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Hitokage's First Fan Fic - The War of YCM - Chapter 3 added


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First Fan Fic. Not the best writer, but I hope you like it. The begining chapters may not be a that lengthy, so sorry about that.


[spoiler=Author's Notes]





[spoiler=Chapter 1]

Introduction I

A hooded man, wearing a white cloak with a silver outline covering nearly all of his body besides his feet, walking in the middle of the night arrived at a large metal gate. The gate was a technological achievement, and he knew that, for he had designed it himself. He held up a small rectangular object, which wasn’t distinguishable due to darkness that overlaid the entire area, and held it up to a scanner on the large marble wall that was attached to the gate on both sides. The scanner started to make beeping noises and finally the gate slowly opened.


The hooded man started walking again toward the interior of the marble wall, which was surrounding a vast area, containing a concrete path that led to a large buling, made from a reflecting material and was four stories tall. Surrounding the building and filling up the rest of the area was a forest-like garden, filled with an assortment of flowers and small trees of all different colors and shapes. What seemed to be small floating lights were spread all over the place. The hooded man stopped for a second to gaze at all of the scenery. He had seen this all before many times but amazed every time he witnessed this amazing garden. He held out his hand to allow one of the lights to land on it. It was a spore created by the Illumini Tree, indigenous to this only this garden. He let it float out of his hand before continuing to walk.


Once he arrived at the building, he held out up the rectangular object, which now was clearly distinguishable as a Yu-gi-oh card, to a scanner similar to the first one. After hearing the beeping sound, he grasped the bronze-colored doorknob, turned it, and opened the door. Inside was a giant empty room. The room contained many portraits, each a familiar face to the hooded man. There was a beautiful, gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling, as well as gold and red ribbons.


He looked at the clear, reflecting floor. He was surprised how much his hood covered his face. The night’s darkness didn’t help either, entering the room from the giant windows on the walls. There was an elevator on the other side of the room but he did not even notice it. He was still focused with the floor beneath him. Again, he pulled out a Yu-gi-oh card, and this time placed it on the floor. The floor then started to glow a shade of blue and part of the floor in front of him moved, revealing a secret staircase. He began walking down the staircase, and the portion of the floor that had moved returned to its original position, concealing the staircase.


At the bottom of the staircase was another door. This door was as similar to the other one, but looked less modern. He allowed the scanner to his card his card, and the door automatically opened. He casually walked inside and removed his hood, revealing short black hair and red eyes.



[spoiler=Chapter 2]

Introduction II

“You’re late,” said another person wearing the same cloak, except his had a dark blue outline, with the hood still on. The man quickly took a glance at everyone staring at him; everyone was wearing the same cloak as he was, though some with different colors. The door closed behind him.


“Where were you?” asked another, with a dark blue outline as well, though lighter than the other man’s.


“Sorry Brendan, was making fun of ar–,” he stopped; Brendan had a look on his face that told him not to finish that sentence.


“No time for dark humor _____,” said Brendan looking away.


“Alright, was also making some changes to my deck, and then lost track of time,” replied ______.


“Never the less, you’re here, sit down ________,” said Hitokage looking at a clipboard in his hand, “O.K. everyone, now that we’re all here, let’s begin. First order of business, after three months of formation, we finally have a name.”


“So what we come up with?” asked Chris.


“Kettō no senshi no gurūpu, or KSG,” said Brendan.


“Creative very creative,” said Dranzer sarcastically, “Still seems funny it took us this long to come up with a name.”


“At least it’s better than our other ideas,” said Liam.


“Well we are I the middle of a war, our name isn’t really our top priority,” said Brendan, trying to end the conversation.


“Can you believe it, we would actually have to fight a war because of them?” said _______ annoyed. Hitokage started to look at the floor. He started thinking about how YCM used to be a peaceful place, where members could interact and create cards using the Card Maker, the only one of its kind. They would ask for help on their decks, create clubs, talk about whatever they wanted and make friends. Though, YCM did have some minor problems. Member may have not got along, or fights could have been created, and there were some people who came, starting pointless arguments and acting inappropriately. Hitokage started to clench his teeth when he thought about what happened a year ago. A group of those members started to use the Card Maker to make very overpowered cards. Everyone was allowed to use the Card Maker as they wished; no one cared if someone made overpowered cards, unless they put them in the Display Hall. There members would tell each other how they fell about the cards of other members, and usually get annoyed when someone displayed an overpowered card. Though, one night, something unexpected happened. A small group of those members were able to steal the blue prints for the Card Maker, and built their own. Usually, cards needed to meet a certain criteria to allow them to be used on duel disks. But somehow they modified their duel disks, adding a strange stone to them, which allowed them to activate and play overpowered cards. Though not only that, those stone made the duel disks not only project holograms, but real monsters as well. They used these monsters to attack towns and cities, hurting countless innocent people. Most of the members of YCM joined forces to make sure no one else was harmed and fight back, which inevitably started the war. Hitokage remembered that he created the FSG in order to have an elite group of duelists to fight the tougher battles other members could not.


[spoiler=Chapter 3]

Introduction III

“Brendan!,” said Storm, in order to break Brendan out of his trance. Hitokage looked up.


