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Gladiator Beast deck (March 1st, 2009)

EHERO Andrew

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With Bestiari down to 1, Prisma is now obsolete in this deck... So here is my build on GB for the new format



3 GB Heraklinos

3 GB Gyzarus


Monsters: 15

3 GB Laquari

1 GB Bestiari

2 GB Retiari

2 GB Darius

1 GB Murmillo

1 GB Hoplomus

1 GB Equeste

3 Test Tiger

1 NS Grand Mole


Spells: 13

2 Gladiator Proving Ground

2 Double Summon

2 Shrink

2 Burden of the Mighty

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm


1 Smashing Ground

1 Monster Reborn


Traps: 11

3 GB War Chariot

2 Mind Crush

3 Waboku

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

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1. Throw in Samnites and Rescue cat; Samnite is a Level 3 Beast-type, and is absolutely broken!


2. GB Hunter is really not more of a threat than Royal Oppression or Legendary Jujitsu Master. Since Reinforcement of the Army is limited to one, GBH is difficult to pull out. Jujitsu Master may not be as permanent as GBH, but people usually Test Tiger in MP1, before it's flipped, and LJM at least gives you a free card and a spin. Since people aren't going to main it, GBH won't be any problem. Plus, Laquari runs it over and Compulsory Evacuation Device also makes it near useless.[/u]

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Meh. Take out a Samnite and add a Prisma. Also' date=' nobody will use Glads after [u']everyone sides GB Hunter.[/u]


*Samnite is ran over Prisma and spare spots now.

*That's why people side lightning vortex soon/sometimes.

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Prisma is still worth playing in one copy, since he and tiger becomes gyzarus. this is how my GB deck looks like, and it have been quite successful in locals and qualifiers.



monsters (20):

Gladiator Beast Bestiari x1

Gladiator Beast Laquari x3

Gladiator Beast Darius x1

Gladiator Beast Equeste x1

Gladiator Beast Murmillo x1

Gladiator Beast Hoplomus x1

Gladiator Beast samnite x3

Test Tiger x3

Rescue Cat x2

Elemental Hero Prisma x1

Rose, Warrior of Revenge x2

Gorz, Emissary of darkness x1


Spells (9):

Heavy Storm x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Brain Control x1

Monster reborn x1

Book of Moon x3

Reinforcements of the Army x1

Gladiator's Proving Ground x1


Traps (11):

Solemn Judgement x3

Waboku x2

Gladiator Beast war Chariot x2

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Bottomless trap hole x2



Extra deck:

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus x2

Gladiator Beast Heraklinos x2

Stardust Dragon x2

Red dragon Archfiend x1

Colossal Fighter x1

Thought Ruler Archfiend x2

Avenging Knight Parshath x1

Dark Strike Fighter x1

Black Rose Dragon x1

Goyo Guardian x1

Magical android x1



D.D. Crow x2

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2

Gladiator Beast Retiari x1

Legendary Jujitsu Master x2

Kinetic Soldier x2

Dust Tornado x2

Neo-Spacian grand Mole x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Thunder King Rai-Oh

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