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Monsters: 19


3x Destiny Hero - Plasma

2x Caius the Shadow Monarch

2x Raiza the Storm Monarch

3x Cyber Valley

3x D.D. Survivor

2x D.D. Scout Plane

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Marshmallon


Spells: 13


3x Dimensional Fissure

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Fires of Doomsday

2x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Brain Control


Traps: 8


1x Torrential Tribute

2x Macro Cosmos

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

3x Solemn Judgment


Rate / Fix.


As far as fixes go, give reasoning for them or they will not be considered.

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But why then?


Macro Cosmos is slower. Although you give up the ability to remove any Spells or Traps from play, Dimensional Fissure can be taken advantage of right away. A worthy trade-off in my opinion. The 2 Macro Cosmos in here increase my chances of drawing into an important part of the Deck strategy. 3 copies are uneeded because then I would have to get rid of another valuable resource like Spirit Reaper or Marshmallon.

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