien - Dalek Agent

TRDS-EN323: Jobel - Vain Enbalmer

TRDS-EN324: Kara - Devious Businesswoman

TRDS-EN325: Orcini - Knight of the Order of Oberon

TRDS-EN326: Tasambeker - Fawning Stooge

TRDS-EN327: Mike Smith - Ratcliffe's Man

TRDS-EN328: Ratcliffe - Renegade Dalek Tool

TRDS-EN329: The Headmaster - Imperial Dalek Tool

TRDS-EN330: Henry Van Statten - Callous Collector

TRDS-EN331: SimmonS- Cruel Interrogator

TRDS-EN332: Controller - Human Computer

TRDS-EN333: Pig Slave - Mindless Animal

TRDS-EN334: Roboman - Human Zombie

TRDS-EN335: Rago - Cunning Navigator

TRDS-EN336: Toba - Brutish Probationer

TRDS-EN337: Quark - Deadly Automatonic Slave

TRDS-EN338: Aggedor - Sacred Beast of Peladon

TRDS-EN339: ArcturuS- Arcturan Delegate

TRDS-EN340: Hepesh - Treacherous High Priest

TRDS-EN341: King Peladon - Hesitant Monarch

TRDS-EN342: Aggedor - Solid Stone

TRDS-EN343: Vervoid Intruder - Hidden Danger

TRDS-EN344: Abzorbaloff - The "Genuine Article"

TRDS-EN345: Victor Kennedy - Untouchable

TRDS-EN346: The Mara - Nightmare Entity

TRDS-EN347: Judoon - Galactic Police

TRDS-EN348: Chief Judoon - Dread Judge

TRDS-EN349: Judoon Guard - Bodyguard to the Law

TRDS-EN350: Shadow Architect - Law Maker

TRDS-EN351: Shadow Servant - Sensitive Albino

TRDS-EN352: Weeping Angel - Stone Cold

TRDS-EN353: Weeping Angel - Lonely Assassin

TRDS-EN354: Skarasen - Nessie?

TRDS-EN355: Adherent of the Repeated Meme - Just an Idea

TRDS-EN356: Hop Pyleen - Hyposlip Inventor

TRDS-EN357: Jabe - Royal Branch

TRDS-EN358: Coffa - Venerable Tree

TRDS-EN359: Lute - Wooden Realtor

TRDS-EN360: The Forest of Cheem - Living Forestry

TRDS-EN361: Moxx of Balhoon - Spitting Delegate

TRDS-EN362: Raffalo - Grade -H Plumber

TRDS-EN363: The Steward - Grade -A Snoot

TRDS-EN364: Bok - Gargoyle Guardian

TRDS-EN365: Azal - Last of the Dæmons

TRDS-EN366: Gelth Angel - Time War Refugee

TRDS-EN367: Gelth Devil - Their True Face

TRDS-EN368: Evans- Cyber-Slave

TRDS-EN369: Toberman - Brute for the Brotherhood

TRDS-EN370: Eric Klieg - Mad Logician

TRDS-EN371: Kaftan - Treachourous Logician

TRDS-EN372: Servo Droid - Routined Robot

TRDS-EN373: Evan Laurie - UNIT Agent

TRDS-EN374: I.E. Foot Soldier - Enhanced Guard

TRDS-EN375: Isobel WatkinS- Photographer

TRDS-EN376: Packer - Crude Henchman

TRDS-EN377: Tobias Vaughn - Cyber -Manipulator

TRDS-EN378: Vogan - Pioneer of the Glittergun

TRDS-EN379: Cyber -Android - Programmed Guard

TRDS-EN380: Captain BriggS- Impatient Hauler

TRDS-EN381: Lt. Scott - Butch Military Man

TRDS-EN382: Raston Warrior Robot - The Perfect Killing Machine

TRDS-EN383: Lytton - Agent for Hire

TRDS-EN384: Lytton - Cyber -Slave

TRDS-EN385: Cryon - Cold as Ice

TRDS-EN386: De FloreS- Neo -Nazi

TRDS-EN387: Peinforte - Cavalier Witch

TRDS-EN388: John Lumic - Life Giver

TRDS-EN389: Mr. Crane - Lumic's Lieutenant

TRDS-EN390: Mrs. Moore - Resourceful Techie

TRDS-EN391: Pete Tyler - Gemini

TRDS-EN392: Jake SimmondS- "Preacher"

