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Vent was back at the base of the clan janitoring. He never once dueled for the clan and only dreamed of the day he would be needed for action. But then he sighed as he continued sweeping.


"I wish I could be a hero for the clan. Then I could be accepted as more than just the rookie. I would join the good side, but then I could never shoe the guys my true potential. Maube when Tyson gets back I can ask permission for help on the Abyss investigation. But then he'd scold me for even asking. But it's worth trying. Sorry, Broom, but I was made for more than this."

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Nero: i'll draw (draws) play MST and destroy your facedown, then i'll summon my red eyes b chick (800) but i'll sacrifice him and summon my Red Eyes Black Dragon (2400) i'll attack your slicer with my dragon


--sry i haven't been on, i have other stuff to do concerning my classes next semester, slightly more important

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