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New Format, New Zombie

Tickle Me Emo

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Everyone should know I have a love for Zombie decks. I know the new banlist just cut the nuts off of Zombies, but I had to try to do something for them.


Monsters: [22]

1| Dark Armed Dragon

2| Caius the Shadow Monarch

2| Ryu Kokki

1| Chaos Sorcerer

2| Zombie Master

2| Bone Crusher

2| Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

2| Pyramid Turtle

2| Goblin Zombie

2| Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1| Breaker the Magical Warrior

1| Sangan

1| Morphing Jar

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Mezuki

1| Plaguespreader Zombie


Spells: [12]

3| Book of Life

2| Allure of Darkness

2| Burial from a Different Dimension

2| Foolish Burial

1| Card of Safe Return

1| Heavy Storm

1| Monster Reborn


Traps: [6]

3| Solemn Judgment

1| Crush Card Virus

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck: [15]

1| Sanwitch

1| Gyzarus

1| Heraklinos

3| Thought Ruler Archfiend

2| SDD

2| Revived King Ha Des

1| Red Dragon Archfiend

1| Black Rose Dragon

1| Deathkaiser Dragon

1| Goyo Guardian

1| Magical Android

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I wanna try a Card Trooper in here, what to neg?


lack of light monsters for Chaos' date=' but then again, its only 1 chaos.



What other Lights can I put in? Im thinking maybe 2 Lylas and then 2 Recharges. Any idea what to neg for em or any other Lights I can put in?


Needs more hand destruction.


What to neg?


Meh. This...Zombies just aren't the same with only 1 Mezuki...


Thats why Im makin this decklist, to show Zombies still have some fight left in them.

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