TRDS-EN393: Ricky Smith - Public Enemy No.1

TRDS-EN394: Adeola - Cyber -Slave

TRDS-EN395: Yvonne Hartman - Patriotic to the End

TRDS-EN396: Yvonne Hartman - Cyber -Rebel

TRDS-EN397: Miss Hartigan - Human Converter

TRDS-EN398: Futurekind - Cannabalistic Hunter

TRDS-EN399: Futurekind Chieftain - Savage Leader

TRDS-EN400: Wiry Woman - Refugee Infiltrator

TRDS-EN401: 001 - An Unearthly Child

TRDS-EN402: 002 - The Daleks

TRDS-EN403: 003 - The Edge of Destruction

TRDS-EN404: 004 - Marco Polo

TRDS-EN405: 005 - The Keys of Marinus

TRDS-EN406: 006 - The Aztecs

TRDS-EN407: 007 - The Sensorites

TRDS-EN408: 008 - The Reign of Terror

TRDS-EN409: 009 - Planet of Giants

TRDS-EN410: 010 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth

TRDS-EN411: 011 - The Rescue

TRDS-EN412: 012 - The Romans

TRDS-EN413: 013 - The Web Planet

TRDS-EN414: 014 - The Crusade

TRDS-EN415: 015 - The Space Museum

TRDS-EN416: 016 - The Chase

TRDS-EN417: 017 - The Time Meddler

TRDS-EN418: 018 - Galaxy 4

TRDS-EN419: 019 - Mission to the Unknown

TRDS-EN420: 020 - The Mythmakers

TRDS-EN421: 021 - The Dalek MasterPlan

TRDS-EN422: 022 - The Massacre of St. Bathrolomew's Eve

TRDS-EN423: 023 - The Ark

TRDS-EN424: 024 - The Celestial Toymaker

TRDS-EN425: 025 - The Gunfighters

TRDS-EN426: 026 - The Savages

TRDS-EN427: 027 - The War Machines

TRDS-EN428: 028 - The Smugglers

TRDS-EN429: 029 - The Tenth Planet

TRDS-EN430: 030 - Power of the Daleks

TRDS-EN431: 031 - The Highlanders

TRDS-EN432: 032 - The Underwater Menace

TRDS-EN433: 033 - The Moonbase

TRDS-EN434: 034 - The Macra Terror

TRDS-EN435: 035 - The Faceless Ones

TRDS-EN436: 036 - The Evil of the Daleks

TRDS-EN437: 037 - The Tomb of the Cybermen

TRDS-EN438: 038 - The Abominable Snowmen

TRDS-EN439: 039 - The Ice Warriors

TRDS-EN440: 040 - The Enemy of the World

TRDS-EN441: 041 - The Web of Fear

TRDS-EN442: 042 - Fury from the Deep

TRDS-EN443: 043 - The Wheel in Space

TRDS-EN444: 044 - The Dominators

TRDS-EN445: 045 - The Mind Robber

TRDS-EN446: 046 - The Invasion

TRDS-EN447: 047 - The Krotons

TRDS-EN448: 048 - The Seeds of Death

TRDS-EN449: 049 - The Space Pirates

TRDS-EN450: 050 - The War Games

TRDS-EN451: 051 - Spearhead from Space

TRDS-EN452: 052 - Doctor Who and the Silurians

TRDS-EN453: 053 - The Ambassadors of Death

TRDS-EN454: 054 - Inferno

TRDS-EN455: 055 - Terror of the Autons

TRDS-EN456: 056 - The Mind of Evil

TRDS-EN457: 057 - The Claws of Axos

TRDS-EN458: 058 - Colony in Space

TRDS-EN459: 059 - The Dæmons

TRDS-EN460: 060 - Day of the Daleks

TRDS-EN461: 061 - The Curse of Peladon

TRDS-EN462: 062 - The Sea Devils

TRDS-EN463: 063 - The Mutants

TRDS-EN464: 064 - The Time Monster

TRDS-EN465: 065 - The Three Doctors

TRDS-EN466: 066 - Carnival of Monsters

TRDS-EN467: 067 - Frontier in Space

TRDS-EN468: 068 - Planet of the Daleks

TRDS-EN469: 069 - The Green Death

TRDS-EN470: 070 - The Time Warrior

TRDS-EN471: 071 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs

TRDS-EN472: 072 - Death to the Daleks

TRDS-EN473: 073 - The Monster of Peladon

TRDS-EN474: 074 - Planet of the Spiders

TRDS-EN475: 075 - Robot

TRDS-EN476: 076 - The Ark in Space

TRDS-EN477: 077 - The Sontaran Experiment

TRDS-EN478: 078 - Genesis of the Daleks

TRDS-EN479: 079 - Revenge of the Cybermen

TRDS-EN480: 080 - Terror of the Zygons

TRDS-EN481: 081 - Planet of Evil

TRDS-EN482: 082 - Pyramids of Mars

TRDS-EN483: 083 - The Android Invasion

TRDS-EN484: 084 - The Brain of Morbius

TRDS-EN485: 085 - The Seeds of Doom

TRDS-EN486: 086 - The Masque of Mandragora

TRDS-EN487: 087 - The Hand of Fear

TRDS-EN488: 088 - The Deadly Assassin

TRDS-EN489: 089 - The Face of Evil

TRDS-EN490: 090 - The Robots of Death

TRDS-EN491: 091 - The Talons of Weng -Chiang

TRDS-EN492: 092 - Horror of Fang Rock

TRDS-EN493: 093 - The Invisible Enemy

TRDS-EN494: 094 - Image of the Fendahl

TRDS-EN495: 095 - The Sun Makers

TRDS-EN496: 096 - Underworld

TRDS-EN497: 097 - The Invasion of Time

TRDS-EN498: 098 - The Ribos Operation

TRDS-EN499: 099 - The Pirate Planet

TRDS-EN500: 100 - The Stones of Blood

TRDS-EN501: 101 - The Androids of Tara

TRDS-EN502: 102 - The Power of Kroll

TRDS-EN503: 103 - The Armageddon Factor

TRDS-EN504: 104 - Destiny of the Daleks

TRDS-EN505: 105 - City of Death

TRDS-EN506: 106 - Creature from the Pit

TRDS-EN507: 107 - Nightmare of Eden

TRDS-EN508: 108 - The Horns of Nimon

TRDS-EN509: 109 - The Leisure Hive

TRDS-EN510: 110 - Meglos

TRDS-EN511: 111 - Full Circle

TRDS-EN512: 112 - State of Decay

TRDS-EN513: 113 - Warriors' Gate

TRDS-EN514: 114 - The Keeper of Traken

TRDS-EN515: 115 - Logopolis

TRDS-EN516: 116 - Castrovalva

TRDS-EN517: 117 - Four to Doomsday

TRDS-EN518: 118 - Kinda

TRDS-EN519: 119 - The Visitation

TRDS-EN520: 120 - Black Orchid

TRDS-EN521: 121 - Earthshock

TRDS-EN522: 122 - Time -Flight

TRDS-EN523: 123 - Arc of Infinity

TRDS-EN524: 124 - Snakedance

TRDS-EN525: 125 - Mawdryn Undead

TRDS-EN526: 126 - Terminus

TRDS-EN527: 127 - Enlightenment

TRDS-EN528: 128 - The King's Demons

TRDS-EN529: 129 - The Five Doctors

TRDS-EN530: 130 - Warriors of the Deep

TRDS-EN531: 131 - The Awakening

TRDS-EN532: 132 - Frontios

TRDS-EN533: 133 - Ressurection of the Daleks

TRDS-EN534: 134 - Planet of Fire

TRDS-EN535: 135 - The Caves of Anrdozani

TRDS-EN536: 136 - The Twin Dilemma

TRDS-EN537: 137 - Attack of the Cybermen

TRDS-EN538: 138 - Vengeance on Varos

TRDS-EN539: 139 - The Mark of the Rani

TRDS-EN540: 140 - The Two Doctors

TRDS-EN541: 141 - Timelash

TRDS-EN542: 142 - Revelation of the Daleks

TRDS-EN543: 143 - Trial of a Time Lord - The Mysterious Planet

TRDS-EN544: 144 - Trial of a Time Lord - Mindwarp

TRDS-EN545: 145 - Trial of a Time Lord - Terror of the Vervoids

TRDS-EN546: 146 - Trial of a Time Lord - The Ultimate Foe

TRDS-EN547: 147 - Time and the Rani

TRDS-EN548: 148 - Paradise Towers

TRDS-EN549: 149 - Delta and the Bannermen

TRDS-EN550: 150 - Dragonfire

TRDS-EN551: 151 - Remembrance of the Daleks

TRDS-EN552: 152 - The Happiness Patrol

TRDS-EN553: 153 - Silver Nemesis

TRDS-EN554: 154 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

TRDS-EN555: 155 - Battlefield

TRDS-EN556: 156 - Ghost Light

TRDS-EN557: 157 - The Curse of Fenric

TRDS-EN558: 158 - Survival

TRDS-EN559: 159 - The Enemy Within

TRDS-EN560: 160 - Rose

TRDS-EN561: 161 - End of the World

TRDS-EN562: 162 - The Unquiet Dead

TRDS-EN563: 163 - Aliens of London

TRDS-EN564: 164 - World War Three

TRDS-EN565: 165 - Dalek

TRDS-EN566: 166 - The Long Game

TRDS-EN567: 167 - Father's Day

TRDS-EN568: 168 - The Empty Child

TRDS-EN569: 169 - The Doctor Dances

TRDS-EN570: 170 - Boom Town

TRDS-EN571: 171 - Bad Wolf

TRDS-EN572: 172 - Parting of the Ways

