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Dungeons & Dragons Session


Is D&D worth playing?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Is D&D worth playing?

    • Yes! Never gets old!
    • Sure. What else is there to do?
    • Not really. Gets boring after a while.
    • No. D&D is for losers!
    • What's D&D???

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3rd attempt...:/


[align=center][Anyone who wishes to donate a sign, please do.]


Dungeons and Dragons Session

Version 3.5 - DM: BludMonkey


Fans of D&D? Come join! Have a cookie! Drink some tea! Chop someone's head off for all I care! Here at the D&D Session is where all who wish to be a character in any of the D&D RP's and events that will take place here.


For those who don't know what D&D is, D&D is a fantasy role playing game where you make your character using a highly detailed character sheet. But since I'm lazy and don't want to go through all that, all you will have to do is fill out this form:



Character Name:









Weapon: [if pic, spoiler]

Special Item:

Spells (if wizard class):



Disabilities (if any):


The game is run by what's called a DM (Dungeon Master) which is me. I will be the one narrating the story, controlling the monsters, telling you what you see in dungeons and what is in them. I will also be playing other characters included in the story and will guide you on your journey.


For every RP in this session, there will be a map that will be posted on the first post. That map will tell you where you are.


Also, I will be accepting members who are willing to be an assistant DM, someone who will be running the sessions while I'm not on or away. Anyone willing to do that I will really appreciate it. :)


Rules are: No spamming, no flaming, no god-modding, and no fighting with the DM. Any who offensively break these rules will be kicked out of this club. I do not what my temper to blow like what happened in the "Elite Raters"!


Other than that, welcome! :D[/align]

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  • 6 months later...

Know the rules, mostly. :/ Also, D&D is awesome, and 3.5 is the only one I really know how to play, so why not? xD


[spoiler=Username: Davok, sheet generated by Javascript D&D 3.5 Character Generator (PM me for link)]

Izen Shadesoul the Elf


Male Elf Rogue 1

Chaotic Good

Representing Davok


Strength 15 (+2)

Dexterity 17 (+3)

Constitution 12 (+1)

Intelligence 17 (+3)

Wisdom 13 (+1)

Charisma 13 (+1)


Size: Medium

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 135 lb

Skin: Pale

Eyes: Black

Hair: Dark Brown; Straight; Beardless


Total Hit Points: 7


Speed: 30 feet


Armor Class: 13 = 10 +3 [dexterity]


Touch AC: 13

Flat-footed: 10


Initiative modifier: +3 = +3 [dexterity]

Fortitude save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [constitution]

Reflex save: +5 = 2 [base] +3 [dexterity]

Will save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [wisdom]

Attack (handheld): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]

Attack (unarmed): +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]

Attack (missile): +3 = 0 [base] +3 [dexterity]

Grapple check: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [strength]


Light load:

Medium load:

Heavy load:

Lift over head:

Lift off ground:

Push or drag:

66 lb. or less

67-133 lb.

134-200 lb.

200 lb.

400 lb.

1000 lb.


Languages: Common Draconic Elven Gnome Goblin


Rapier [1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 2 lb., one-handed, piercing]




Mounted Combat






Action Points: 6 (lifetime)

Skill Name















Appraise Int 3 =



Balance Dex* 3 =



Bluff Cha 2 =


+1 [dishonest]

Climb Str* 2 =



Concentration Con 1 =



Craft_1 Int 3 =



Craft_2 Int 3 =



Craft_3 Int 3 =



Diplomacy Cha 1 =


+2 -2 [dishonest]

Disguise Cha 5 =



Escape Artist Dex* 3 =



Forgery Int 3 =



Gather Information Cha 5 =



Heal Wis 1 =



Hide Dex* 3 =



Intimidate Cha 1 =



Jump Str* 4 =



Knowledge (nobility) Int 4 =



Listen Wis 3 =


+2 [elf]

Move Silently Dex* 3 =



Open Lock Dex 5 =



Perform_1 Cha 5 =



Perform_2 Cha 1 =



Perform_3 Cha 1 =



Perform_4 Cha 1 =



Perform_5 Cha 4 =



Ride Dex 4.5 =



Search Int 5 =


+2 [elf]

Sense Motive Wis 1 =



Sleight of Hand Dex* 6 =



Spellcraft Int 3.5 =



Spot Wis 3 =


+2 [elf]

Survival Wis 2.5 =



Swim Str** 4 =



Tumble Dex* 6 =



Use Rope Dex 5 =



Autohypnosis Wis 3 =




* = check penalty for wearing armor




* +2 dexterity / -2 constitution (already included)


* Immune to magical sleep


* +2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments


* Low-light vision


* Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow


* +2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks


* Notice secret doors




* Sneak Attack +1d6


* Trapfinding


* Evasion (level 2)


* Trap Sense (level 3)


* Uncanny Dodge (level 4)


* Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8)


* Special Abilities (choices begin at 10th level)


Class HP rolled

Level 1: Rogue 6



Izen Shadesoul's Equipment:


2 lb

2 lb

5 lb


1 lb

4 lb


1 lb

1 lb


16 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)




Case (for map or scroll)

Grappling hook

Signet ring


Thieves' tools




More about Izen Shadesoul:


Born in an isolated and religious community of green-eyed elves known as the Shara-Kih, Izen was the son of the Reverend Cleric and Chief of the Shara-Kih, Biden Goalsong. Izen was usually isolated by his elven brethren because of his "accursed" black eyes. When a tribe of Northern Orcs raided the village, they killed the Reverend Cleric who managed to fight them off, but the townspeople blamed Izen for the incident, re-naming him "Shadesoul" and exiling them from the village. Soon Izen began terrorizing the roadsides for all orcs, goblins and other monsters, and gained the respect and admiration in his title of "The Elf". Currently going traveling.



Would you mind if I posted the picture later?


EDIT: Some places might be blank, if so, sorry. The copy/paste transition isn't really the best.

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  • 1 month later...



I wanna play. I have all the 3rd and 4th ed. books on PDF so I can share them with those who don't have em.

Username: Amaterasu

Character Name: Kortrik

Race: Drow Elf

Class: Theif

Gender: F

Age: Over 9000

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 124 lb.

Appearance: I'll post later


Weapon: Erm. Long Sword[if pic, spoiler]

Special Item: Like a magickal Item?

Spells (if wizard class): NA

Personality: Chaotic Neutral

Bio: Umm. He's a Drow Elf who became a thief.

Disabilities (if any): He's kind of like an evil race. -2 Con +2 Dex for elven racial.

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