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Kingdom Hearts Roleplay! "War of The Keyblade Masters"


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Name: Terra Nosse

Age: 15

Apperance: 089.jpg

Group (The Dawn, Keyblade Warriors): Keyblade Warriors

Keyblade(Doesn't have to be a sword if in The Dawn): How many are we allowed to have? [spoiler=6, 2 for each form including normal]sword-1.jpgkey12.jpgKEYBLADE__ENFORCER_by_victortky.jpgKeyblade__Pathfinder_by_PhoenixTroo.jpgKeyblade_-_Tenebrex.jpgMother.jpg


Home World (Doesn't have to be Disney, Can be Made up or From a Final Fantasy Game): Shinra

Other: Tenebrex, and Phoenix Feather (Gold+Black One) are my normal Keyblades, Infection Mode Keyblades are Mother and the Futuristic (Delta is it

's name) one, and my Holy Mode is Redemption and the one below it (It's name is Bishop)

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Terra had been walking through Radiant Garden, hoping he would find somebody or something to fight. At this moment he would settle for a simple Neo-Shadow or a Shade. "Gaaah!" He yelled and then sighed. Suddenly 10 Dragoons appeared infront of him "Yes!" Terra went into Infection Mode and smacked, not sliced, but smacked all of the enemies. Suddenly they were all under is control "Now, fight amongst yourselves!" Terra watched them kill each other 1 by 1.

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