TRDS-EN573: 173 - The Christmas Invasion

TRDS-EN574: 174 - Attack of the Graske

TRDS-EN575: 175 - New Earth

TRDS-EN576: 176 - Tooth & Claw

TRDS-EN577: 177 - Girl in the Fireplace

TRDS-EN578: 178 - Rise of the Cybermen

TRDS-EN579: 179 - The Age of Steel

TRDS-EN580: 180 - The Idiot's Lantern

TRDS-EN581: 181 - The Impossible Planet

TRDS-EN582: 182 - The Satan Pit

TRDS-EN583: 183 - Love & Monsters

TRDS-EN584: 184 - Fear Her

TRDS-EN585: 185 - Army of Ghosts

TRDS-EN586: 186 - Doomsday

TRDS-EN587: 187 - The Runaway Bride

TRDS-EN588: 188 - Smith & Jones

TRDS-EN589: 189 - The Shakespeare Code

TRDS-EN590: 190 - Gridlock

TRDS-EN591: 191 - Daleks in Manhattan

TRDS-EN592: 192 - Evolution of the Daleks

TRDS-EN593: 193 - The Lazarus Experiment

TRDS-EN594: 194 - 42

TRDS-EN595: 195 - Human Nature

TRDS-EN596: 196 - Family of Blood

TRDS-EN597: 197 - Blink

TRDS-EN598: 198 - Utopia

TRDS-EN599: 199 - The Sound of Drums

TRDS-EN600: 200 - Last of the Time Lords

TRDS-EN601: 201 - Time Crash

TRDS-EN602: 202 - Voyage of the Damned

TRDS-EN603: 203 - Partners in Crime

TRDS-EN604: 204 - The Fires of Pompeii

TRDS-EN605: 205 - Planet of the Ood

TRDS-EN606: 206 - The Sontaran Strategem

TRDS-EN607: 207 - The Poison Sky

TRDS-EN608: 208 - The Doctor's Daughter

TRDS-EN609: 209 - The Unicorn and the Wasp

TRDS-EN610: 210 - Silence in the Library

TRDS-EN611: 211 - Forest of the Dead

TRDS-EN612: 212 - Midnight

TRDS-EN613: 213 - Turn Left

TRDS-EN614: 214 - The Stolen Earth

TRDS-EN615: 215 - Journey's End

TRDS-EN616: 216 - The Next Doctor

TRDS-EN617: 217 - Planet of the Dead

TRDS-EN618: 218 - The Waters of Mars

TRDS-EN619: 219 - The End of Time

TRDS-EN620: River Song – Secretive Companion

TRDS-EN621: Sound Advice 

TRDS-EN622: The Fendahl Core - Gestalt Devil

TRDS-EN623: Fendahleen - Advocate to the Core

TRDS-EN624: Nimon - Galactic Minotaur

TRDS-EN625: Mandrel - Living Drug

TRDS-EN626: Scaroth - Captain Tancredi

TRDS-EN627: Scaroth - Count Scarlioni

TRDS-EN628: Scaroth - Fire Bringer

TRDS-EN629: Scaroth - Jagaroth Pilot

TRDS-EN630: Scaroth - Pyramid Builder

TRDS-EN631: Portrait of a Time Lady

TRDS-EN632: Azal's Awakening

TRDS-EN633: Vashta Narada - The Darkness

TRDS-EN634: Fear of the Dark

TRDS-EN635: Suit Creature - Dead Man Walking

TRDS-EN636: Kamikaze Dalek - Suicide Bomber

TRDS-EN637: Alien Ambassador - Lethal to the Touch

TRDS-EN638: Dalek Evolutionary Line

TRDS-EN639: Evolution of the Cybermen

TRDS-EN640: Sontarans - Evil -Ution

TRDS-EN641: Koquillion - Cover -Up Monster

TRDS-EN642: Bennett - Murderer With a Conscience

TRDS-EN643: Sharaz Jek - Twisted Genius

TRDS-EN644: MorguS- Evil Soliloquist

TRDS-EN645: Rebel Android - Human Killer

TRDS-EN646: Drashig - Mega -Minibeast

TRDS-EN647: Magnus Greel - The Butcher of Brisbane

TRDS-EN648: Weng -Chiang - False God

TRDS-EN649: Li H'sen Chang - Master of Mesmerism

TRDS-EN650: Mr. Sin - The Peking Homonculus

TRDS-EN651: Bloodaxe - Fawning Warrior

TRDS-EN652: Irongron - Robber Baron

TRDS-EN653: Sontaran Knight - Slashing Machine

TRDS-EN654: Vural - Betrayed Traitor

TRDS-EN655: Surveyor - Sample Collecter

TRDS-EN656: Chessene - Augmented Chatelaine

TRDS-EN657: Oscar - Poet Restauranteur

TRDS-EN658: Shockeye - Cannibal Cook

TRDS-EN659: Dastari - Foolish Scientist

TRDS-EN660: Martha's Clone - Sontaran Agent

TRDS-EN661: Luke Rattigan - Boy Genius

TRDS-EN662: Colonel Mace - UNIT Leader

TRDS-EN663: Foamasi Agent - Policething

TRDS-EN664: West Lodge Foamasi - Rogue Reptile

TRDS-EN665: Toby Zed - Chief Dramatist

TRDS-EN666: The Beast - Satan Incarnate

TRDS-EN667: Toby Zed - House for the Devil

TRDS-EN668: Werewolf - Animal of the Full Moon

TRDS-EN669: The Host - Wolf Boy

TRDS-EN670: Coming of the Wolf

TRDS-EN671: Reuben the Rutan - Monster in Disguise

TRDS-EN672: Rutan Scout - Furtive Spy

TRDS-EN673: Rutan Warrior - Sontaran Killer

TRDS-EN674: Sea Devil Hijacker - Eocene Sabateur

TRDS-EN675: Ybsaght - Vervoid Enhancement

TRDS-EN676: Cyber -Vervoid - Bionic Botany

TRDS-EN677: The Great Metal Tree - Lifeless Leader

TRDS-EN678: Kralk - Alien Survivor

TRDS-EN679: Countdown

TRDS-EN680: WOTAN - Will Operating Thought Analogue

TRDS-EN681: War Machine - Harbringer of the Mech -opolypse

TRDS-EN682: Lady Christina - Aristocratic Thief

TRDS-EN683: Rose Tyler - The Bad Wolf

TRDS-EN684: The DoctorDonna - Short -Lived Brilliance

TRDS-EN685: The Monk - Time Meddler

TRDS-EN686: Tenth Doctor - Meta -Crisis Time Lord

TRDS-EN687: Handy Receptacle

TRDS-EN688: Dimension Jump

TRDS-EN689: Reality Bomb

TRDS-EN690: Krillitane Oil

TRDS-EN691: Overcome Weakness

TRDS-EN692: Six Pilots

TRDS-EN693: Just Desserts

TRDS-EN694: I'll Be Back

TRDS-EN695: Accelerate Life Cycle

TRDS-EN696: Kto - Silurian Scientist

TRDS-EN697: Morka - Rash Youngster

TRDS-EN698: Okdel - Wise Elder

TRDS-EN699: Helen A - Matriarch of Merriment

TRDS-EN700: Harold C - Consort of Cheerfullness

TRDS-EN701: Fifi - Beast of Bliss

TRDS-EN702: Gilbert M - Curator of the Kandy Kitchen

TRDS-EN703: Daisy K - Enforcer of Enjoyment

TRDS-EN704: Priscialla P - Gleeful Guard

TRDS-EN705: The Happiness Patrol - Soldiers of Seventh Heaven

TRDS-EN706: Pipe Person - Outcast from Optimism

TRDS-EN707: Earl Sigma - Musician of Melancholy

TRDS-EN708: Silas P - Spy of Sanctity

TRDS-EN709: Kane - Man-of-Ice

TRDS-EN710: Hath - Piscine Platoonier

TRDS-EN711: The Kandy Kitchen

TRDS-EN712: Suzie Q - Lady of Lament

TRDS-EN713: Dalek Sec - Human Hybrid

TRDS-EN714: Human Dalek - The New Breed

TRDS-EN715: Quark - Grunt of the Ten Galaxies

TRDS-EN716: Quark Machanic - Enigineer of the Ten Galaxies

TRDS-EN717: Vortis

TRDS-EN718: Zarbi - Brainwashed Cattle

TRDS-EN719: Optera - Tribal Louse

TRDS-EN720: Menoptra - Regal Outcast

TRDS-EN721: Larvae Gun - Venom Grub

TRDS-EN722: The Animus - Parasitic God

TRDS-EN723: Antimatter Invasion

TRDS-EN724: Striding in the Mist

TRDS-EN725: Flying Into Danger

TRDS-EN726: Whomobile

TRDS-EN727: Bessie - A Car of Great Character

TRDS-EN728: Assault From the Lake

TRDS-EN729: Sir Ian Chesterton - Knight of the Templar

TRDS-EN730: The Destroyer - Devourer of Worlds

TRDS-EN731: Morgaine - Battle Queen of the S'Rax

TRDS-EN732: Ancelyn - Son of Gawain

TRDS=EN734: Mordred - Son of Arthur

TRDS-EN735: Agatha Christie - Mystery Writer

TRDS-EN736: Charles DickenS- Weary Writer

TRDS-EN737: Shakespeare - The Bard

TRDS-EN738: Vespiform - Morphic Wasp

TRDS-EN739: Reverend Golightly - Vespiform Vicar

TRDS-EN740: The Firestone

TRDS-EN741: K -1 LV4 - Emotional Experiment

TRDS-EN742: K -1 LV8 - Shy High Terror

TRDS-EN743: Toon Sutekh

TRDS-EN744: Regeneration

TRDS-EN745: Execution of the Master

TRDS-EN746: From Under the Sea...

