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My Alien Deck

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Plz tell me if it is a good deck or not;I'm making decks based on counters , I'm making a Cloudian deck, so if you have any idea just tell me.



23 Monster Cards

1 Evil Dragon Ananta

2 Alien Mother

1 Cosmic Horror Gangi'el

1 Alien Warrior

3 Alien Grey

2 Alien Psychic

2 Alien Mars

3 Interplanetary Invader "A"

2 Alien Hypno

1 Alien Telepath

1 Alien Skull

1 Alien Hunter

1 Flying Saucer Muusik'i

1 Alien Infiltrator

1 Ameba


10 Spell Cards

2 Otherworld - The "A" Zone

2 "A" Cell Breeding Devise

1 Corruption Cell "A"

1 "A" Cell Incubator

1 Shrink

1 Brain Control

1 Scapegoat

1 Heavy Storm


15 Trap Cards

2 Interdimensional Warp

1 Cell Explotion Virus

1 Brainwashing Beam

1 Mass Hypnosis

1 Orbital Bombardment

1 Detonator Circle "A"

1 Crop Circles

1 Magic Cylinder

1 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Draining Shield

1 Negate Attack

1 Ceasefire

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Light of Intervention

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counted 48 cards and stopped caring.


quote pyramid attack go!


Viva la pyramids!


Darkerai takes "I" out of orphaned_godzilla's quote and the pyramid crumbles...anyway.


First I'm going to give a suggestion...before you Nosferatu Reaper lay 2 paths. One is to make a counter fairy deck. The other is to wait till they finally release Crimson Crisis at the end of the month. The first option I'm a little rusty with so I'll just leave the yugioh wikia link: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Counter_Fairy_Deck (haha just skimmed there page on it and in the spell section it says "Spells are not the forte of Counter Fairies"...forte) anyway as far as aliens go the less usefull ones you have, in my opinion are...wait there's an Ameba?! um OK. I'll just go snatch the Alien wiki link as well...oh they don't really have a good page on aliens...in that case just answer this question do you know what card advantage is?

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