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[DISC] Obelisk the Tormentor (Effect Monster VJMP-JP037) [DISC]

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meh, i was bored. maybe this topic was already created, but who gives?





[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set except by Tributing 3 monsters. This card's Normal Summon cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned, the effects of Spell, Trap, and Effect Monsters cannot be activated. This card cannot be targeted by the effects of Spells, Traps, or Effect Monsters. If this card is Special Summoned, it is sent to the Graveyard during the End Phase. You can Tribute 2 monsters to destroy all monsters your opponent controls. This card cannot declare an attack during the turn you activate this effect.



Would this be helpfull in Zombies?

Would this be helpfull in any Deck?

Would this be helpfull in the garbage can?


Disscuss the usefullness and the small (if any) impact it will cause.

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its merely the shadow of what it used to be... (I know it didn't have an official effect).. I hate the fact that you are giving 3 monsters for a Normal Summon, then it costs 2 more to destroy your opponent's field and he can't even attack!? ....darklord zerato destroys your opponents monsters by 1 discard and only uses 1 trubute for summoning, and can attack!


and the pic was way better in the first card.



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well, at least he can't be targeted, can't be trap holed,can't be solemn judgement-ed and can be special summoned by other means (although for one turn only)... but, ins't it kinda slow?

oh also... do you think they also plan on releasing slifer and ra? ...

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Based on the precedent of the Devil Gods' date=' I do not believe that this is compatible with Mausoleum of the Emperor, which is a major problem.



not compatible with any Type or Attribute support in existense, not compatible with trade-in, not searchable for other cards besides D.D. capsule & gold sarcophagus, not compatible with any theme either.. having all those restrictions.. and the ones that are already part of the nerfed effect, one could hope that being one of the almighty 3 gods of the game, it would be stronger than most cards..but there are lots that surpass him now

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Based on the precedent of the Devil Gods' date=' I do not believe that this is compatible with Mausoleum of the Emperor, which is a major problem.



not compatible with any Type or Attribute support in existense, not compatible with trade-in, not searchable for other cards besides D.D. capsule & gold sarcophagus, not compatible with any theme either.. having all those restrictions.. and the ones that are already part of the nerfed effect, one could hope that being one of the almighty 3 gods of the game, it would be stronger than most cards..but there are lots that surpass him now


Now that you said that there's gunna be a lv 10 trade in and a DIVINE attribute allure...anyway the only reason this was made was so they could profit on little kids and collectors...

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What's with all these cards with that dude's signature on the pic? Did he/she win a contest or something?


As far as I know' date=' it is Obviously Kazuki Takahashi's Signature



Yes, It is Kazuki himself who hand-made those images.

And honestly, They look ALOT better then the origionals

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