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≈ The Youtube Club ≈

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I suppose you found your way here. This club is dedicated to Youtube. From sophisticated videos to Youtube Poop, everyone has to enjoy youtube once in a while.




1) All YCM Rules Apply.

2) No Spammin'

3) No Flammin'

4) I have the right to accept and decline people.




Break a rule then you get a YOUTUBE BAN TOKEN. When you get 3, your banned from the club. The BAN token looks like this.





2 BAN TOKEN - Bann

3 BAN TOKEN - Banned!


Wanna join? Then fill this up!



Favorite Youtube Fad (Something widely popular that has many videos (EX. lol, internet):

Do You Own An Account (You don't need to type in your username):

Do You Like Youtube:




.:True Destiny:.












~Scorpion yoshi Mikooo~


[spoiler=To Be A Mod!]

You need to be in this club for 1 month and have no Ban Tokens. I'll take in consideration if you can be a mod or not. Mod has a power of a leader, but they cannot accept or decline people.





The Super Special Awesome Abridged Club



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Guest Fake Apology

I'll join, Youtube poops ftw.:P


Username: ~XaRhS~

Favorite Youtube Fad (Something widely popular that has many videos (EX. lol, internet): Zelda CDi Poops.

Do You Own An Account (You don't need to type in your username): Nope, i used to but i deleted it.:/

Do You Like Youtube: Yes i do. I just don't like the fact it's almost filled up with noobs.

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Username: .::Spawn::.

Favorite Youtube Fad (Something widely popular that has many videos (EX. lol, internet): David After Dentist(I love it when the kid screams)

Do You Own An Account (You don't need to type in your username): Yes.

Do You Like Youtube: Some of the people on there are mindless idiots, but other than that, it's really fun.

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