TRDS-EN747: BateS- Failed Conversion

TRDS-EN748: Flast - Cryon Martyr

TRDS-EN749: Rost - Cryon Rebel

TRDS-EN750: Dalek Supervisor - Imperial Planner

TRDS-EN751: Dalek Tracker - Single -Minded Machine

TRDS-EN752: Vardan - Electromagnetic Invader

TRDS-EN753: Cheetah - Fun -Loving Hunter

TRDS-EN754: Toclafane - Evil Sphere

TRDS-EN755: Utopian - True Face of the Toclafane

TRDS-EN756: Fifth Doctor - Time Crashed Time Lord

TRDS-EN757: 500 Year Diary

TRDS-EN758: Cut Off

TRDS-EN759: Psycho

TRDS-EN760: Off With Her Head

TRDS-EN761: God Trap

TRDS-EN762: Polyphase Avitron - Death Parrot

TRDS-EN763: Marco Polo - Venetian Explorer

TRDS-EN764: Tachyonic Ageing

TRDS-EN765: Everyone's A Critic

TRDS-EN766: Martian Seed Pod - Air Eater

TRDS-EN767: Weed Creature - Parasitic Seaweed

TRDS-EN768: Oak and Quill - Seaweed Slaves

TRDS-EN769: Playing in the Foam

TRDS-EN770: Special Weapons Dalek - Airborne Variant

TRDS-EN771: Exterminate!!

TRDS-EN772: Cyber-Smash

TRDS-EN773: Intimidation

TRDS-EN774: Cyber Invasion

TRDS-EN775: The Trilogic Game

TRDS-EN776: Cassandra - The Last Pure Human

TRDS-EN777: Rose Tyler - Possessed by Cassandra

TRDS-EN778: Chip - Faithful Lackey

TRDS-EN779: Plastic Surgeon - Human Expert

TRDS-EN780: Death by Malmoisturising

TRDS-EN781: Alpha - Dalek Pioneer

TRDS-EN782: New Companion

TRDS-EN783: Regeneration

TRDS-EN784: Earth - 100,000 B.C.

TRDS-EN785: Sound Advice

TRDS-EN786: Fractured Time

TRDS-EN787: Emissarical Clash

TRDS-EN788: Watch Out For the Companion

TRDS-EN789: Batting A Thousand

TRDS-EN790: Citizen of the Universe

TRDS-EN791: “Kindness” of the Gods

TRDS-EN792: If You Can't Stand the Heat...

TRDS-EN793: Recall Button

TRDS-EN794: Human Species: Indomitable

TRDS-EN795: Guilt Trip

TRDS-EN796: Journal of Impossible Things

TRDS-EN797: Dangerous Drilling

TRDS-EN798: Interrogating a Time Traveller

TRDS-EN799: The Harmful Mind

TRDS-EN800: Cadaver Control

TRDS-EN801: The Eye of Horus

TRDS-EN802: Fury of the Last Osirian

TRDS-EN803: Haemovore Prowess

TRDS-EN804: Claimed and Turned

TRDS-EN805: Haemo-Prowlin

TRDS-EN806: The Pandorica

TRDS-EN807: Amy Pond – Fiery Companion

TRDS-EN808: Rory Williams - “Sort of” Boyfriend

TRDS-EN809: Time-Crack

TRDS-EN810: There is Only the Master Race

TRDS-EN811: 220 – The Eleventh Hour

TRDS-EN812: 221 – The Beast Below

TRDS-EN813: 222 – Victory of the Daleks

TRDS-EN814: 223 – Time of the Angels

TRDS-EN815: 224 – Flesh and Stone

TRDS-EN816: 225 – Vampires in Venice

TRDS-EN817: 226 – Amy's Choice

TRDS-EN818: 227 – The Hungry Earth

TRDS-EN819: 228 – Cold Blood

TRDS-EN820: 229 – Vincent and the Doctor

TRDS-EN821: 230 – The Lodger

TRDS-EN822: 231 – The Pandorica Opens

TRDS-EN823: 232 – The Big bang

TRDS-EN824: The Dream Lord – The Doctor's Darkness

TRDS-EN825: Stone Dalek – The Result of the Silence

TRDS-EN826: Taking Notes

TRDS-EN827: Down the Drain

TRDS-EN828: Venusian Aikido

TRDS-EN829: Tlotoxl - High Priest of Sacrifice

TRDS-EN830: Just A Guess

TRDS-EN831: Mistreatment

TRDS-EN832: One Victory

TRDS-EN833: Pleading in Vain

TRDS-EN834: In Loving Memory




Third Doctor --> The Time Warrior

Cards This Week: 23/10/10 - 30/10/10

In Loving Memory: Seventh Doctor --> Rememberance of the Daleks

Sarah Jane Smith: Third Doctor --> The Time Warrior




Goal of the Akatsuki - .:☆BT☆:.

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[spoiler=Promotional Cards]


- 1 Dalek monster + 1 Cyberman monster - 1 "Dalek Mutant" Tuner + 1 non-Tuner Cyberman monster OR 1 "Cyber-Drone" or "Cyber-Slave" Tuner + 1 non-Tuner Dalek monster; This card can either Fusion Summoned with the listed Fusion Materials, OR Synchro Summoned with the required Synchro Materials. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 Dalek monster on your field to destroy 3 random cards on the field, OR you can Tribute 1 Cyberman monster on your field to increase the ATK and DEF of all Machine-Type monsters on your field by 1300. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon up to 3 Dalek and Cyberman monsters from either player's Graveyard. While this card is in your Extra Deck, it is treated as a Trap Card with the following effect: - If a Dalek or Cyberman monster would be destroyed by a card effect, you can remove this card from play to negate the effect of that card and destroy it. Then remove this card in your Extra Deck from play.

[spoiler=Picture Holos]




[spoiler=First Doctor][spoiler=An Unearthly Child]

4273n.jpg[spoiler=The First Doctor]



[spoiler=The TARDIS]


This card can only be equipped to a Time Lord monster on your field. This card can not be destroyed by card effects. If this card is removed from play, it returns to your hand during your opponent's Standby Phase. During each player's Main Phase, place 1 Time Counter on this card (max. 10). If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, you can remove 10 Time Counters from this card to return the equipped monster and this card to your Deck. If this card is equipped to a Time Lord "Doctor" on your Field, this card is treated as a Continuous Spell Card and gains the following effect:

- Increase the ATK and DEF of all Time Lord monsters on your Field by 200 for each Time Lord and Assistant monster on your Field.