“As I was saying, secondly, we believe, as we all have from the start, that there has been someone planning the attacks. Maybe, even more than one person. The attacks that have occurred over the past year are too well organized. We don’t have any information beyond that, but we intend to find out.”


“So you’re saying someone’s calling the shots? Here I thought those power hungry duelists were doing as they pleased,” said Deus.


“I mean, that does make sense. If they didn’t have someone telling them what to do, they would be attacking people everywhere, randomly. Yet, they’re attacking only one area at a time,” said Storm while looking at the other members.

“And if there is a leader, or leaders, that may help us end this war,” said Garow confidently, “If we remove their leader, they’ll become disorganized and easy to defeat one by one. We’ll destroy their Card Maker, those cards that are proving very annoying, and this war will finally be over.”


“Do you know their head quarters, or if it even exists?” asked Ryeden.


“Sadly, no, but I’m getting as much Intel as I can in order to pin point the location,” replied Brendan.


“And what if doesn’t exist?” asked Dranzer.


“Then we’ll have to figure out another way to beat them, since no matter how perfect or powerful our decks are, our holograms can only stop those beasts in a duel, not when their attacking,” replied Brendan, waiting for someone to end the conversation so he could get on with the last piece of business on his clipboard.


“Brendan, we’ve been fighting this war for a year now, maybe even a bit longer. None of us have ever lost a duel, but the destruction their cards create during the duels is too much. Not only that, even if we defeat them, their still recruiting more and more people to use those cards to attack innocent people. All we can do is prevent most of the damage caused, but that still not enough. Are we even making any significant progress? I know what we’re doing is necessary, but I’m being idealistic. We’re losing,” said Liam, waiting for everyone else to start yelling at him for acting like there was no hope.


“Which is why we need to figure out if they are organized, or not, and fast,” replied ______. Everyone began discussing their views on the current state of the war among themselves. Brendan was browsing his clipboard, looking for a misplaced paper.


“Brendan,” said a man on the other side of the table from him. He was wearing the cloak, hood still on as well, his outline a majestic gold with a unique pattern on it.


“Explain the last order of business before you all have to depart. The force field won’t last forever I this area. You’re due to transport in five hours and everyone needs their rest.”


“Of course, YCMaker,” replied Brendan.


“Third order of business, if they do end up not having a leader we do have a backup plan.” Brendan reached into a bag that was lying next to him and pulled out a blue and black colored duel disk. It seemed to have been slightly damaged as if it had been involved in a battle.


“Now it’ll be an even playing field.”



[spoiler=Chapter 4]

Introduction IV

Everyone in the room besides Brendan and YCMaker just stared in awe. No one has been this close to one of the enemy’s due disks before. The sapphire stone, which was attached to the duel disk, glistened in the well lit room.


“How’d you get one?” asked Garrow looking at Brendan for only a moment before returning his eyes to the duel disk, “I thought they would always teleport away before we could retrieve it from them.”


“Well, in order to make sure that didn’t happen, I damaged his teleportation device during the duel. After that, it was just simply running after him,” responded Brendan.


“Nice job, so are we going to be able to use the same overpowered cards they do?” asked Storm. Everyone was waiting for Brendan to respond cheerfully, yet the expression on his face became more serious than it was before.


“That’s the idea, but there is a problem,” Brendan paused before continuing, “As you can see, the duel disk contains only one stone.”


“So, only one person can use it at a time?” asked Deus changing his view from the duel disk to Brendam.


“Not exactly, the idea was to divide the stone somehow, but we have no idea if dividing the stone would remove its abilities,” said Brendan.


“And if we do somehow divide the stone, wouldn’t a divided stone make our cards less overpowered than theirs?” asked Garow.


“And if that’s true, then that’s not an even playing field Brendan, since they still have an advantage,” said Chris, removing his hood, revealing brown hair under a green hat.


“Actually, not necessarily. We have two options,” Brendan started counting the options with his fingers while announcing them, “One, we could have one of us use the stone and try to retrieve more stones. Or, two, we could divide the stone and see what happens from there. If dividing the stone divides its powers, then that still means we can use over powered cards.”


“Easier said than done,” said Liam “It’s taken us two months to get one of their duel disks. Every attempt we’ve made has ended in failure due to the fact that they’ve created personal teleportation devices. And now that we have one, they’re probably taking precautions in order to prevent us from getting another one.”


“In other words, it’s only going to get harder from here on out,” added Tin.


“Why are you guys always so pessimistic?” asked Storm looking directly at Tin.


“We’re not being pessimistic, just idealistic,” replied Tin with a faint grin.


“Come on guys, we can’t give up. We’re one step closer to victory. And once we win, we can all live in harmony once again,” said Ryden with a smile on his face, looking around the whole room.


Everyone in the room blankly stared at him. Everyone’s face seemed shocked except for Tin’s, which seemed a little annoyed.


“Sorry, movie marathon last night,” said Ryden sinking down in his chair.


“Anyway,” said Brendan trying to remove everyone’s attention from Ryden, “That’s all for today, thanks again for your time YCMaker. Everyone’s dismissed.”


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A bit interesting.

And you seem to have what I do not: Ability to sit there and write out the scenery.


Although there is a few things that are meh.


1. Too much tell.

2. A switch in tenses at the beginning. (from present to past)

3. Trust me on this, using ppls actual usernames on YCM cannot lead to something good. Just speakin' from experience.

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