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[DISC] Terraforming with Legs.

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Terraforming doesn't require you to give up a Field Spell you already control. And how many decks are going to run multiple, different Field Spells anyhow?


Geartown is just about the only option. I dunno, maybe Clock Tower Prison into Dark City, and while we're at it, maybe Aitsu into Kuriboh.


Also, there's not much point in using this in Demise, since you could just use Dark Dive Bomber instead of this, which also wins the game but doesn't require you to have Geartown out already.

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only use is in geartown' date=' and i dont see anyone adding this to Town very soon


Wait a minute... am i missing something? The last thing that happens is you search for a field card' date=' and as memory serves, Gear town is clearly a "can" effect. Since when is the timing not missed?


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