[spoiler=The Dead Planet][spoiler=Skaro - 2263]


[spoiler=Dalek Gunstick]



[spoiler=Sound Advice]



[spoiler=Cut Off]







[spoiler=Edge of Destruction][spoiler=Fractured Time]


As long as this card remains on the field, roll a die and flip a coin during each of your Standby Phases. Each player removes random cards from their Deck from play corresponding to the result of the die. If the coin result is Heads, any monsters removed from play by this card's effect can be Special Summoned by their owners during each End Phase.






[spoiler=Marco Polo][spoiler=Marco Polo]



[spoiler= Emissarical Clash]




[spoiler=The Keys of Marinus][spoiler=Yartek]


This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each "Voord" monster on the field. If this card would be taken control of by your opponent's card effects, negate the effect of that card(s) and destroy it. As long as this card remains on the field, all "Voord" monsters on your field are unaffected by card effects.



[spoiler=The Aztecs][spoiler=Tlotoxl]


If this card destroys a monster by battle, you can activate one of the following effects: - Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 300. - Draw a card. - Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your Graveyard. It cannot attack or be Tributed and is destroyed during the End Phase. If it is removed from the field before the End Phase, this card gains 1000 ATK.



[spoiler=The Sensorites][spoiler=Just a Guess]


Declare 1 Spell or Trap Card name. If the declared card is in your opponent's Deck, you can activate 1 of the following effects:

- Remove all copies of the declared card from both players' Decks and inflict damage equal to your opponent equal to the amount of cards removed x 400.

- Add 1 copy of the declared card to your hand. You must pay 500 Life Points to activate it.



[spoiler=The Reign of Terror][spoiler=Mistreatment]




[spoiler=Planet of Giants][spoiler=Taking Notes]


This card can only be activated when your opponent requests to examine the contents of your Graveyard, any cards removed from play, or any face-up cards on your side field. As long as this card remains on your field, your opponent cannot examine the contents of your Graveyard, any cards removed from play, or any face-up cards on your field. Pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you do not, this card is destroyed.

[spoiler=Down the Drain]


Activate only while you have at least 2000 or less Life Points than your opponent. Discard your entire hand, then draw twice the amount of cards discarded. Any cards drawn by this card's effect that are not used during the turn this card was activated are removed from play.



[spoiler=The Dalek Invasion of Earth][spoiler=One Victory]


Activate only when either a monster on your opponent's field is destroyed, and/or damage is inflicted to your opponent. Activate the appropriate effect: - A monster on your opponent's field is destroyed: All monsters on your field gain 700 ATK until your next End Phase. - Damage is inflicted to your opponent: Increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the amount of damage inflicted. - A monster on your opponent's field is destroyed and damage is inflicted to your opponent: All monsters on your field gain ATK equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster until your next End Phase. Increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the Level of the monster x 800.


[spoiler=The Rescue][spoiler=Koquillion]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Bennett - Paralytic Murderer". If this card destroys a face-down monster whose DEF is higher than this card's DEF, inflict the difference as damage to your opponent. If this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon 1 "Bennett- Murderer With a Conscience" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.



[spoiler=The Web Planet][spoiler=The Animus]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 3 Insect-Type monsters on your field from play. Once per turn, select 1 monster in either player's Graveyard. The monster is treated as an Equip Spell Card and equipped to this monster until your opponent's End Phase. This monster gains ATK and DEF equal to the monster's ATK and DEF until your Standby Phase.






[spoiler=The Chase][spoiler=Mechanoid]


If this card battles a Dalek monster, it gains 300 ATK. If there are 3 "Mechonoid - City Builders" on your field, the Field Card Zone is treated as "Mechanus - 2287" and gains the following effect:

- If a "Mechonoid - City Builder" on your field is attacked, you can remove 1 monster in your Deck or Graveyard from play to negate the attack and end the Battle Phase.



[spoiler=The Dalek MasterPlan][spoiler=Dalek Supreme]







[spoiler=The Celestial Toymaker][spoiler="Kindness" of the Gods]




[spoiler=The Tenth Planet]



This card cannot be destroyed by battle by Machine-Type monsters (Damage Calculation is applied normally). This card cannot be Summoned unless there is a "Mondas- 1986" or "Earth" Field Spell Card on the field. If there is not a Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. If this card attacks an EARTH monster, you can pay 1200 Life Points to reduce that monster's ATK and DEF to 0 and add it to this card's ATK and DEF until the End Phase.


[spoiler=Pleading in Vain]








[spoiler=Second Doctor][spoiler=Power of the Daleks][spoiler=The Second Doctor]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when a "First Doctor - Old-Fashioned Time Lord" on your field is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of "Regeneration". There cannot be more than 1 Time Lord "Doctor" monster on the field. Once per turn, your opponent must show you a random card in their hand. If they do not, all Assistant monsters on your field gain 200 ATK and DEF.


[spoiler=500 Year Diary]



[spoiler=The Moonbase]


Activate only while there are at least 2 Cyberman monsters with different names on your field and while there is a face-up "The Moon - 2070" and "Earth" Field Spell Card on the field. Select 1 Cyberman monster on your field. As long as this card remains on the field, the Cyberman monster gains the following effect:

- Select 1 Card Type (Monster, Spell, Trap). As long as this card remains on the field, any effects belonging to the selected Card Type controlled by your opponent are negated.

[spoiler=Cyber-Cannon Team]


This card cannot be destroyed by Machine-Type or Level 6 or higher monsters (Damage Calculation is applied normally). This card cannot change its Battle Position, except by a card effect. If this card attacks, flip 3 coins. If 2 of the results are the same, destroy 1 monster on the field. If the results are all the same, destroy 2 cards on the field.



[spoiler=The Macra Terror][spoiler=Macra]


This card cannot be Summoned unless there are at least 7 Spell Counters on the field. This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for each Counter on the field. You can remove 1 Counter from a monster on your field to take control of 1 EARTH monster until your End Phase.



[spoiler=Evil of the Daleks][spoiler=Alpha]


If there is not a Dalek monster on the field, you can destroy 1 Dalek monster on the field. This card cannot be involved in battle with a non-Dalek monster. If there is a "Second Doctor - Disarming Clown" on your field, this card gains 700 ATK and DEF.



[spoiler=Tomb of the Cybermen][spoiler=Cyber Controller]


This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell Card "Designate: Controller". When this card is Ritual Summoned, you can destroy 1 non-Cyberman monster on the field. When this card attacks your opponent directly, you can Special Summon 1 Cyberman monster with an ATK of 1900 or less from your hand or Deck.



[spoiler=The Web of Fear][spoiler=Fred]


If there is a "Second Doctor - Disarming Clown" on your field, you can Summon this card without having a face-up "Yeti Control Sphere" on your field. If a "Second Doctor - Disarming Clown" or Assistant monster on your field would be destroyed, you can send this card to the Graveyard instead.



[spoiler=The Dominators][spoiler=Rago]




[spoiler=The Seeds of Death][spoiler=Slaar]


This card cannot be Summoned as long as there is at least 1 FIRE monster on the field. This card cannot be attacked as long as there is an "Ice Warrior" monster on your field. This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for each "Ice Warrior" or "Ice Lord" monster on the field. If this card is involved in battle with a FIRE monster, this card is destroyed without applying Damage Calculation.


[spoiler=Martian Seed Pod]


This card cannot be destroyed by non-WATER monsters. During each of your Standby Phases, place 1 Spore Counter on this card. When there are 7 Spore Counters on this card, Tribute this card to destroy all monsters on the field. If any WIND or EARTH monsters are destroyed by this effect, they are removed from play instead. If this card is destroyed while it has a Spore Counter(s) on it, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the amount of Spore Counters on this card x200. If this card is destroyed by battle, the attacking monster is also destroyed.




