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Digimon: The Anti-Destined [Episode 3 Coming Soon]

The Warden

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This was an idea i came up with last year and dropped, i've now decided to revive it for here. This is intended simply as a parody to the original Digimon Series, so certain themes and actions will co-incide with the actual show itself.



Name: Jack Tamori

Age: 15

Height: 5'7

Weight: 71 Kg

Appearance: bede678.png

Partner: BkAgumon

Digivice Colour: Orange

Crest: ???


Name: Samuel Matsuda

Age: 15

Height: 5'5

Weight: 69 Kg

Appearance: 4ba1413.png

Partner: BkGabumon

Digivice Colour: Blue

Crest: ???


Name: Sara Yotsuba

Age: 14

Height: 5'4

Weight: 55 Kg

Appearance: bee0947.png

Partner: Fanbeemon

Digivice Colour: Red

Crest: ???


Name: Remington Tsubasa

Age: 14

Height: 5'7

Weight: 67 Kg

Appearance: 7d33993.png

Partner: Dracmon

Digivice Colour: Green

Crest: ???


Name: Elizabeth Haruto

Age: 14

Height: 5'3

Weight: 52 Kg

Appearance: 0633743.png

Partner: Keramon

Digivice Colour: Purple

Crest: ???


Name: Robert Modo

Age: 16

Height: 5'11

Weight: 76 Kg

Appearance: 390e253.png

Partner: Commandramon

Digivice Colour: Gray

Crest: ???


Name: Tommy Matsuda

Age: 11

Height: 4'6

Weight: 58 Kg

Appearance: e5b5134.png

Partner: DemiDevimon

Digivice Colour: Yellow

Crest: ???


Name: ???

Age: ???

Height: ???

Weight: ???

Appearance: ???

Partner: ???

Digivice Colour: ???

Crest: ???



[spoiler=Episode 1: I Wanna go Home! NOW!]

“Have you ever wondered if there is a world within another? That is to say a parallel


world living in complete harmony to others. Sounds crazy I know, but, once you’ve lived


the way I have, crazy is normal and normal is, wait, what’s beyond normal again? It


doesn’t matter. Now, intros, I am Tai Chi, Am I joking? Well, yes, I’m joking, my real


name is Jack Tamori. I enjoy normal things like sports and video games, and yet, I enjoy


bringing fear into people’s hearts. So I’m exactly your average 15 year old. I am what


you could call, erm, what were they called now? Oh yeah, a maverick. Btw, I AM NOT


short; I am 5’7 feet tall, so there. Now, I am on this stupid summer camp because my


parents claim ‘it’ll be good for you’. Yeah right, it’s about as good as a hockey stick


where the sun don’t shine, but, at least I’m not alone. I’ve made some new friends whilst


here. Like this lone wolf character Samuel Matsuda, he seems to enjoy a slight bit of


company, but he seems to neglect most people. There’s also his little bro Tommy, he’s a


strange kid. Apparently their mother died about 6 years ago; it seemed to have deeply


affected the kid, as sometimes enters a state of terminal despair. There’s also this really


hot chick I met called Sara Yotsuba, my god, that girls got the tits I’ve been dreaming


about, a nice pair of C’s, oh man…Damn, I just drooled on the page…Oh right, back on


track now. There’s also this really smart kid called Elizabeth Haruto, but we call her


Lizzie for short. Despite her seemingly innocent appearance, we’re pretty sure one of


these days she’ll hack into the pentagon. Now, there’s this other kid whose a real piece of


work, he’s called Remington Tsubasa, but we call him Remi. Now, he may seem all


dignified and upper crust, not to mention stupid, but that guy sure as hell can spot a


bargain when he sees one. He actually managed to budget the camp funds with enough


for a trip to the movies three times round. And the seventh person I’ve meet is called


Robert Modo, but we shortened it to Rob or Bert, but his character, well, he’s an


interesting piece of work I’ll tell you that, as he is totally responsible of everything, yet he


somehow manages to loss all control of any situation. Now, I don’t know if it was chance


or something, but we were put together for a reason, unfortunately, that reason wasn’t


exactly a happy one”.




Jack had finished writing in his diary and looked outside to find it was snowing. “What


the hell is going now?” he grumbled. Outside, everyone was playing the snow, but Lizzie


was just typing away and Rob was losing it, literally. “This is truly fascinating, I have no


idea why, but the world’s climate is currently going out of sync. If this keeps up, life as


we know it will cease to exist” Lizzie surmised. “I don’t know life at al, form my point of


view, this means a snow day” Remi said. Lizzie sighed. “Ignoramus” she muttered,


continuing her work. Jack himself was mowed down by a snowball lobbed at him by


Sara. “That was a cheap shout chesty, I mean Sara” Zack corrected, hitting her back.


