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(Edited) World Lock Deck

Father Wolf

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Monsters 22

World x3

DHero Mal x3

DHero Dimond Dude x3

DHero Fear x1

EHero Stratos x1

Armageddon Knight x2

Strick Ninja x3

D.D Scout x3

Hectrice x2

Dark Grapher x1


Spells 19

D-Draw x3

Heavy Storm x1

Allure of Darkness x3

Vahalla x2

Light Barrier x2

Terraphorming x1

Monster Reborn x1

Monster Rein x2

Trade-In x2

RotA x3



E-Tele x3

Kribons x3

MST x1

Giant Tru x1

Solemn x3

DHero Dasher x3

Crush Card (thats right its side)

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