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Dark World Synchro is next Meta?


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Basically, I was told if done right, My Dark World deck here could make top 8 at locals. help me make sure that happens.




1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

3 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World

3 Silva, Warlord of Dark World

1 Cyber Dragon

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1 Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World

3 Broww, Huntsman of Dark World

1 Sangan

2 Psychic Commander

2 Krebons

1 Morphing Jar



1 Monster Reborn

1 Soul Taker

2 Dark World Lightening

1 Giant Trunade

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Card Destruction

1 Card of Safe Return

3 Dark World Dealings

1 Brain Control

1 Emergency Teleport



2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Mirror Wall


Extra Deck(13):

3 Stardust Dragon

2 Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

1 Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

1 Black Rose Dragon

2 Iron Chain Dragon

1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1 Magical Android

1 Sanwitch


Side Deck(15):

1 Kinetic Soldier

1 Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer

2 Lightening Vortex

2 Dust Tornado

2 Divine Wrath

2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror

3 Threatening Roar

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Royal Decree

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Guest PikaPerson01
Help Me modify this deck to be up to speed with current meta threats while keeping it cheap.


Asking for quite a bit of blood from this stone. <_< Short of actually running TeleDAD, you'd probably never run this deck with the same speed TeleDAD has, so your best bet would be to main some stuff that would slow down most decks.


First off, Soul Taker over Smashing Ground and/or Fissure?


MST's only use is pre-negation, since just about everything is chainable this format, so that may go, if you feel like it.


Dark World Lightning is also a bit iffy, for same as above reasons. <_<


I'm in this weird phase where I'm trying to trick everyone into running The Transmigration Prophecy, so run that too.


Same crap that was anti-meta a year ago is still anti-meta. Book of Moon, Enemy Controller, Shrink, etc etc. <_<

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been wanting to build this for a long while now but haven't gotten the chance. In other words, I don't know how well it works.





3x gold

2x silva

2x puppet master

3x doom shaman

2x dark repairer

2x dark resonator

2x sinister sprocket

1x PSZ

1x beigge

1x morphing jar



3x DWD

2x allure

1x cosr

1x card destruction

2x hand destruction

2x foolish

1x reborn

1x brain

1x storm

1x trunade

1x DWL

1x LV (maybe)



3x roar

1x TT



3x Dark Dive Bomber

1x goyo

3x SDD

3x thought ruler

1x Red Dragon

2x Black Rose

1x Gyzaris

1x Magical Android

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I have been wanting to build this for a long while now but haven't gotten the chance. In other words' date=' I don't know how well it works.





3x gold

2x silva

2x puppet master

3x doom shaman

2x dark repairer

2x dark resonator

2x sinister sprocket

1x PSZ

1x beigge

1x morphing jar



3x DWD

2x allure

1x cosr

1x card destruction

2x hand destruction >> Doesn't Work with Dark Worlds (That's what I was told)

2x foolish

1x reborn

1x brain

1x storm

1x trunade

1x DWL

1x LV (maybe)



3x roar

1x TT


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I have been wanting to build this for a long while now but haven't gotten the chance. In other words' date=' I don't know how well it works.





3x gold

2x silva

2x puppet master

3x doom shaman

2x dark repairer

2x dark resonator

2x sinister sprocket

1x PSZ

1x beigge

1x morphing jar



3x DWD

2x allure

1x cosr

1x card destruction

2x hand destruction >> Doesn't Work with Dark Worlds (That's what I was told)

2x foolish

1x reborn

1x brain

1x storm

1x trunade

1x DWL

1x LV (maybe)



3x roar

1x TT



No it doesn't, but it does get the cards you need in the grave and speeds up the deck... As I have told you before, don't preach to your superiors.

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Your not a superior.


I am better than you... So yes I am your superior when it comes to this game.

Probably because I don't waste money on cardboard. And on this forum' date=' I'm more superior.



Skill level is not determined buy how much money you have.


And on this forum' date=' I'm more superior.[/quote']


I actually did laugh at that.

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Your the wannabe. You think that your so great. When you copy and paste decks off other sites.


I have never and will never do such a thing. That defeats the whole purpose of posting' date=' no, of even playing the game.[hr']

Eh' date=' Guy person... Thankls for the decklist there, I'll see what i can do with it.


Also, both of You GTFO My topic if you're going to argue.



As I said, I haven't got to test the deck yet so I have no Idea how it will do...


Also' date=' both of You GTFO My topic if you're going to argue.[/quote']


If you insist.

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'Better quit then.


If you insist that I net deck' date=' please provide some evidence or STFU.


@shadow: Sorry but I had to. This rook has been getting under my skin since day one.



Your the one who bags/ get's angry at me. Although I still hate you..


Your obviously a double account, to Sbdnate or something.

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'Better quit then.


If you insist that I net deck' date=' please provide some evidence or STFU.


@shadow: Sorry but I had to. This rook has been getting under my skin since day one.



Your the one who bags/ get's angry at me. Although I still hate you..


Your obviously a double account, to Sbdnate or something.


Yes, because I feel like being banned for having a double account. Are you retarded or something?

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Haha' date=' Nice try. You obviously are, he was Banned then a new member with the same tcg skills and anger/temper came in.



Whatever, believe what you want.


Sorry again shadow, we will take this to PM.



BTW I went and checked some of his post and can say I am nothing like him.

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