“Could save perv boy” Sam said, hitting him with a snowball as well. “I’ll get you for


that and, hey, where’s your little brother at?” “Oh, he’s playing a video game, best not to


bother him” Sam remarked, only to get winded by a snowball. “Leave me out of the fun


will you?” Tommy said, tossing balls like a machine, hitting everyone. Eventually,


everyone, even Lizzie took part into an all out melee, until a truce was called. Everyone


was soaking wet from the snow and freezing, but, this was short lived as the snow began


to stop. “Well, it was fun while it lasted” Sara said. “What’s that” Tommy asked,


pointing up to the sky. Each of them looked up as something was falling from the sky.


This something shattered into 7 pieces, each striking the ground near them and covering



them in snow and dirt. “Ugh, I just got this new outfit” Remi whined. This was ignored as


strange little devices floated up in front of them, each getting grabbed. “What are these


things?” Jack asked, poking his one. “An MP3 player?” Rob asked. “No, some kind of


device” Lizzie deduced. This was short lived as the ground in the centre began to crack as


something was erupting from it, they attempted to run but a large whirlwind issued forth


from the crack and captured them. Now, they all screamed something as they were


sucked in, but it was garbled, so I’ll clearly write what each person said. Jack shouted


“GOD DAMMNIT!” Sam shouted “WHY ME?!” Sara shouted “MY NIPPLES


EXPLODE WITH DELIGHT!” (epic last words). Remi shouted “MY NEW OUTFIT!”










A voice was speaking to Jack, calling his name. “Jack, wake up, sleepy time over, wakey


wakey, eggs and baky”. Jack slowly came too to see a small pink creature in front of him.


He screamed and immediately climbed the nearest tree. From there, he could see he was


in a densely packed forest. “Don’t be afraid Jack, I’m your friend” it said. Jack looked


closely to see it resembled a pink misshapen soccer ball, with two large antennae sticking


out of its head and black stripes on its face. “What are you then, friend?” “I’m Koromon,


nice to meet ya, so, will you please come down from that tree so I can eat you?” “You’re


joking right?” “Yeah”. “Thought so” Jack said and climbed down, picking up his new


friend. “Hey, have you seen anyone else land here, that look like me?” “Yeah, I saw


about six other people land in this area; we better go find them, before something else


does” Koromon warned. “Fabulous” Jack groaned.




They searched fruitlessly for 15 minutes until Jack found Lizzie; she was leaning on a


tree and drooling a little. Some strange little creature was on her head and staring back at


them. “Oh great, some little devil thing at her brain” Jack said, getting closer. When he


was in range Lizzie let loss a scary noise and Jack and Koro jumped back in fright. She


laughed as she grabbed the little critter on her head. “See Tsumemon, I told you I would


get someone sooner or later, you just need to be patient” she said. “You win I guess” it


said. “Erm, Lizzie? What is that?” Jack asked pointing at the creature. “This is


Tsumemon, he’s my new friend here; isn’t he just the cutest?” “Yeah, I guess, but, where


are the others?” ”I don’t quite know myself; I’m not exactly familiar with this particular


forest” Lizzie said, just oozing sarcasm. Screaming was heard as all four of them saw


Rob being chased by something. “HELP! I’M BEING CHASED BY A MISSILE!” he


screamed. He zoomed passed them all and a missile zoomed passed as well. “WTF there”


Jack said, chasing after him.




They had found their friend hiding up in a tree. The missile was circling him. “HELP,


THIS THING WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE!’ he screamed. ‘Hey, who’re you calling a


thing, me name’s Missimon, at your service” it said, and stopped. They got Robert down


and he finally made friends with Missi. They all began to explore when a thunderous roar


shakes the forest. Rob breaks down and runs whilst Lizzie and Jack investigate, of


course, this was stupid as they began to run for their lives as they were then chased by a


giant bug. “Man, out of all the times, we get chased by Kuwagamon” Koromon whined.


“What’s a Kuwagamon?” Jack asked, dodging branches. “It’s an insectoid Digimon, it is


a greater level then us, it is a champion level Digimon”. “And what are you?” “In-


training, which is two levels lower, cause it goes baby, in-training, rookie then


champion” Tsumemon explained. They eventually found cover in a tree, yeah, a tree.


“Wow, if you wanna hide a tree, put it in a forest, if you wanna hide, hide in a tree”


Lizzie remarked. “Hey guys, you can come out, Kuwagamon is gone” a voice called.


