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ZEN FAIRIES for the new era


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alright, ive seen tethys, ive seen christia, but i havent really been inspireeeedd


asmodious, my new secret gay lover.



with him, and hoping that dark volty will fit right in, ive designed this mess i call:

zen fairies



2 christia

3 asmodeus

3 darklord zerato

1 chaos dick

1 dad

3 tethys

2 athena

3 honest

1 hecatrice

2 gellenduo

1 plaguespreader

2 counselor lily

1 sangan



3 valhalla

3 tradein

2 allure

3 celestial

1 reborn

1 heavy

1 trunade

1 mst



deck 40


extra deck:

generic extra deck, plus 1 goyo, plus dark volty, whenever we get him. aimed more at a range of synchros, as this deck can produce any level relatively simply.



basic deck is basic. focuses around drawing extremely with tethys and a deck of 21 fairies, its easily possible to get 2-3 draws a turn. tuning with plagues and counselor is easy, given the level focuses. it shouldnt hypothetically be hard to manipulate my grave to 3 darks and/or 4 fairies, given the revival power of athena and christia and dads removal power, and even if i cant, christia is tradein food (or i could just chuck her out cuz shes a 28 beater who returns to the top of my deck on command, thank you valhalla), and let allure eat dad. this deck would probably fall apart in the late game, when my graveyard becomes a complete mess, but then i have a full array of readily summonable beaters to handle my opponent with. keep in mind, i can celestial counselor any time.




(also, twilight, which was once a cool name for dark-light things, is now gay due to the book. i recommend calling such things zen decks, as it sounds cooler)






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would only work on celestial targets. too situational. or if i happened to special honest somehow.

granted, if i did spec 3 honests the field at once, and pulled em all to my hand, thatd likely be a win scenario.

but its too situational. irs, would be a dead draw any other time. id rather sangan an extra honest or a hecatrice :P

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I dunno, with Tethys, and how much you're hoping to use it to draw, you'd pretty much be showing your opponent your hand. =/

It seems like it might work though. Can't really offer much more insight than that.

If anything throw in another crush target or two and add in Crush.

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