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the angry housewife

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actualy genious


but he is wrong' date=' you only get to put counters on one card.[hr']

But doesnt Mana Sieze say that only 1 of them can be activated per turn?


And as for my combo' date=' It uses 4, maybe 5 cards.

So its considered crap >_____>


Plus, You can only do it once per turn :/



you can only discard once per turn, you may remove all counters as many times as you want, if you have some way to increase the number after.

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for the whole tempest otk shot, you need 16 counters, and she gives you one when she comes out, so only 15 more after that.

the best choice for spell counter accumluation is exemplar of course, since it gives you 2 per spell.

lets see here.


begin game, go first, 6 cards, 0 counters.


exemplar, (5,0)

terraforming into endymion (4,e4)

foolish and revive 2nd exemplar (3,ex2,en1ex0)

toontable X 3 into toon world (2,ex10,ex8,en5)

exemplar summon night's end from hand (1,ex10,ex6,en5)

use exemplar and night to make tempest (1,ex10,t1,en5{11? need to check when counters are transfered.})

remove all 16 for win.


sure, it's a 5 card otk, but that is if you want it done all in one turn with full lp, and in advanced.

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i think that just means you can distribute them how you like amongst your monsters.

otherwise it would be way too overpowered.


Maybe' date=' but they should clear it up just to be sure.



it is cleared up, that is how they word all effects that can target 1 OR more cards on the field at the same time.

Yes' date=' she wins games, but Dark Dive Bomber does her job better, and is universal.



how exactly? he does 200 X level of a tributed a monster to him.


spell counters are so much easier to create when you run an exemplar system, even in village, and there I don't get your spells helping me.


how exactly does dive bomer otk?

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i think that just means you can distribute them how you like amongst your monsters.

otherwise it would be way too overpowered.


Maybe' date=' but they should clear it up just to be sure.



it is cleared up, that is how they word all effects that can target 1 OR more cards on the field at the same time.

Yes' date=' she wins games, but Dark Dive Bomber does her job better, and is universal.



how exactly?


By being universal.



spell counters are so much easier to create when you run an exemplar system' date=' even in village, and there I don't get your spells helping me.



Creating Spell Counters is a strategy limited to... Spell Counter decks.

Having monsters on the field wouldn't even be described as a strategy, because it's so damn obvious that it is something that most decks would want.



how exactly does dive bomer otk?


It doesn't.

It variation of Demise OTK.

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The Demise-Bomber OTK works like this.


Use ARA to summon Demise, dumping Mechanicalchaser.

Use demise's effect.

Summon black salvo, reviving a Mechanicalchaser.

Synchro into Dark Dive Bomber.

Attack with Dark Dive Bomber and Demise, then tribute both.

Congratulations, you just executed the first 3-card version of Demise OTK.

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