“Sara” Jack said as he got out. She was smiling at them and a small bee thing was on her


hat. “You got one too?” Lizzie asked. “Yeah, this is Puroromon, isn’t he cute?” “Yeah


an-” Jack was cut off as Rob came screaming in a stopped. “Oh, here you guys are” he


said. “Yes, here we are” a new voice said. Sam stepped in with a small creature under his


arm; it was an orange ball with a large horn, a white face and black markings. “Pleasant


to me you, I am Tsunomon”. “And I am Tokomon” a little marshmallow like creature


said. They all look at it and then Tommy comes in. “Tokomon, I told you to wait” he


said. “Well, at least we’re all together, except for Remi, where could he be?’” Sam said.


Screaming was heard in an east bound direction, they followed it.




Remi himself was at a loss end as he and his little bat-like partner were cornered by the


bug. “It’s going to eat me-ee-ee” he screamed. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as the cavalry


came in to save him. This went to disaster as they were all cornered on the cliff. “Good


going guys” Sara said. “Not my fault” Remi whined. “Well, we may be in-trainings, but


let’s go kick his ass” Koromon said. All seven of the little guys went forward, attacking


with bubbles. Each of the kids cried as they rushed to their certain doom. “KOROMON!




TOKOMON!” they all shouted. Their devices began to glow brightly as each partner was


trapped in a column of light. “Koromon, digivolve to BkAgumon. Tsunomon digivolve to


BkGabumon. Puroromon digivolve to FanBeemon. Missimon digivolve to


Commandramon. AlphaFlapmon digivolve to Dracmon. Tsumemon digivolve to


Keramon. Tokomon digivolve to DemiDevimon”.




Each of them looked in awe at their new partners. “They got bigger” Jack remarked.


“Time to play, with Pepper Breath” BkAgumon said, firing a green fire ball. “Blue


Blaster!” BkGabumon shouted, firing a blue and purple flame. “Gear Stinger!”


FanBeemon shouted, pointing it’s butt at Kuwagamon and firing both its stingers. “M16


Assassin!” Commandramon called, launching a barrage of bullets. “Eye of Nightmare!”


added Dracmon, firing beams of energy from its palms. “Crazy Giggle!” shouted


Keramon, launching energy bullets from its mouth. “Demi Darts!” finished


Demidevimon, firing for large darts. All the attacks combined into a massive strike that


completely knocked Kuwagamon out. “So now, what are you guys called anyways?”


Tommy asked. “We’re Digimon, short for Digital Monsters” they all shouted, hugging


their new partners. “That’s gay’ Jack said one happy time was over. Now, despite this


win, Kuwagamon had the last laugh as it broke the cliff and they all fell to their doom.


“DAMNIT!” Jack shouted.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to keep trying. There is no way that I'm not going to let my fic fall into obscurity, NO WAY!


[spoiler=Episode 2: Digivolution? What’s That?]

“Just perfect, we beat that jerk and now we’re all plummeting towards our probable


doom” Sam said upside down. “What do you mean doom? I don’t see anything that can


harm us. We’ll just dive into the water” Remi said. ‘Gee Rems, I hate to break it to ya,


but sharp jagged rocks usually pertain to certain doom” Lizzie replied. “Not this time


friends, for a good soldier is ALWAYS prepared” Commandramon told them. He grabs a


small sphere from his belt and chucks it. It immediately inflates into a large inflatable raft


that they all climb aboard. ‘Great, how do we avoid certain doom now?” Remi asked.


“Leave that to us” Demidevimon told them. He and FanBeemon immediately grab onto


the side and pull it away from the cliff until they were on course to the water. They land


with a crash and a dog pile. “Ugh, always. Be. Prepared” Commandramon groaned and


collapsed on top of Rob. “Indeed” Lizzie said, totally unarmed. “At least we’re alive”


Kermon said optimistically. “Alive, and unharmed” DemiDevimon corrected as he


landed on Tommy’s head. “Now, let’s get to shore” Dracmon told them. “Hey look, it


appears Kufagamon got done in by his own girly trick” Remi said, pointing to the cliff.


They all look up to see Kuwagamon falling into the water along with the rest of the cliff


that he was on. They all laugh as he hits the water, and then large waves began to rock


them, launching them all the way to the beach shore and giving them a salty shower.




They safely make it to the beach and they just sit on it, brooding over what is happening.


Commandramon however was worrying over the fact that his combat raft popped..


