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Silent Omega

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Tidus smiled,"Sure...But if you beat me you gotta beat my old man...", Then Jecht showed up and nodded,"That's right...If you beat my boy you'll have to beat me HAHAHAHA".Auron walked outside and Alex joined him,"So Alex....Are you...A young man by any chance.?"..."Well I was....But I still ive a happy life with my Wife and Twin so and daughter.."

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ooc: big character backround time (for Roscuro). See Roscuro became a digimon before Alex, that is because he was the former Spirirt of Hell. See first in a spirit cycle it turns the would-be spirits of Heaven and Hell into digimon and let them work together. Then it summons the spirits of fire and water. Eventually the Spirits are allowed to retire and when done the old digimon lose teh powers of thier spirit form but new spirits are created to replace them. The former spirits are Astamon (hell), Omnimon of the 7 royal knights (heaven), Lilly's mom Orphanimon, and Rose's dad Cherubimon, eventually they all retired since they were apparently not the ones destined to defeat the devas.


ic: Roscuro glanced at his gun Auroramon which started glowing with the dark energy of the Hell Sword, Roscuro picks it up "That's odd, I'm apparently been given my old role, but Alex sems fine. If the digital world sees it fit to have 2 Hell spirits, then this dark army is stronger than anybody realizes."

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Tidus dragged on the floor next to Jecht's while Alex walked slowly to Fredrik's side."Fredrik...first...let me do a warm-up...." Said Alex as he stepped forward,And Jecht did the same."Alright!You ready Alex?" taunted Jecht."Born ready!..." answered Alex.Then Alex seemed to dissapear and appear next to Jecht then kicked him forcing him to fly backwards unto a wall.

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Jecht got up and snarled,"You got lucky that's all...".He then rushed forward with intense speed and slashed Alex.Alex dodged the attack and countered his blade which made him fall into a pile of debris.Alex's eyes glowed with laughter as he rushed towards Jecht,But this time Jecht kicked Alex making him drag a bit.

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OoC:Who the shadow guy?He'll be someone you don't know...A "Different character"..HEHEHE




The Shadow didn't answer as he grabbed Jecht by the neck."Listen to my demands or this man will be killed" He threatened as he put his gun slowly to Jech't head.Tidus stood still,He was scared to do anything as seeing his Father's life is at the line."I need....all of you to slowly drop your weapons down..."."No way!!" shouted Tidus But Alex glared at Tidus and he knew what he meant.The guys dropped their weapons slowly down.

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OoC:I know...LOL..BTW that man is like pervert..you'll see



The man began to laugh as he looked carfully at the girls."Hmmmm...." he muttered to himself as he looked at Tifa."Hehe I think I picked my choose.." He said as he fired a bullet which transformed into a net that captured Tifa and Rinoa.He then captured the net which is capturing the girls and ran away."HAHA suckers!!!" he shouted as he ran far away from the group.

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OoC:You read my mind about the Squall and Cloud thing....



Squall and Cloud didn't answer as they shouted and asked Lucario,"Do you have a vehicle or anything that can lead us to him faster!??!!".Alex looked at Fredrik,"Squall has a thing for Rinoa and Cloud has a thing for Tifa...Or maybe Aerith...Don't know.."

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