[spoiler=Third Doctor][spoiler=The Silurians][spoiler=Silurian]




[spoiler=The Ambassadors of Death][spoiler=Alien Ambassador]


This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, during each of your Standby Phases, while this card is in your Graveyard, all monsters on your opponent's field lose 100 ATK. When a monster's ATK reaches 0, it is destroyed. Increase your Life Points by 1000 for each monster destroyed by this effect.



[spoiler=Inferno][spoiler=Dangerous Drilling]


Activate only when there are at least 2 Machine-Type and 1 Spellcaster-Type monsters on your field. During each of your Standby Phases, discard 1 card. When this card is destroyed, you can remove the discarded cards from play. Inflict 600 damage to your opponent for each card removed. Destroy this card during the 3rd Standby Phase after this card's activation. You can remove this card in the Graveyard from play to search your Deck for a Spell or Trap card and activate it.



[spoiler=Terror of the Autons][spoiler=Auton Chair]


This card can only be Summoned while there is a "Thirteenth Master - Arch Villain" on your field. If this card is attacked, flip a coin. If the result is Heads, the attacking monster is destroyed. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if there are 5 Spell Counters on this card, you can remove them. Until your opponent's End Phase, this card cannot be attacked.



[spoiler=The Claws of Axos][spoiler=Axon Woman]


This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for each Counter placed on or removed from a card. If there are 2 other "Axon" monsters on your field, this card gains the following effect:

- When this card destroys a monster by battle, increase your Life Points by half of the original ATK of the destroyed monster. Then put 1 Energy Counter on this card (max. 3).



[spoiler=The Dæmons][spoiler=Azal]


This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell card "Azal's Awakening". Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, by paying 500 Life Points, select 1 monster on your field. That monster cannot be affected by Spells, Traps or Monster Effects until your opponent's next Standby Phase. If this card battles a LIGHT monster, any Battle Damage that would be inflicted to your opponent is doubled.



[spoiler=The Curse of Peladon]



[spoiler=The Sea Devils][spoiler=Sea Devil]




[spoiler=The Three Doctors][spoiler=Omega]


This card can only be Summoned while there is a face-up "Omega's World" on your field. If "Omega's World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. There cannot be more than 1 Time Lord "Omega" on the field. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 2, you can add 1 "GelGuard - Antimatter Soldier" from your Deck to your hand. This card gains 300 ATK and 400 DEF for each card on the field.



[spoiler=Planet of the Daleks][spoiler=Dalek Supreme]


As long as this card remains on your field, you can only Summon Dalek monsters. If there is a Dalek monster on your opponent's field, this card must battle at least 1 monster on your field. Any Battle Damage you would receive is inflicted to your opponent.



[spoiler=The Green Death][spoiler=Venusian Aikido]




[spoiler=Invasion of the Dinosaurs][spoiler=The Whomobile]

4273g.jpgOnce per turn, during your Main Phase, you can equip this card to a "Third Doctor - Exiled Traveller" on your field as an Equip Card, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. If the equipped monster is attacked by a Machine-Type monster, you can send this card to the Graveyard to negate the attack. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)



[spoiler=The Time Warrior][spoiler=Sarah Jane Smith]





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[spoiler=Fourth Doctor][spoiler=Robot][spoiler=4th Doctor]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when a "Third Doctor - Authority's Nightmare" on your field is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of "Regeneration". There cannot be more than 1 Time Lord "Doctor" monster on the field. Once per turn, you can send 1 Equip Spell Card from your field, hand or Deck to the Graveyard. You can then Special Summon 1 "K-9" monster from your Deck and equip it to this card.



[spoiler=Ark in Space][spoiler=Wirrn Queen]


If this Defense Position monster is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Wirrn Larvae Token" (Insect-Type/EARTH/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 1200) in Defense Position. The "Wirrn Larvae Token" is treated as an Equip Spell Card and is equipped to a monster on your opponent's field. During the Standby Phase of the second turn after the "Wirrn Larvae Token" was Summoned, destroy the equipped monster and Special Summon 1 "Wirrn - Swarming Alien" from your hand or Deck.


[spoiler=Human Species: Indomitable]




[spoiler=Genesis of the Daleks]




This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "The Healer Cometh". This card is also treated as a Machine-Type Dalek monster. Increase the ATK of all Dalek monsters on your field by 600 (excluding this card). If this card would be destroyed by battle while there is a Dalek monster on your field, you can send a Dalek monster on your field to the Graveyard to negate the attack and end the Battle Phase. You can remove 1 Dalek monster in your Graveyard from play to increase this card's DEF by 2000.


[spoiler=Interrogating a Time Traveller]




[spoiler=Pyramids of Mars]


You can only activate this card while you control a "Sutekh - The Destroyer" and at least 2 "Mummy - Servicers" and there is a "The Eye of Horus" on the field. As long as "The Eye of Horus" and "Sutekh - The Destroyer" remain on the field, the controller of the "Sutekh - The Destroyer" loses 200 Life Points and the controller of "The Eye of Horus" gains 300 Life Points during each of their Standby Phases.



If your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card, you can negate its effect and remove it from play. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack until your next Battle Phase. When this card destroys a monster by battle, add 1 Spell or Trap card from your Deck to your hand.


[spoiler=The Harmful Mind]



[spoiler=Eye of Horus]


Select 1 face-up "Sutekh - The Destroyer" on the field. As long as this card remains on the field, it cannot attack or change its Battle Position. This card cannot be destroyed by Monster Effects or Spells. While this card is on the field, the "Sutekh - The Destroyer" gains the following effect:

- When this card is attacked by a non-DARK monster, you can pay 400 Life Points. That monster is removed from play.


[spoiler=Fury of the Last Osirian]


Activate only while there is a "Sutekh - The Destroyer" on your field. Each time "Sutekh - The Destroyer" removes a monster from play, place 1 Spell Counter on it (max. 7). When there are 7 Spell Counters on "Sutekh - The Destroyer", you can remove them and pay half your Life Points to remove all cards on the field from play, except "Sutekh - The Destroyer". The "Sutekh - The Destroyer gains 100 ATK for each card removed from play by this card's effect.


[spoiler=The Robots of Death][spoiler="Free" Voc]




[spoiler=The Robots of Death][spoiler=Taren Capel]




[spoiler=The Talons of Weng-Chiang][spoiler=Magnus Greel]


If this monster is attacked, you can pay 500 Life Points to put this card back in your Deck. If you do, when this card is Summoned, its original ATK is decreased by 100. If this card would be destroyed, you can Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Weng-Chiang - False God" from your hand or Deck. Its ATK is decreased by 600.



[spoiler=The Invasion of Time][spoiler=Sontaran Engineer]




[spoiler=Destiny of the Daleks][spoiler=Dalek Attacker]


If this is the only monster you control and your opponent attacks this monster, you can activate one of the following effects:

- Pay 400 Life Points to increase this card's ATK by 800.

- Special Summon 1 "Dalek Invader - Retreated Attacker" or "Davros - Treacherous Scientist" from your hand or Deck, ignoring any Summoning Conditions.







Activate only when your opponent Summons a monster or activates a card effect. Both players must play 3 rounds of Rock Paper Scissors. Then activate the appropriate effect depending on the amount of rounds you won: - 0: Decrease your Life Points by 1500. - 1: If your opponent Summoned a monster, it loses 700 ATK and DEF. If your opponent activated a card effect, you can pay 300 life Points to negate its effect this turn. The effect continues during your next End Phase. - 2: Negate the Summon or effect activation of that card and destroy it. - 3: If your opponent Summons a monster or activates an Effect Monster's effect, destroy all monsters on your opponent's field. If your opponent activats the effect of a Spell or Trap Card, remove all Spell and Trap Cards on the field from play.