“Okay, we have all somehow entered a world different to our own, called the Digital


World. It is populated by the Digimon, such as our partners here. For some reason, we


were brought here. For what reason, I am unaware of. But it must have something to do


with this island and this world. Now, our partners, what exactly did you call the process


that made you transform?” Lizzie asked, turning to the Digimon. ‘It’s called


digivolution. It is a process where we obtain energy and we become stronger and more


powerful. We do not understand why we change shape or name, but we remain the same


at heart. The energy we obtained in the battle with Kuwagamon came from you guys, we


do not know how, the exact process of digivolution is really foggy” Keramon


answered. “Now, from what we were told just then, they used our energy to transform,


therefore, they probably could do it again to access what I was told to be the champion


level, which is what Kuwagamon is. But, the problem is how exactly? Well, I am not


sure, now, are there any questions?” Lizzie asked after summing everything up. Tommy


raised his hand anxiously. “Tommy, if this is about the bathroom, I told


you, go in the bushes, as there AREN’T any toilets here” Sam told him. Tommy looked


down remained silent, until he put his head up again. “I was actually going to ask about


that ringing I’m hearing, or am I going mad?” he answered, pointing behind Lizzie to


some strange boxes off about 15 meters away.




They all gasp as there were 7 telephones in front of them. “Is it me, or is this too


convenient?” Rob asked, picking up a phone. “Who gives a sheet? We can call home with


these. Now everyone grab a phone get dialing” Jack ordered. “I’m sorry, but these phone


lines are busy, please call in again in 4,528 years”. “DAMMNIT!”. “We’re sorry, this


phone line does not exist, please hang up and never call again”. ‘FOR THE LOVE OF!”


“We’re sorry, this line is busy, please try and call later”. “Gotta try again”. “This line is


still busy”. “One more time”. "DID YOU HEAR ME?!” “But I-” “IT’S BUSY!” “Sorry


ma’am”. Everyone kept trying to call and got nowhere. They all slump down whilst Rob


keeps trying to ring. Jack grunts uncomfortably as reality set in. “So, did anyone bring


any food, as we haven’t eaten since this morning” Zack asked. “Nope, I brought the


medical stuff” Sara said. “I left my bag behind” Sam said. “I brought candy” Tommy


said. “Would you want to share that with good ol Remington?” Remi asked. “No need to


get creepy Remi, there should be enough for a 2 hour sugar rush” Sara told him. “Hey, I


think Rob has the emergency ration bag” Lizzie told them. They all look at Sir Hopeless


trying to dial any possible number. “HEY ROB!” Sam shouted. “Quiet, I’m on the


phone” he replied. “ROB!” Tommy shouted. “I SAID I’M ON THE PHONE!” Rob


shouted back in a high-pitched voice. Commandramon sighs as he drags Rob back over


to the group. “Where’s the bag Rob?” DemiDevimon asked. “Erm, I think I dropped it


after Kuwagamon separated us”. “No you didn’t, you dropped the bag in the raft and I


picked it up after we got to shore” Commandramon told them, taking the bag off his


shoulder. “What about you Rems? Do you have anything useful?” Dracmon asked. “Let


me see, I believe I have: 2 torches, 5 cans of fire fuel, a compass, but that’s broken, and


several medical supplies. All you would ever need for a weeks worth of camping” he told


them. “Well, it seems we’re screwed besides Rob. So, let’s get Rob to separate this


food, as we’ll do some group bonding to learn more about our partners” Lizzie told them.


They managed to leave Rob and Commandramon with the food to split it into 7 equal


groups as each of them began to learn about their partners.




“So BkAgumon, you digivolved from Koromon right?” Jack asked. ‘Yes I did, we all


digivolved”. “I know, it just seems weird. Before, I could put you on my head, now, you


could devour me in one gulp. This world is odd”. “I don’t seem to think so”. “That’s


because you live here” Jack replied. Sam and BkGabumon were discussing interesting


topics as well. “So BkGabumon, what can you actually do, as I didn’t exactly hear your


attack” Sam asked. “I can do the Blue Blaster. You see, I am a sub-species of the


Gabumon strain. All rookie Gabumon can use Blue Blaster, the form of the attack differs


for each strain, mine is fire based and it is purple and blue”. “I see”. Sara was learning


about the wonderful world of honey. “You can do so much with honey, not to mention


the wax from the hives. FanBeemon honey is 100% natural, and, it differs in flavours


depending on what kind of flower is used. The bravest FanBeemon can make a world


class honey from the pollen obtained from a Rosemon” FanBeemon explained. Sara just


stared at it. “I honestly don’t give a crap, tell me about you” she said. Lizzie and


Keramon got on pretty well. ‘So, you’re telling me that your world is nothing but data?


