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As a young trainer named Neos(Me) hears about a new area discovered called "Lorlan" he made a 7 month journey there when he heard there has been countless sightings of new pokemon. But as soon as he gets there a shadow casts over the huge wonderland.... Neos was stuck, the shadow was like a force field, then a strange pokemon's face 6x bigger than any pokemon Neos has ever seen was in the sky looking at them.... now lightning and thunder began to rain down upon the dark Lorlan. Neos must find other trainers to help stop the storm and stop the massive evil pokemon, but we will need trainers with skills that will help us get through the storm and see past the darkness. And Lorlan is the size of a Reigon, it even has many towns and gyms... now people are beginning to lose there minds, We need to do this!





Character Name:

Starter Pokemon: (Can be any pokemon other than legendarys)

Character Appearance:

You may also choose to use a spliced pokemon as a starter



My Character:



untitled-55.png (His name is Alakanter)




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