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College Summer Road Trip!(OoC)[Not Started]{Accepting!}~Freshman Arc!~$Club Craptastic RP!$

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Every Arc will, in fact, be a separate RP Thread, for the same characters that have applied in this one will be in all 4 Arcs, unless I decide to change how it works otherwise, but each application must be completely different than the predecessor.



  1. All YCM Rules Apply.
  2. All Role Play Rules apply.
  3. All Advanced Clause apply and are enforced! Meaning:
    • No Godmodding!
    • No Power Playing!
    • No Meta-Gaming!
    • No Bribery!
    • And most importantly, absolutely NO OoC-only post in the IC Thread!
    • Any breaking of these rules will result in a warning!

[*]To know that you have read the rules, change the first and last words of your app into your favorite color.

[*]Only members of Club Craptastic may apply to the RP, besides the co-owner.

[*]If you have any questions or need some help in what's happening, PM me or the Co-Owner and one or both of us will give you a basic summary on what has happened since the last post you have made.

[*]We are Freshman here, so no Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors allowed.

[*]Have fun!

[spoiler=Warning Systems]Here is the system as to what happens when you break the rules. Since this is my first take on making a new RP on the new YCM System, it will be a little different than you expected.


Warning#1: A warning via PM not to break any rule again.

Warning#2: A second warning via PM and a Neg rep.

Warning#3: 2 Neg reps and a 1-day ban from the RP.

Warning#4: 2 Neg reps and a 3-day ban from the RP.

Warning#5: 3 Neg reps and a permanent ban from the RP.


If you don't understand what the main rules are, even though they are shown in possible order, look at the rules thread that says all that I have said. If you want to stay in this RP, follow the rules, because I don't want to ban anybody, even if they are my friend(s).

[spoiler=Plot]There are times when you want to go on the open road, but you feel like you never can have the chance. That's because you never plan at all. If you don't plan about things for a while, you'll never get the chance. Unlike those kind of people, 8 friends have been planning a road trip every summer of college ever since they all went to the same middle school at 6th Grade. Since then, they had thoughts of destinations, schedules, and began a small budget that grew into paying enough to use 2 4-person RVs that would be used for transportation to 8 different locations and a special budget for food, store items, amusement park rides, etc.


Today is the last day of Freshman year in Schenectady County Community College and you are planning to hit the road on the next day with your other 7 best friends. You had one thought of where you want to go, but it will be chosen randomly by drawing straws after one location has been visited to for the week. Sometimes we might be there longer, or maybe even shorter depending on the location that has been randomly chosen. You had been planning this trip for a long time, and have a specific budget that will keep us on track along with a schedule each day for said location. Let's hope you have a lot of extra clothes and baggage along, because this College Road Trip is going to be a blast, along with the three others planned for the next few years to come.

[spoiler=Notes]This is in fact one of those Life RPs. It's actually my first attempt at it, along with it being done in this new Forum system. Anyway, since this is an RP that requires lots of inventory, it would be best not to go overboard with details in explaining all that you have to bring on this trip. Just say what you are bringing in your inventory and put the number quality besides it so we know how much of what you plan to use differently everyday.


We are all best friends, so don't act like you hate each other, because that's not how friends act, unless something bad happened between two of you in the middle of the RP. And don't say you don't know each other. We've all known each other since Kindergarten and have been friends ever since. We will in fact have some Drama and love interests along the way, but I'll have to approve it myself and I'll say when it's okay to slightly act it. There must be an equal of 4 boys and girls for romance to even out easily. We will also have those Virgin Mobile Walky-Talky Phones, so when one of the RVs are out of sight of the other, we can call to see where you are and how you suddenly disappeared.


More info will be added later when we get a bit far in the RP.

[spoiler=Application]NOTE: Next to my failed attempt at a Mortal Kombat RP, this is basically the longest Application I have done.



