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A couple jeager's cards

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Late Penalty


If there are no other monsters on the field during the opponent's Standby Phase, your opponent cannot attack in the Battle Phase this turn.

Distrain Card:


Activate only when there are 2 or more Set Spell or Trap Cards in your opponent's Spell & Trap Card Zone. Select 1 of them. It cannot be activated this turn. Inflict 800 damage to your opponent if they activate another face-down card.

Jester Confit:


This card can be Special Summoned from your hand to your side of the field in face-up Attack Position. If you Summon this card this way, you can return this card and 1 monster your opponent controls to the owner's hand during the End Phase of your opponent's next turn. Only 1 "Jester Confit" can be face-up on the field.

Jester Lord:


If this is the only monster on the field, this card gains 1000 ATK for every Spell and Trap Card on the field.


I post this here considering the inminent coming of some of this cards in Ancient prophecy set.


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Jester Confit is ridiculously broken to the fifth power.


We reading the same card?


Are you reading the free Tribute/CCV Target monster that can also bounce a monster if it lasts long enough?

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Being a good target for an already banworthy card isn't his fault, and there are plenty of cards that have some sort of easy summon from the hand condition and effects that are more likely to activate than having to keep a monster with no ATK or DEF or any defensive effect on the field for two turns so you can bounce one monster.

combo it with late penalty and yeah it is broken...not exactly because of that but...It is a valid combo

and jester lord is OTK able


Now he suddenly doesn't count as a monster on the field? A better combo would be Threatening Roar.

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Late Penalty compares unfavourably to various other stall cards.


Distrain Card is Nobleman of Extermination made a thousand times worse.


Jester Confit isn't too bad, but may not be worth running, since he pretty much relies on having something like Threatening available in order to be used as anything other than another generic piece of fodder.


Jester Lord is designed purely to inflict massive damage. However, in a rare intelligent move, Konami has made him largely incapable of OTKing... which is not to say that he can't still come close.


Jester Confit is ridiculously broken to the fifth power.


We reading the same card?


Are you reading the free Tribute/CCV Target monster that can also bounce a monster if it lasts long enough?


The "free" Tribute Fodder - "free" in quotes because, as you know, you do need to pay a card from your hand - means nothing, because we already have countless other cards that provide Tribute Fodder with a similar cost. Spell Striker, Fiend's Sanctuary, Vice Dragon, Instant Fusion, and that Level Warrior card or whatever it's called all come to mind.


As for the bounce effect: slow, weak, requires defense, etcetera.


And as for CCV: lolycm.

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