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LOCK! Starting a New RP!


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In this RP, you take control of a young trainer in the land of Zeo. Many adventures await you, as long as encounters with other trainers. To join, fill out the application below...


Trainer Name:

Trainer Appearance: (picture or description)



[spoiler=Story Line]

You star out in Uno Town. You're at Prof. Fren's and are deciding on a starter.


[spoiler=Grass Starters]







[spoiler=Fire Starters]







[spoiler=Water Starters]










1. Boulder City (Gym)

2. Weed Town

3. Treewood City (Gym)

4. Ember City (Fire Gym/Melody's Gym)

5. Unity Town

6. Aqua City (Gym)

7. Shining City (Gym)

8. Vergo Town

9. Psy City (Gym)

10. Fistfire City (Gym)

11. Aerial City (Gym)

12. Port Town

13. Everlast City (Zeo Pokemon League)





After you choose your starter, the proffessor gives you a Poke Dex, 500 Poke Dollars, 5 Poke Balls, and a map. Then, your journey begins.



1. Follow All YCM Official Rules

2. No Godmoddling

3. No Spamming

4. You Can't Encounter/Catch a Legendary Unless I give permission


[spoiler=My Stats]


Trainer Name: Vent

Trainer Appearance: Brown Hair with Navy Jacket, Black Shirt, Gray Pants, and Gloves. Carries a sack for his things.

Starter Chosen: Treeko




If you want to be a Gym Leader, fill out the application below.


Leader Name:

Gym Type:

City Where Gym is Located: (See Spoilers)


All Gym Leader spots that are not open will be controlled by me. (except for my battles)

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Trainer Name:TJ

Trainer Appearance: (picture or description)blonde hair' date='ash's size weres a cap backwords



question I would like to catch a giratina (orgin) in the middle of the story


Okay, ask me if you can catch it when you get to a point in the story where you want to encounter the legendary.

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Trainer Name:TJ

Trainer Appearance: (picture or description)blonde hair' date='ash's size weres a cap backwords



question I would like to catch a giratina (orgin) in the middle of the story


Okay, ask me if you can catch it when you get to a point in the story where you want to encounter the legendary.



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Trainer Name: Aaron

Trainer Appearance: Matted brown hair. Rugged but not handsome. Muscly from many years of martial arts training. Usually wears dark colours like black, brown or grey.

Starter: Chimchar


Could I have an epic battle with Palkia? I don't want to catch it, just a fight. Oh and who are controlling the gym leaders?

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Trainer Name: Aaron

Trainer Appearance: Matted brown hair. Rugged but not handsome. Muscly from many years of martial arts training. Usually wears dark colours like black' date=' brown or grey.

Starter: Chimchar


Could I have an epic battle with Palkia? I don't want to catch it, just a fight. Oh and who are controlling the gym leaders?


See the first post. (I edited it)


Like I told ShadowChidori, if you want to encounter a legendary, tell me when the point in the story comes where you want to encounter it. Then I'll either approve or decline. (depending on how well it flows with the story)

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I'll join,

Trainer Name: Nick Birch

Trainer Appearance: My character changes as time passes:

6b18911.pngNick - Beggining Adventurer

77a6648.pngNick - Typhlosion Warrior

3e4c149.pngNick - Darkrai's Corruption

Starter: Cyndaquil

Ps: Later on I get corrupted by Darkrai but with the help of a Cresselia I manage to overpower and capture it. Still awaiting permission for that

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Everyone can begin now.

I'll join' date='

Trainer Name: Nick Birch

Trainer Appearance: My character changes as time passes:

[img']http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0902/d23/1038/6b18911.png[/img]Nick - Beggining Adventurer

77a6648.pngNick - Typhlosion Warrior

3e4c149.pngNick - Darkrai's Corruption

Starter: Cyndaquil

Ps: Later on I get corrupted by Darkrai but with the help of a Cresselia I manage to overpower and capture it. Still awaiting permission for that

It depends on how the story turns out. Maybe later after you defeat the Elite Four.

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Melody was leaving torn with her Torchic, the feathers of the Torchic blowing in the wind "You ready?" Melody asked "Torchic - Tor!" Torchic said "Then let's go!" Melody ran out of town and was immediately challenged by a trainer. His name was Trystin "I accept!" Melody said happily "1 on 1, I just got my first pokemon." "Me too!" Melody exclaimed "Shall we begin?" Trystin asked her "Sure!" "So, who are you gonna use?" Asked Trystin "Right Here Silly!" Melody teased as Torchic came out from behind her "Aww man! I got a Bulbasaur! Come on out! Sprite!" Trystin's Bulbasaur came out "Torchic! Ember!" The Ember hit Sprite at point-blank range "Hey! Not Fair!" Trystin scolded Melody "Tee-hee!" Melody did a backflip with her Torchic, Flare. "Get Ready!" Trystin yelled "You wish! Multi-Ember!" Flare used Ember 5 times at Sprite. "Dodge It Sprite!" Trystin yelled as Sprite tried to dodge, but wasn't quick enough and all 5 Embers hit Sprite. "Looks like I win!" Melody teased "I guess so, here's the $100 for the battle." Trystin said "Wanna come along with me?" Melody asked "Sure!" Trystin answered.