Age(Must be 16):


Appearance(Picture or 3 line description. Must be in spoiler):

Personality(4 line description. Must be in spoiler):

Bio(What was your life with your friends before college, ignoring your plans for the trip. 6 line description. Must be in spoiler):

Luggage Inventory(Must be in List Format. Say the item with the quantity of it. i.e: 3 different T-shirts. Must be in spoiler):

Average Cash Amount per Week(Limit is $70.00):

Possible Crush?(This is for later times. Optional):

Idea of where to go(This must be an amusement park, water park, hotel, etc.):

How do you feel about this Road Trip?(This is your comments on finally doing the trip. Make as much comments as you need. Must be in First-Person and in a spoiler):

[spoiler=Accepted Applications][spoiler=Alex Zalof(Adament Howls)]Name: Alex Zalof



Appearance: [spoiler=Alex] 23udbpc.jpg


Personality: [spoiler=Personality]

Alex is usually an Intelligent person but is very irresponsible and carefree. He is somewhat a troublemaker and is actually neat when he has to be.

Alex is flirty at times and very loud. He is outgoing and fun to hang around with. He has a good sence of humor and loathes puns.

Alex is loud and makes friends easily. He loves birds and carries his pet pigeon "Pete" on his shoulder.

Alex is an only child which makes him clingy to his 7 friends. He doesnt enjoy his job, but he works at a mall which on breaks he can hang out with friends.


Bio: [spoiler=bio]Alex is an only child. His father died when he was 3 in a car accident. He has moved cross country since then, but settled in at age 8 and made many friends but found his 7 best at middle school.

He always loved music and formed a band when he was 13. They broke up after Alex got in a fight with the Bass guitar player.

Alex Used to hang out with more girls then boys. He then began making firends then scrammed them away when he had a fan club(or so he thought)

Alex loved birds since he went to the zoo and saw the birds. He found an escaped pigeon that immediatly took liking to him. The bird followed him home so he keeps it as a pet.

Alex met his 7 friends and he loves to swim.


Luggage Inventory: [spoiler=Inventory]

1 Journey T shirt

1 Bon Jovi T shirt

1 black undershirt

3 pairs of black jeans

1 brown jacket

1 black lab coat

A comb

Pair of Black converse shoes

1 pair of OP swim trunks

Bird food


Average Cash Amount per Week:$50

Possible Crush?:Maybe later when there are others

Idea of where to go: Mall of America(indoor amusement park)


[spoiler=Banned Members]


And I will put my Application in soon!


Accidentally put this in the RP section. Mods please move this thread to the OoC Section.

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Name: Alex Zalof



Appearance: [spoiler=Alex] 23udbpc.jpg


Personality: [spoiler=Perswonality]

Alex is usually an Intelligent person but is very irresponsible and carefree. He is somewhat a troublemaker and is actually neat when he has to be.

Alex is flirty at times and very loud. He is outgoing and fun to hang around with. He has a good sence of humor and loathes puns.

Alex is loud and makes friends easily. He loves birds and carries his pet pigeon "Pete" on his shoulder.

Alex is an only child which makes him clingy to his 7 friends. He doesnt enjoy his job, but he works at a mall which on breaks he can hang out with friends.


Bio: [spoiler=bio]Alex is an only child. His father died when he was 3 in a car accident. He has moved cross country since then, but settled in at age 8 and made many friends but found his 7 best at middle school.

He always loved music and formed a band when he was 13. They broke up after Alex got in a fight with the Bass guitar player.

Alex Used to hang out with more girls then boys. He then began making firends then scrammed them away when he had a fan club(or so he thought)

Alex loved birds since he went to the zoo and saw the birds. He found an escaped pigeon that immediatly took liking to him. The bird followed him home so he keeps it as a pet.

Alex met his 7 friends and he loves to swim.


Luggage Inventory: [spoiler=Inventory]

1 Journey T shirt

1 Bon Jovi T shirt

1 black undershirt

3 pairs of black jeans

1 brown jacket

1 black labcoat

A comb

Pair of Black converse shoes

1 pair of OP swim trunks

Bird food


Average Cash Amount per Week:$50

Possible Crush?:Maybe later when there are others

Idea of where to go: Mall of America(indoor amusement park)

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