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  1. So, do the Kuriboh support spells like Flute of Summoning Kuriboh and Multiply work for any Kuriboh monster, or only for the base Kuriboh (and Winged in the case of Flute)?

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    1. Dokutah


      Only the Base unfortunately

    2. The Warden

      The Warden

      Neither card uses the word "monster" after mentioning a name, so Multiply and Flute only apply to the specifically named monsters in their text.

    3. Conflicted


      That's what I thought. Seems like that's kind of a huge oversight.

  2. What are the staple cards these days?

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Conflicted


      Thank you for that extremely helpful contribution.

    3. UltimateIRS
    4. BatMed


      anything 1-2 card(s) combo that leads to WW3

  3. If I were to start posting creations in Advanced Card Designs how badly would I get eaten alive for not knowing the OCG very well yet? I'm trying to be balanced anyway and things seem a lot more active there.

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    2. Conflicted


      I started by posting to casual and I really liked the process of making things but it's kind of disheartening not to have enough people around, especially in multiples, to really talk about how things would play out. (I'm probably too impatient).


      I read through most of the OCG guide so I might just do something quick and see how it goes over and then gradually work up to more complex stuff.

    3. Thar


      I dunno, some sections get more traffic than others. People will usually plug their threads in the status bar if they want it to get more attention, so maybe try that?

    4. Conflicted



      I didn't really want to be the new guy nagging people to look at his stuff though. I'll just toy around until I find something that works.

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