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X-Men - War of the Suvivors (Accepting Entrants)


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The Mutants have been, Forced into hiding. The humans are trying to rid the world and are tired of having the Mutants in the world. After a grueling 2 week battle the X-men have gone underground to a secret base under NY City. Magneto and his group learn that the USA is working on a full scale project that will eliminate the Mutants. Magneto has decided that they will destroy the USA government, before they have the oppertunity to do the same to the mutants. Mean while the X-men are trying to end the war between the Mutants and the Humans peacefully unfortunitly Magneto and the others don't feel the same way thus beginning a war between the 3 sides, Magneto’s and the evil Mutants, The X-men and the Humans which side will you choose and who will be the last survivors.






YCM Screen Name:

Mutant Character/Human, Government:

Pick a Side: (X-Men/Magneto/Humans)

Power: (Humans have Technology and Army)




1) Darklotus397/Jean Grey/X-Men/Telepathy, Telekinesis, Phoenix Force


2) X-31 Fighter/Wolverine/X-men/Regeneration, Immunity to virtually all toxins, Enhanced senses, adamantium skeleton and retractable adamantium 'claws.'


3)DemonX/Colossus/X-men/Ability to transform his body into "organic steel" granting him superhuman strength, stamina, and durability


4)Liger Zero/Gambit/X-men/Charges objects with kinetic energy, causing them to explode; enhanced agility, hypnotic charm. Signature weapons are playing cards.




If you are acitive for more then a week you will recieve a + Rep

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YCM Screen Name:Visser

Mutant Character: Zak ( Morph )

Pick a Side: X-Men

[spoiler=Power: ]Allows him to acquire the DNA of other animal's & then turn in to that animal, the animal will go limp until a few second's after he let's go of the animal, once the DNA is acquired then he can become an exact replica of that animal whenever he want's.

When he is in a morph he is capable of communicating to people through the mind.


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OOC: I guess ill throw in a 2nd guy, since everybody wants to be a good guy.


YCM Screen Name: Visser

Mutant Character: Zek ( D.N.Animo )

Pick a Side: Magneto

[spoiler=Power: (Same poser as Zak) ]

Allows him to acquire the DNA of other animal's & then turn in to that animal, the animal will go limp until a few second's after he let's go of the animal, once the DNA is acquired then he can become an exact replica of that animal whenever he want's.

When he is in a morph he is capable of communicating to people through the mind.


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OOC: ......We he said tomorrow, & that was 3-4 days ago.

If nobody mind's i think ill start us off.

~In the training room~


Zak: *Duck's down to avoid a blast from a laser*

*Step's to the side & then does a back flip over a robot & land's behind it as it gets blaster by a laser that was aiming for Zak*

Level 2, and i don't even have to use my power's

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