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New List, Old News... Lets move on.

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If you've Lived under a rock for the last week or so, this is what you've missed, BUT its not what were going to talk about. The OCG list is out. Go Find it, and read it. Come back when your done. Ill wait a few seconds... go on,... will ya read it already... GAWD! ..... Okay done? ..... What do you mean Google is acting up? Lawd... Better?.... Okay... we're finished with that.


Anyway, here we are going to dig deep, and I mean 6 feet under deep about what the impact of this list will do to the TCG. Ill go ahead and List the Obvious so we dont have to spend the next 2 pages talking about it.


-The list Hurt...



D Heros




Grave based OTK's


-... and untouched...



Glad to see thats out the way, lets also add a little bit of the whining so thats out the way


-They should have banned...

Dark Armed

Judgment Dragon



________________ (Insert other irrelevant Cards here)

-This list made ________ Slow (fill in the Blank with the following)





Glad Beast

- ______________ (insert irrelevant whining here)


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Ill start off the discussion that this list made more, Summon based OTK's Stronger, and Beefed up the best chance for Anti meta decks. With the release of Ultimate offering, Honest OTK has a chance of being perfected with little to no effort. (if you don't know what that is. Imagine a Face up Athena + summoning Honest, and Ultimate Offering. it gets ugly... fast) But like all Trap based OTK's, they are prone to easy destruction.


Anti Meta gets a fresh start with the elimination of TeleDAD, and LS inability to fast destruction early game. With Rota down to 1, i dont expect to see too many search decks sprout out of the wood works (besides plants, but Ill get to that next.) I can see Gadgets soaring high with the most competition being Monarchs and Glad Beast.


Plants are stronger with Ultimate Offering. Giga Synchro is possible with the Faster Growth of Gigaplant. The best Searcher in the game being Lonfire and A huge array of answers like Tytannial and Queen of thorns. Swarm is much more capable and Garden has always been proven worthy.


With the meta being relatively slow, I can see Dark Dive Bomber (Dark Strike Fighter) will be the next Rave deck out. The theme is simple, Attack with heavy hitters, and Swing for game. The best way of course is old school Monarchs (or Cornarchs), That being Dekouichi and the new Black Bomber (Black Salvo). This deck can Also pack a punch with the Punching powers of Psychic Commander and Blackwing - Gale of the Hurricane. The theme, Pummel your opponent into submission, and Launch for game.


I don't see Traditional TeleDAD sticking around, but I won't say DAD is going any where. Hopeless is still alive, and POC is at 3. The power of Field Nuking is still available, and I await to see some ingenuity in this department.



... Your Turn.

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Twilight got a increase of power with Chaos Sorcerer unbanned


Monarchs will possibly make a return, with Raiza back at 2. Thank God


I dont really think Glads were affected as much. Bestari can be easily be searched anyways


Zombies got affected the worst. No doubt

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Garden Control will start to top due to the fact that at this moment, Plants and Lightsworn didn't get hit besides CosR.


Yeah, lightsworn can mill, but plants have Lonefire, which searches amazingly well.


And especially if you slow down your oppoent with Gardens, you've got advantage.



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