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Silent Omega

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OoC:Theres My team!!Ancient Garurumon,Alphamon Ouryuken,Khaosmon,Gallantmon!!
Use the song it's like a cool battle.

"Michael....Let's show those guys what we're made off....Lionel and Fredrik try to kill Jenova!"

Michael nodded and standed next Alex

"Now....Ultimate War Blade King Dragon Sword!!"

"Supreme King Bisecting Blade!!"

The 2 striked the air and strikes of wind knocked the 4 Jenova sons
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"Urrgh damn it....they're too powerful...."


Alex then got up and helped Fredrik,Michael,And Lionel up


"No...While I was at the Otherworld "he" told me that we all have Neo-evolutions...."


Alex then got to the front and he started to focus his energy


"AHAHHHHH Neo-Evolution!!!Neo Alphamon!!"


Alex's armor changed red and his weapons.


"Spirit of Hell!!!"



"Woooah...Alright I'll try too"


Michael focused and could feel the enrgy gather up to him as he digivolved


"Neo-Evolution....Neo Khaosmon!!!"


Michael's armor turned black.


"Spirit of Flames!!"


OoC:If you don't mind your spirit is Heaven and Lionel's is Water or Light...

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OoC: Okay!


IC: Fredrik and Lionel charged their energy. "Neo Ancient Garurumon: Spirit of Heaven!" Fredrik´s armor turned white. Lionel charged up, and changed to Crimson Mode. "Neo Gallantmon Crimson Mode: Spirit of Water!" his armor turned light blue, and Fredrik smirked at Alex. "Hehehe! Hey, Alex! I see some naughty children! And whaaaat does naughty children deserve, Alex?"

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OoC: I was thinking something like: A good spanking!


IC: "Let´s go!" Fredrik roared, as he charged up a silver energy beam and Lionel charged up a blue one. Sephiroth and Kadaj were paralysed with fear. "FIRE!!!" Fredrik roared, as the silver beam erupted from his hand. "OKAY, BIG BROTHER!! NEO QUO VADIS!!!" Lionel lunged his spear and the blue energy beam at Sephiroth and Kadaj, as both the attacks hit and disintegrated them.

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OoC:I was thinking of that but it hought it would be silly...



Loz and Yazoo seemed to stay still almost as if they were dead


"Are they dead?Alex?"


"I don't know check it out then Michael"


Michael touched the bodies and they turned to data


"....Oh yeah!! We rock!!"


"Yeah but's it's time for Jenova.."

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"Of course....Jenova is beaten...And we finally have peace over the Digital World."


"Yeah we did a pretty good job!!"


Then a rock hit the window and landed next to Fredrik,It had a note stuck on it....


The note said....



Hello Fredrik and Alex....We are the Darkness Army...If you have beaten Jenova and sephiroth don't think proudly.All That was a Test...You might want to get stronger....Unless you want to live.

Signed The Darkness Army


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