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What's your opinion on todays genres?

Ғαlşє 0ρρяєşşịợи

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Erm...I don't know. Metal and Rock are kinda' hard. Rap/Hip Hop is usually the part where old people say TURN OFF THAT RACKET. Reggae, I somewhat like because the beats are somewhat uneven. Jazz, erm...ok. Pop, I'm not too sure. R&B, i'm not sure either. The only music I like are upbeat music that isn't Metal, Rock, Hip Hop, or Rap.

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In today's generation a majority of music is getting corrupt. I'm not talking about how it sounds like or anything, I'm talking about their lyrics.

There were always those type of songs with corrupt lyrics, but in this day and age the lyrics of many songs just crosses the line. It appears to be worse than it was in the 80s with the old rock.

Metal isn't so good, its a lot of death talk in between their lines. To be honest, it's the worst genre of all.

Hip Hop just sucks arse regardless if the lyrics are good or not, but to be on fair judgment, hiphop is maintained on the sex-talk or break-ups.

Rap, well, rap is just a whole other story. It has always spoke of gangs, sex, and drugs. It hasn't changed a bit. However, there is some Christian rap which gives it a positive energy in the genre, per say. (Note: Majority of Christian rap does not go all out speaking hard-core about Jesus, it's basically a story of their life/being saved). Furthermore, there are positive rap songs that aren't made by christian rappers. With that said, it flips the negative impressions on rap.

Reggae not so much dislike going on their. Some music are O.K., and then there's those songs under Reggae category that is just a turn-off. It's decent.

Rock seems to be a cleaner genre overall. Before it was all about sex and drugs in the 80s, but now-a-days, the lyrics don't appear as corrupt as it was before.

Let us not forget the infamous genre, Country. People think it's all about the west, but really, is it? Most of the lyrics speaks about getting drunk and having sex, bringing it below rap (lyric wise).



So, from least corruption to greatest corruption in the lyrics by genre would be:








To conclude, it depends on the lyric writer to determine if such a song is corrupt. All genres could be good, unfortunately it isn't.

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I previosuly hated all rap and RnB, but thanks to people like lil wane and akon there reaching alot more people. I think the pop rock/pop punk scene is thriving right now. Pop blah I miss the 90's pop take over. Rock now adays is very odd to me. Back when I was in school I was considerd gothic cause I liked story of the year, it alot more mainstream today.


Over all Im allright with it, I just really miss nsync and bbmak type of stuff.

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