[spoiler=The Horns of Nimon][spoiler=Nimon]


If this card is Summoned while there are no monsters on your field and there is at least 1 monster on your opponent's field, increase this card's ATK and DEF by 1200. During each of your Standby Phases, you can pay 300 Life Points to Special Summon 1 "Nimon - Galactic Minotaur" from your hand or Deck. When there are 3 "Nimon - Galactic Minotaur" on your field, you can Tribute them to destroy all other cards on the field.



[spoiler=The Leisure Hive][spoiler=Tachyonic Ageing]









[spoiler=Fifth Doctor][spoiler=Castrovalva][spoiler=The Fifth Doctor]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when a "Fourth Doctor - Wise Fool" on your field is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of "Regeneration". There cannot be more than 1 Time Lord "Doctor" monster on the field. If there is a Field Spell Card on your field, you can flip any number of monsters on the field face-down. Then draw cards from your Deck equal to the amount of the monsters flipped face-down by this card's effect.



[spoiler=The Visitation][spoiler=Terileptil]



[spoiler=Terileptil Android]




[spoiler=The Five Doctors][spoiler=The Death Zone]


This card can only be activated while there is a "Gallifrey" Field Spell Card on your field. This card occupies the Field Spell Zone as well as the "Gallifrey" card. If the "Gallifrey" card would be destroyed, this card is destroyed instead. While this card is in the Field Spell Card Zone, it gains the following effect:

- Decrease the ATK and DEF of all Time Lord monsters on the field by 400. You can activate "Timescoop" during your opponent's turn.


[spoiler=Recall Button]





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[spoiler=Sixth Doctor][spoiler=Attack of the Cybermen][spoiler=Cryon]



[spoiler=Telos - 2530]




[spoiler=Vengeance on Varos][spoiler=Sil]




[spoiler=Revelation of the Daleks][spoiler=Davros]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 "Davros - Resurrected Tyrant" on your Field or removing 1 "Davros - Resurrected Tyrant" in your Graveyard from play. This card is also treated as a Machine-Type Dalek monster. When a Dalek monster on your field is destroyed by battle, you can increase your Life Points by the amount of Level Stars of the monster that destroyed your Dalek monster x300.


[spoiler=I'll Be Back]



[spoiler=Guilt Trip]





[spoiler=Seventh Doctor][spoiler=Dragonfire][spoiler=Ace]







[spoiler=Remembrance of the Daleks][spoiler=Dalek Emperor]


This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell Card "Hail the Emperor". If this Defense Position monster is attacked by a Level 6 or lower monster, the attacking monster is destroyed without applying Damage Calculation. If a monster is destroyed this way, you can Special Summon 1 "Imperial" Dalek monster from your hand or Deck. If this card would be destroyed by battle, remove it from play to Special Summon 1 "Davros - Dalek Emperor" from your hand or Deck.


[spoiler=Batting A Thousand]




[spoiler=The Happiness Patrol][spoiler=Kandy Man]


When this card battles an Effect Monster, flip 5 coins. If at least 3 of the results are Heads, destroy that monster and remove all monsters on your opponent's side of the field and in your opponent's Deck that have the same Type as the destroyed monster. If at least 3 of the results are Tails, destroy and remove from play all cards in your Deck and hand that have the same Type as that monster.


[spoiler=InLoving Memory]



[spoiler=The Kandy Kitchen]






This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 1 Warrior-Type and 1 Spellcaster-Type monster on your field. You can remove any number of Spell Counters on the field and place them on this card (max. 9). You can remove 3 Spell Counters fromt his card to increase the ATK and DEF of all Warrior-Type and Spellcaster-Type monsters on your field by 800.



[spoiler=The Curse of Fenric][spoiler=Haemovore]



[spoiler=Ancient One]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 2 "Haemovore" monsters on your field. If this card would be destroyed while there is a "Haemovore" monster on your field, you can destroy a "Haemovore" monster on your field instead. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 "Haemovore" monster on your field to inflict 600 damage to your opponent.


[spoiler=Claimed and Turned]








[spoiler=Eighth Doctor][spoiler=Children of the Revolution (Comic)][spoiler=Alpha]


This card can only be Summoned by Tributing 1 "Alpha - Friendly Dalek" on your field. If there is a "Second Doctor - Cosmic Hobo" or "Eighth Doctor - Amnesiac Saviour" on your field, it cannot be destroyed by battle. All non-DARK Dalek monsters on your field gain 300 ATK and DEF.




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[spoiler=Ninth Doctor][spoiler=End of the World][spoiler=Adherent of the Repeated Meme]




[spoiler=Dalek][spoiler=Henry Van Statten]





[spoiler=Tenth Doctor][spoiler=School Reunion][spoiler=Krillitane]


Each time this card destroys a monster, select its Level, Type, Attribute, ATK or DEF. This card's Level, Type, Attribute, ATK or DEF is treated as the destroyed monster's until your opponent's End Phase. You can only activate this card's effect during your Battle Phase.



[spoiler=Rise of the Cybermen & The Age of Steel]


You can only activate this card while there is a "John Lumic - Life Giver" and 2 "Cybus Cyberman" monsters on your field and there is at least 1 EARTH monster on your opponent's field. You can activate 1 "Cyber Conversion" from your Deck. The "Cyber Conversion" targets all EARTH monsters your opponent controls. You must pay 1000 Life Points to activate this effect. Any Cyberman monsters Summoned by the effect of the "Cyber Conversion gain 400 ATK and DEF.

[spoiler=Pete Tyler]


This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:

- This card's name is also treated as "Pete Tyler - Born Failure". If there is a "Rose Tyler - Promising Companion" on your field, it gains 600 ATK and DEF. If there is a Cyberman monster on the field, it loses 300 ATK and DEF.



[spoiler=Smith & Jones][spoiler=Judoon]


This card cannot attack while there is at least 1 face-up "Earth" Field Spell Card on the field. If this card is attacked by a monster on your opponent's field, place 1 Law Counter on the attacking monster. When there are 5 Law Counters on a monster, it is removed from play.



[spoiler=Human Nature & The Family of Blood][spoiler=Journal of Impossible Things]




[spoiler=Blink][spoiler=Weeping Angel - Defensive]


This card cannot be destroyed by battle (Damage Calculation is applied normally). If this card would be destroyed by a card effect, you can discard 1 card and pay 300 Life Points to put this card into your Deck and Special Summon 1 "Weeping Angel - Lonely Assassin" from your hand or Deck. If this card is destroyed, draw 1 card.



[spoiler=The Fires of Pompeii][spoiler=If You Can't Stand the Heat...]




[spoiler=Planet of the Ood][spoiler=Red-Eye Ood]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except when an "Ood" monster on your field is destroyed by a Warrior-Type monster. This card cannot be destroyed by Warrior-Type monsters. If this card attacks, you can pay 700 Life Points to have this card gain 1000 ATK until the end of the Standby Phase of your opponent's next turn.



[spoiler=The Sontaran Stratagem & The Poison Sky][spoiler=Skorr]




[spoiler=The Doctor's Daughter][spoiler=Jenny]


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when a "Tenth Doctor – Earth's Champion" on your field is affected by “Progenitor Machine”. This card is also treated as a Time Lord monster. If a "Tenth Doctor – Earth's Champion" on your field is attacked, this card is attacked instead. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by battle, you can Special Summon it in Attack Position during your End Phase.



[spoiler=The Unicorn & The Wasp][spoiler=Vespiform]





[spoiler=Eleventh Doctor]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, wth haha?


