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Book of slang


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most info from my head or Urban dictionary


Spam - Noun - short pointless annoying messages. usually do not have meaning to the current topic


flaming - Verb - To spam while verbally attacking another member


tl;dr - sentence fracture - Too long;Didn't read. meaning the post was way to long and the user didn't have enough time to read it


lol - verb - to laugh out loud at something; usually meaning it was funny


lolwut? - pronoun - To laugh at something strange that is usually random and meaningless


YCMaker - Noun - The administrator or the site


mod - noun - someone who controls a certain part of the forum and is able to lock and delete things in that certain part


super - noun - a mod who can use mod powers anywhere in the site. has a higher rank than mods


Double post - noun - to post twice without someone posting in between. usually makes a merged post that has a line in between


Bump - verb - to post saying "bump", or along those lines, when someone hasn't posted in the thread for 12+ hours to bring it to the top of the page.


Mudkip - noun - a Pokemon that is very popular in internet forums

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Guest Fake Apology

Thx for the things that I already know.




You forgot Pikachu and Yoshi' date=' they're more popular than Mudkipz.




They both suck.





dEMONIa, you forgot trolling.



Mudkip - noun - a Pokemon that is very popular in internet forums



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