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[DISC] Speed of the New Meta

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LS was always slower then Teledad to start with, and being faster doesn't = better, it just so happened that Teledad was fast and consistent. LS players will sometimes experience the horror of the three-honest mill and a hand of Wulfs. Or milling important spells and traps. Meanwhile strong and consistent anti-meta decks will beat it. LS was pretty resistant to anti-meta decks in the past, but this was only because most of the tech in those decks were focused on the teledad matchup.


I forsee the speed being slower and LS also slowing a bit down.

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... I meant that' date=' though lightlords.dek is very fast, it's also rather inconsistent, AKA exactly what I already typed. <_<



No, you said that Lightsworn would trade speed for consistency.




Give up speed in order to increase consistency.


That's why I asked whether it was a typo, or you believed that a slower model would be developed.

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Will it' date=' Jedi?


I Think the meta's best decks will be the following in order:


1. Lightsworn/Twilight

2. Tele-DAD (if it somehow happens to exist)

3. Gladiator Beasts



yes it will, it actually does really well over here.


and just to say, my advanced build can top 8 in traditional, where chaos and yata lock get wins really fast.


the point of village is to slow you down, so I can repeatedly bash in your head.


all meta level decks rely on their spells to a fault, and I rob them of being allowed to use them.

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Isn't there gonna be new Monarch support in Ancient Prophecy? I heard a rumour. And with Raiza down to 2, they'll become a whole lot better.


But, yes, the meta will be slower. Against a good Tele-DAD, I lose in about 7-10 turns. Against LS, 15-20 turns IF I lose. And Glads, about 20-25 turns. So now it will be slower.

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