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Chaos Sunset


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Right now I run a batteryman OTK, I saw that Chaos Sorcerer was getting limited from banned, so in other words this deck is Post-March, and it's part Battery OTK.


Main Deck


Monsters: 21


1x Chaos Sorcerer

1x Snipe Hunter

2x Phantom of Choas

1x Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness

1x Sky Scourge Norleras

1x Sky Scourge Enrise

2x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Shining Angel

1x Marshmallon

3x Honest

1x Batteryman Micro Cell

3x Batteryman AA

1x Batteryman Charger


Spells: 16

1x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

1x Giant Trunade

2x Foolish Burial

1x Monster Reborn

1x Lightning Vortex

2x Short Circuit

1x Brain Control

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Card Destruction

1x Battery Charger

1x Card of Safe Return


Traps: 3

1x Soul Rope

2x Limit Reverse


Side Deck

3x Sky Scourge Invicil

3x D.D Crow

1x Heavy Storm

3x Imperial Iron Wall

1x Phantom of Chaos


Can't think of anything else. Suggestions welcome!

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Chaos Sorcerer > Guardian of Order. Removal from Graveyard to SS is better than having 2 LIGHT monsters on the field. Also, Sorcerer gets an effect while its on the field while Guardian doesn't.


-1 Guardian of Order

+1 Chaos Sorcerer


You should make this deck for March 09 since its only going to be 2 weeks from today.

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IRS misses shining!?

I made the batt man OTK without anything special but. but. but. I felt like melting them into each other.





It's actually quite consistent if I dont manage to pull of my second win condish, (OTK) I'll norleres them back almost as magor back-up.

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Heh heh heh. NOW who's doing the bumping? Meh' date=' never mind, I don't care.


The Deck is too slow, and I wouldn't use Norleras seeing as though it nukes field and hand, and only gives you 1 card, leaving it down to a lucksack. And it probably wouldn't work your way.


I may have a LACK of LUCK! But, eh, whatcha gonna do I'll use it a few times, see if it works if not I'll ditch and continue without chaos

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