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Sasuke Samurai contest - Finished!


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Everyone know that there's 4 different Sasuke Samurai, right? Well, in this contest your job is to come up with a fifth Sasuke Samurai, as well as 5 Spell/Trap cards that involve the 5 Sasuke Samurai.



1. The monster card has to have a name "Sasuke Samurai #5", and be a Level 5 Effect Warrior.

2. There has to be at least 1 Spell and 1 Trap support card among the Spell/Trap support group.

3. One of the support cards has to work when all 5 of the Sasuke Samurai on on the field together.

4. No Fusions or Rituals.

5. Sasuke Samurai #5 has to look similar to his previous predecessors, meaning his head has to look like all the other Sasuke Samurai heads. Please, no Bomberman heads.


1st place: 25 points and 3 rep

2nd place: 15 pts and 2 rep

3rd place: 5 points and 1 rep


Contest will end October 7th if there aren't at least three entries in by then.


Auto-Winner: alexsoxfan01

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Contest is over. Only 1 person applied. That means alexsoxfan01 automatically wins 1st by default. Since he's the only person that submitted an entry, I'll give him a bonus 5 points. Congrats alex, but remember this contest had little competition others contests will most likely have lots of them.

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