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Lava Golem

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Since I just recently made a Yubel deck, the first thing that came to mind is this.


1. Have Yubel out with a face-down Battle Mania.

2. Bring out Lava Golem over there.

3. End.

4. Activate Battle Mania during their Standby Phases, forcing Lava Golem to hit them for 3000 + 1000 from it's effect.

5. Do it again next turn.


And, if you do that twice(or if they have already used a Solemn Judgment) your opponent is gone. Not how I run my Yubel deck though.


Back when I first started, I use to think this was a horrible card because I gave my opponent a strong monster. lol, I feel like an idiot looking back on that now.



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