As is your composition. That doesn’t make sense, you don’t seem mechanical in any


way”. “That’s because I’m not part of the Metal Empire” Keramon answered. “What’s


the Metal Empire?” “They are Digimon who are in anyway mechanical, such as this


rookie level one shaped like a gear called Hagurumon” Keramon explained.


“Fascinating”. Remi and Dracmon were considering fashion tips for Dracmon. “Now,


that pendant that you wear on your chest is pretty, but, I think you need some pep, like


a nice shirt, file down those nails of yours, toenails included” Remi said. Dracmon has


fallen asleep. Tommy and DemiDevimon were trying to see who could hold their breath


the longest. And Rob and Commandramon had finally set up the food after discussing


what army life is like.




Jack was the first to come back and he and BkAgumon began to chow down quickly. Rob


sighed at them stuffing themselves. “You were supposed to wait for everyone” he told


them. “Screw that, we’re hungry” Jack said and continued eating. FanBeemon perks up


and looks to the water. “What is it, are you sensing some breed of aquatic flower?” Sara


asked. “No, it’s trouble” she replied. FanBeemon was right as a large geyser began


tearing the beach apart, including the telephone boxes. “NO! I WAS SO CLOSE! AND


YOU BLEW IT UP! DAMN YOU TO HELL!” Rob shouted. The sand began to churn


away as a large shell rose from it. A large hideous creature extracted itself from it. “Oh


great, first we get attacked by Kuwagamon, no we’re about to get eaten by Shellmon”


BkGabumon complained. “Real imaginative name” Sam said sarcastically. “You guys


stay back, we’ll fend him off” Commandramon told them and began to fire bullets from


his rifle. They had no affect as they bounced of Shellmon’s blubbery hide. He launched


Commandramon into the water with a spray from his head, as he turned his attention back


to the others. “Pepper Breath” BkAgumon shouted, firing a large green fireball and


knocking Shellmon back. “Crazy Giggle” Keramon shouted and failed to launch an


attack. “Demi Dart?” DemiDevimon tried, firing a tiny purple sphere. “Gear Stinger”


FanBeemon called, releasing it’s stinger, only for it to land a few centimeters away.


Shellmon laughs as it swipes them all away, but BkAgumon fires another burning sphere.


“Why can’t they use their attacks?” Tommy asked, grabbing DemiDevimon. “Because


kid; we simply don’t have the energy to fight, we haven’t eaten at all. BkAgumon can


fight because he and jack already pigged out” DemiDevimon told them. “Then it’s up to


us Agumon. I’ll distract Shellmon, and you attack it” Jack told him. Jack searches


through the wreckage of the phone boxes and finds a sturdy iron bar. “This’ll do”. He


begins to swing wildly at Shellmon, only to get caught in a tentacle. “LET ME GO YOU




YOU’LL FEEL IT TIL JUNE!” Jack shouted. Bk runs up and tries to attack, only to get


squashed by a massive hand. It then turns to the others and blasts them ala Hydro Pump.


“Come on Agumon, we’re the only ones that can fight, if we loss now, we’re toast!” Jack


shouts, his digivice beginning to glow, as did Agumon beneath Shellmon’s hand.


“BkAgumon, digivolve toooooooooo BkGreymon” he shouted. Shellmon was tossed


aside and Jack released as a large purple and black dinosaur challenges Shellmon.


Shellmon immediately sprays BkGreymon, which had little effect. “Stop it, that tickles”


he growled and grabbed Shellmon, picking him up and raising it above his own head.


BkGreymon tosses Shellmon into the sky and he takes aim. “Nove Fire!” he shouts,


launching a large purple fire ball at Shellmon, rocketing it off toward the far end of the


horizon. Everyone cheers as BkGreymon roars and reverts back to his rookie form. Jack


hugs him happily. “You totally owned that crustacean Agumon”. “Jack, do you have


anything else to eat?” BkAgumon asked. Jack smiles. “You should’ve been called a






After preparing their belongings, the group decides on their next course of action. “Well,


We clearly can’t stay here. Shellmon wasn’t destroyed, so it’ll be a matter of time before


it returns to this beach again. I say we skedaddle before it comes back” Lizzie tells them.


“I agree with Lizzie, we don’t want to have to face that thing again, and I DON’T want


this outfit to be ruined again by that cretin” Remi said, Dracmon nodded. “Yeah, what he


said”. “Well then, let’s get the hell out of here” Sara said and started walking, everyone


else followed her as well.


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