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It depends on how the story turns out. Maybe later after you defeat the Elite Four.

OoC: Yeah thats what I was thinking' date=' i'll begin now


*Just as Nick was leaving town he spots a Starly in the tall grass*

Nick: Cyndaquil this our chance! Go!

*Cyndaquil bursts out of the pokeball with the flames gently moving on it's back*

Nick: Alright Cyndaquil! Use Tackle on the Starly! Then flip over the starly and use smokescreen!

*Starly tries to dodge but gets hit to the floor and is blinded by smokescreen*

Nick: Argh, not such a good idea... where is it?

*Starly bursts out of the smoke and uses peck on Cyndaquil*

Nick: Cyndaquil, get up and finish this! Jump into the smoke!

*As Cyndaquil jumps into the smoke the flames on his back grow bigger and Starly follows close behind*

Nick: Alright Cyndaquil I know you couldn't do this before but I trust you! Now use ember!

*All of a sudden a small explosion emerges from the smoke, the smoke clears leaving a wounded Starly and exhuasted Cyndaquil in it's presence*

Nick: This is it! Go Pokeball!

*The Pokeball shakes, once, twice, three times, then stops... and finally bleeps*

Nick: ([s']using Ash's capture pose while triumphant music plays in the background[/s]) Alright! I just caught, a Starly!

*Nick releases the Starly from the Pokeball and it hovers onto his shoulder, just then Nick spots four figures in the distance, a girl with a Torchic and a boy with a Bulbasuar*

Nick: Could it be? Is that really Melody?

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Aaron was outside the Pokemon Centre with his first pokemon, Chimchar. They had been looking for an ideal place to train all day and he had found the perfect place.

"Alright Chimchar. The first thing we should find out is what your capable of already. Let's see what moves Dexter says you know."

"Chim-!" his pokemon smiled as he did a backflip.

"Chimchar. The fire monkey pokemon. Known moves; Ember, Scratch, Leer, Mach Punch."

Aaron smiled broadly. "You know Mach Punch already? You are a unique fellow."


"Alright Chimchar, let's see the magic. I want you to use Mach Punch on the rock your sitting on."

The monkey leapt off the rock and screwed up it's face in concentration. It was obviously anxious to prove itself. It's fist glowed faintly as he threw a blow. The rock cracked a slightly and a small dent was left behind. But Chimchar was left yelping in pain.

"Hey... Calm down buddy... That was your first one. And if there is one thing I know better than anyone it's that practice makes perfect. Different tactic. I want you to try and hit me this time ok?"


"Trust me."

Chimchar drew his fist back and threw a punch that Aaron easily dodged. And another with the same result. And another, and another. Eventually the pokemon stopped from fatigue.

"I see the problem Chimchar. I had the same problem when I started martial arts. This time focus on HITTING me, not HURTING me."

The punches began again but Aaron found them far more difficult to dodge. He had been right. Chimchar was too focused on power. Eventually...



"It's alright. I'm used to it. Did that feel better?"

Chimchar nodded.

"Good. Now hit the rock again just like you hit me."

Chimchar drew his fist back once more, this time it glowed with a bright blue light. It connected with a thunderous crack, carving the rock into two pieces.

"Alright! That was absolutely fantastic! I think you deserve a poffin break. Then we'll work on your Ember."

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Hayley whistled as she left her gym. She was bored of nobody coming along to fight her ice team. She let them out of her Pokeballs, as she always did before she would leave the gym with an outside team.


"Be good guys," she told her team as she left. Now with her other team, she let out her Glalie, Froslass and Spheal. Together they walked with her side by side.

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Vent was walking with his Treeko alongside him. Evertything was looking good for Vent's first day. Everything was calm...until lunchtime.


Vent and Treekoo were calmly munching when all of a sudden a Pidgey swooped down and snatched Vent's sandwich.


"Hey, that's mine! Treeko, get him!"


Treeko ran up a nearby tree.


"Use Pound as soon as it flies by!"


Treeko jumped out and tackled Pidgey in midair.


"Go Poke-Ball!"


Pidgey was captured within seconds. Then Vent let out his new friend.


"If you wanted food..." said Vent as he reached into his bag to pull out a second sandwich,"You shoud've just asked." Then Vent's Pokemon returned to their Poke-Balls after lunch and Vent walked on waiting for his next encounter.

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Melody continued walking with Trystin until they reached Boulder Town "Well, wanna race to the gym?" Trystin asked "Try to keep up!" Melody yelled back as she was already half way to the gym "Hey! That's not fair!" "So what?" Melody teased as she backflipped through the doors into the gym "Hey there Gym leader!" Melody smiled as Torchic said "Tor-Torchic!" In a challenging tone towards the gym leader.

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