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My E hero deck


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Self explanitory.




x3 E hero sparkman

x3 E hero clayman

x3 E hero avian

x3 E hero burstinatrix

x2 E hero bubbleman

x2 E hero wildheart

x2 E hero bladedge

x1 E hero Captain gold

x1 E hero stratos

x1 E hero ocean

x2 wroughtweiler

x2 command knight

x2 hero kid

x1 dark catapulter

x3 king of the swamp




x2 polymerization

x2 future fusion

x1 fusion recovery

x2 fusion sage

x1 H heated heart

x1 E emergency call

x2 R righteous justice

x1 O oversoul

x1 reinforcement of the army

x1 skyscraper

x1 skyscraper 2

x1 the A forces

x1 fifth hope

x1 pot of greed

x1 fake hero

x1 mystical space typhoon

x1 fusion weapon




x2 hero signal

x2 a hero emerges

x1 elemental hero recharge

x1 hero barrier

x1 feather wind




x2 E hero thunder giant

x1 E hero rampart blaster

x1 E hero flame wingman

x1 E hero Shining flare wingman

x1 E hero pheonix enforcer

x1 E hero Shining pheonix enforcer

x1 E hero tempest

x1 E hero wildedge

x1 E hero wild wingman

x2 E hero mariner


Hope you like it:D

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Well, if you wasn't so far with an E-Hero Deck as you are now, I would say STOP IMMEDIATELY WITH RUNNING THOSE FREAKING IDIOTS but now you're so far with it, I won't dissapoint you XD




But I would scrap the Pot of Greed and the second Future Fusion, then this Deck will no longer be Traditional.


Try to add Hero Counterattack, the best card in the Elemental Hero history.



Or, again, scrap the idea >_>

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I'm not a very experienced player, but I used to have an E-Hero deck (before I gave all of my E-Heroes to my friend). I found that I got the best results from focusing on very few fusions, and having the ability to get those fusions quickly and safely. Personally, I focused upon Wildedge and Shining Flare Wingman. I ran 3 each of Wildheart, Bladedge, Sparkman, Stratos, and King of the Swamp. Of course, I used plenty of fusion cards (Polymerization, Future Fusion, Miracle Fusion, etc.) and a few staples. Using Stratos and E-Emergency Call, I'd often be able to get those fusion monsters out on my first of second turn. I don't know if that would work for you, or if it's even a very professional strategy, but it was one of my favorite decks to play with.

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