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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-Seekers Of Mysterys STARTED, STILL ACCEPTING!


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Shuppet was floating around his Sector.This Isn't good..The boss Will KILL me...man.....Just that moment the Moniter Struck On.

???: Heh, Well look Shuppet.

Shuppet: Uh, hey....Boss....Uhh...

???: Why the Long Face, Your Always either Laughing or Smiling

Shuppet: Hehe.....

???: I will give you 1 Week to get at least 1 more member to join Sector 51

Shuppet: Yes Sir!

???: This Time I mean it....

Just after that the Moniter went Blank. Shuppet then just floated there clueless on what to do.

Shuppet: I guess theres only 1 thing...Undercover.


OoC:Italics is Shuppet's thoughts.

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totodile finds a massive hole with bunnery crushed "wat just happened", he thinks to him self and looks down the road and sees a evee "it must have came from down there" totodile picks up bunnery and heads to the evee "hey wats ure problem"

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OoC:I sense something....lol

Mudkip was wandering aroud when he suddenly heard a voice. He started to follow it only to find some pokemon.


Hrrrm,a harmed Buneary. If I can attack those guys and Grab the Buneary then Maybe, Just maybe the Boss won't "Get rid of My Soul" as he states to do.

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swimming as fast as lightning "oh look theres a shinx" bunery spits on totodile "hey wat was that for?" bunery grabs totdile by the neck "wat the heck is going on?" totodile tackles bunnery "i save your life and this is how u repay me" bunery looks confused "ure a weirdo" totodile gets mad "thats it forget u ill let taht shuppet get u, why do i care" bunery gets scared "someones trying to get me?" totdile grabs bunery "yes thats y ive been helping u" bunery looks back and see's the shuppet "plz plz plz totodile help me, ill do anything" totodile looking evil "ANYTHING?"

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