Dude, when you make a set that has a bajillion cards in it its really hard to care about their effects, and you made it on a set thats not very popular at the most. Im not trying to hate. I like the set as a whole, but it just seems to me like it was a big waste of effort to share them.

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Dude, wth haha?


Dude, when you make a set that has a bajillion cards in it its really hard to care about their effects, and you made it on a set thats not very popular at the most. Im not trying to hate. I like the set as a whole, but it just seems to me like it was a big waste of effort to share them.


I can see logic flew out of the window.


800=/=A Made Up Number


Really hard to care about their effects=/=Laziness and a lack of bother to read them.


Made the Set because I like the Series, not because it's the "In" thing, like so many of the Bleach and Sonic Cards on here. I wanted to make a Set based on a medium that no-one's done before.


Please do not comment on my, or indeed, any Set if you don't even have anything to say about it, whether it's positive or negative, as that is counted as spamming.

Oh, and wonderful irony there, saying that no-one's gonna care for the cards, when you took the time to comment on them.

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I respect the fact that you're trying to be original. Its a thing on this site that is needed currently. What i meant was that you're putting alot of work into these cards (which i also respect), but i dont think that they will relate to the forum. So what i was saying was maybe you would want to do a set more appealing to the forum so you can be recognized for your effort. I didnt mean anything derogatory to you or your set, and i said it was cool. I like how you did this set all together. The show is hillarious and the imagery is very interesting. You have good pics for such an old show.

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I respect the fact that you're trying to be original. Its a thing on this site that is needed currently. What i meant was that you're putting alot of work into these cards (which i also respect), but i dont think that they will relate to the forum. So what i was saying was maybe you would want to do a set more appealing to the forum so you can be recognized for your effort. I didnt mean anything derogatory to you or your set, and i said it was cool. I like how you did this set all together. The show is hillarious and the imagery is very interesting. You have good pics for such an old show.


Apology accepted.



Added 2 new cards. Current Set count is 50.

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Dude, wth haha?


Dude, when you make a set that has a bajillion cards in it its really hard to care about their effects, and you made it on a set thats not very popular at the most. Im not trying to hate. I like the set as a whole, but it just seems to me like it was a big waste of effort to share them.

Just because it's not popular doesn't mean a set should not be designed around it.... Learn to show compassion next time... Anyways, just had a quick glance at the cards and I am VERY impressed by what I see so far. I noticed the first cards you did and you have to understand that we all start from the bottom like that. You have come a long way as a Card Maker and I hope to see a lot more from you. Also as a Former Mod I would have stuck this long ago.


I'm not really the person to give a Numerical rating. A Number is just a number. Keep going with this project and I now have my eye on it :D

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Well to start off with, Ive never watched the first couple seasons of Doctor who so im out of my element for a while here....

Oh and im the king of bland comments so dont expect much..


An Unearthly Child

Kinda seems hard to use but i could be wrong.

Pic is okay and the effect is okay...

OCG looks good


The First Doctor

Pic is good.

Effect is good.

OCG looks Good

All Good~



Allright, Heres somthing i know about!

Picture is good

Effect is fitting...

OCG looks all good


Skaro - 2263


Dah Dalek's are comin!

Pics not so great, But im sure its hard to find anything better...



Dalek Gunstick

Pics okay

Effects pretty simple but simple aint bad...


Ill do more later for now

8/10. And a rep for doing what im sure is a hard set to find good pics for...

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Just because it's not popular doesn't mean a set should not be designed around it.... Learn to show compassion next time... Anyways, just had a quick glance at the cards and I am VERY impressed by what I see so far. I noticed the first cards you did and you have to understand that we all start from the bottom like that. You have come a long way as a Card Maker and I hope to see a lot more from you. Also as a Former Mod I would have stuck this long ago.


I'm not really the person to give a Numerical rating. A Number is just a number. Keep going with this project and I now have my eye on it :D




Well to start off with, Ive never watched the first couple seasons of Doctor who so im out of my element for a while here....

Oh and im the king of bland comments so dont expect much..


An Unearthly Child

Kinda seems hard to use but i could be wrong.

Pic is okay and the effect is okay...

OCG looks good


The First Doctor

Pic is good.

Effect is good.

OCG looks Good

All Good~



Allright, Heres somthing i know about!

Picture is good

Effect is fitting...

OCG looks all good


Skaro - 2263


Dah Dalek's are comin!

Pics not so great, But im sure its hard to find anything better...



Dalek Gunstick

Pics okay

Effects pretty simple but simple aint bad...


Ill do more later for now

8/10. And a rep for doing what im sure is a hard set to find good pics for...



First of all: Thank you both for commenting. It means a lot to me for two brilliant members to give their opinions of the Set.


J-Max: You might have Stickied this Set if you were still a Mod, but a high wager on Icy just unstickying it straight after ;-;

Archwing: A word about the pics: Considering that the cards you've rated so far are based on episodes from 1963, it's not uncommon to find bad quality pictures. Believe it or not, the Skaro - 2263 picture was the best one I could find. Thanks for the review of each card. In most ways, better than a quick glance over a couple of cards, then the generalised rating based on those few cards.


Added 3 new cards: Weeping Angel, Second Doctor and Axon Woman.

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I'm not familiar with the show to be honest. But I see that the concept of the cards is really fascinating.

All these spoilers and stuff are a little confusing though. Maybe if you make it a little more simple, there will be quite the interest (if people know the what's good of course, because many don't have a clue :D)

Anyhow, I like the cards. I can't relate the effects and descriptions to the real thing in the series (since I haven't watched it) but I think you hit a gold mine here.

Keep it up and good luck! You'll need it when you attempt to make over 800 cards :lol:

I see real good stuff here so I give you a 10/10 and a rep. Both deserved! ^_^

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I'm not familiar with the show to be honest. But I see that the concept of the cards is really fascinating.

All these spoilers and stuff are a little confusing though. Maybe if you make it a little more simple, there will be quite the interest (if people know the what's good of course, because many don't have a clue :D)

Anyhow, I like the cards. I can't relate the effects and descriptions to the real thing in the series (since I haven't watched it) but I think you hit a gold mine here.

Keep it up and good luck! You'll need it when you attempt to make over 800 cards :lol:

I see real good stuff here so I give you a 10/10 and a rep. Both deserved! ^_^


Well, putting each card in Spoilers is a lot more organised, and it's a lot better than seeing a big ugly batch of cards cluttering up space.


Starting from the 100th Card, I will be making a weekly update list in the first Post. In said list, it will state all new cards added in the week, and where to find them. This list will be refreshed every week. And oh, look. We've reached 100 Cards! :D

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IM BACK! I bet you didnt think id come back~ Well when i say something i keep that promise! Unless i forget or dont care~ Wait why am i here? >_> Is this one of my posts? If so bump......Wait...No this is doctor who....Mah bad.


Sound Advice

Pictures good

Effects good

OCG kinda looks funky...Mabey its just me...


Cut Off

Pics okay....Took me a while to figure out what was going on....

Effects pretty good

OCG looks good



Pics okay again...

Effect seems a bit OPed, like a longer version of swords of revealing light

OCG looks good


Fractured Time

Pictures okay

Effect is great

OCG looks good

Mah blandyness is setting in.



Pics okay

Effect is kinda confuseing...Why would it do that? >_>


Emissarical Clash

Pic is okay again

Effect is fair enough

OCG looks in order



Pic is good

Effect is okay but the last part should probably be limited to monster effects spell effects or trap effects...

OCG looks good


Taking Notes

Pic is okay

Effect is okay

OCG is okay

Its okay....


Like before ill be back later to rate more - Ive gotta head over to RC and give it some CPR before it dies >_>

Oh yah rate is 8.5/10 for that batch

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