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Baburn New Age

Chaos Pudding

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Monsters: 22


Level 5 and above: 7

3x Manticore of Darkness

2x Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest

2x Raiza, the Storm Monarch


Level 4 and below: 15

3x Giant Rat

3x Nimble Momonga

2x Legendary Jujitsu Master

2x Injection Fairy Lilly

2x Rescue Cat

2x X-Saber Airbellum

1x Sea Koala


Spells: 10

3x Wave-Motion Cannon

2x Foolish Burial

1x Card of Safe Return

1x Monster Reborn

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade


Traps: 8

3x Secret Barrel

2x Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane

2x Divine Wrath

1x Ojama Trio


Side Deck:

3x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

3x Compulsory Evacuation Device

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Nimble Musasabi

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane


Extra Deck:

Standard, with 2x Natural Beast

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