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The Ruler of the DW Tournament

Silent Omega

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Ok,this Rp is a Digimon RP.If you don't like Digimon then get out!Anyway in this Rp you will have to choose a Digimon to fight with,No trainers just Digimons.



The Digital World has made a Tournament to decide the true Ruler of the DW.As some of you now the Digital World's most srongest Digimons will be there.The host of the Tournament(Me) will decide 8 warriors to fight.After the Winner has been descovered the DW will ive in peace,or not.




1.Don't spam

2.Don't curse

3.Don't do anything bad!

4.The most important rule,Follow all rules!!






Reason for joining the Tournament:








Reason for joining the Tournament:He's the host!!




In case some of you are wondering...DW stands for Digital World.

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